Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 137: Condensed

The shadow of the dragon slowly flew out from the endless void.

With the faint and clear Longwei, flying toward Jinwu, which is almost stereotyped in the void.

Two giant beasts, such a collision, fusion.

There is no sound, no movement.

And when everything is still, a sound and shadow that makes Yaki unusually familiar appears there.

However, just as Ye Qi wanted to watch it further, everything was changed again, and he returned to the hall of truth. He was sitting in a chair, and he never returned to God.

\"It seems that you are rewarding!\"

Amon looked at his contractor and smiled.

\"A shoe out of imagination I think there is time, fate is really wonderful!\"

Ye Qi gently tapped the armrest of the chair and couldn't help but sigh softly.


Amon a glimpse.

\"No, no, it’s fate!\"

Ye Qi stressed.

\"All are unacceptable gadgets!\"

After Amon smashed, he still insisted on his own opinion.

Obviously, because of the calculations of the time and again, for the fate and fate related things, the characters, he did not have any good feelings, and even disgusted.

\"I need some time!\"

Ye Qi said like this.

\"Reassured, within two years, our time is more than enough!\"

Amon shrugged and ignored the eyes that Ye Qi stopped, so he sat in the position beside him.

\"I don't think you should be sitting here!\"

Ye Qi said.

\"Relax, it’s no one's time!\"

Amon didn't care where he was, lazy look. It was like there was no backbone. It was so shrunk in the chair; and Ye Qi only slightly wrinkled his brow. He ignored his contract companion and turned around. Walking towards my room, some things I saw before, and feelings, for Ye Qi, all need to be digested.

Especially the appearance of the figure.

It is even more so that Ye Qi understands that everything seems to be as simple as he saw.

Whether it is before or after.

Under ‘destiny’. Still...


The big man woke up, as if he hadn't had a good rest for a long time. He squinted his eyes, gave birth to a lazy waist, and his body screamed.

Then the big man looked around subconsciously.

He is lying under a big tree at the moment, surrounded by thick grass, lying on it is a bit soft, but more of a sense of fragrance.

The old man has long since disappeared.

The big man, even in the entire sea forest, could not find any breath left by the old man.

Then he suddenly found his own difference. If you say strength, the big man will never think of who he is. But if you don’t want to admit it, the big man will never think that he is strong. Of course, the general Japanese level is still better than his, but extraordinary, immortal, but it is a lot different.

This is a fact.

The fact that can't be changed!

But now, it is not the same. The scope of perception now may be different from immortality, but compared with the extraordinary, it is far beyond.

When the big man stood up from the meadow, he found that his harvest was much more than that.

He is more powerful!

The body is also more solid!

Even more than ten times more than the past!

\"This, what is going on here?\"

The big man scratched his head and began to turn his brain, which habitually listened to others' opinions, and began to look for why he had such a change.

After a while, the big man found a difference.

That old man!

However, it is obvious that even if it is related to the old man, the situation is different now, and the old man has disappeared long ago.

I can't find it at all!

\"what on earth is it?\"

The big man scratched his head again, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't understand the reason. After he had racked his brains, there was no slight gain. The big man finally chose to give up. Obviously, for the bad. Thinking of yourself, the big man is not forced.

What's more, big men have more important things to do.

\"I need to find the leaves!\"

The big man thinks like this, and he is acting like this.

With the perception of the big man at the moment, if you want to leave the Hailin District, you don't need to spend much time. After carefully discerning the direction, the big man will go outside the Hailin District and walk quickly.

Just as the big man was preparing to leave the Hailin District, the team led by John and the profiteers had left the biggest chase and began to enter the snow-covered duchy.

\"Fortunately, we are one step faster!\"

The profiteers said nothing, and did not hide their inner happiness.

\"I don't think we should continue this kind of continuation. They can't stand it!"

Old John’s words are a little unbearable.

In fact, from the beginning to the present, more than 20% of the people who have left the team have gone; [,! ] The remaining evacuees are also squatting between the team and the team.

It is very likely that a relaxation will completely lose hope.

Therefore, all the escapers are holding on to their teeth until they are exhausted.

\"If you stop, they will never be able to stand up again, you are more clear than me!\"

The profiteer’s tone also has a hint of helplessness.

After all, if he can, he doesn't want more people, he is dead in such a useless process, at least, it shouldn't be such a way of death.

As for the survival after the fall?

This possibility is not without, but it is minimal, almost non-existent.

The followers of the wizards and nobles, who do not understand what is called the hand.

\"So, we should choose a place where we can settle. Then we can find the legend of the Snowy Night. The Snowy Night Grand Duke should be one of the seven heroes. If it is, I think this is the biggest for us. help!\"

Old John said.

\"You also said, it is a legend! Although many records have similar legends, but we can not put hope in the so-called legends, but if you look for a foothold. I think it is good!\ "

The profiteer proposed.

For the friend's proposal, John did not object at all. After handing over the entire team to the profiteers, he was alone and looking for a place where he could camp.

After a while, when the old John returned, the refugees who had long been eagerly awaited, cheered.

For those who can rest, the refugees are naturally happy.

And when I hear it, for a while, no longer need to continue going, such a happy. It becomes excited.

The place that Old John chose was the depth of a jungle in the Principality of the Snowy Night. The frosty area after the millennium was here. However, compared with the millennium, the area here is very rare. At this moment, there are still some people here.

Of course, these ‘human smoke’ are definitely not good to provoke.

Similarly, old John and profiteers are even more difficult to provoke.

When several bandits who were preparing to rob the fire, the bandits were killed under the sword of the old John, these are hiding in the jungle, and the bandits have retreated.

As a robber who can be arrested under the eyes of the snowy night, there have been no robbers arrested, bandits.

Apart from the fact that it has considerable strength, it is more of this kind of ‘time to be a stalwart’. Of course, if you insist on seeing the wind as a rudder, it is not impossible.

\"The place here is where we are temporarily staying!"

The old John, who commanded the escapers to clean up the battlefield, stood on a chopped stump and announced loudly.

Such an announcement naturally attracted a cheer from everyone, and they were all happy that they could have such a 'temporary landing point'.

However, some things are still inevitable.

After just stabilizing, apart from the two leaders of the old John and the profiteer, the prestigious people who were originally among the evacuees once again got the corresponding positions, and then began to manage the ‘self.’

It is not from one piece.

Coupled with the shortage of materials, an embroidered process inevitably broke out.

When such a thing was placed in front of the old John, he had to investigate the task of the Snowy Night, a few days earlier, and he wanted to arrange everything before he acted.

\"You have been expecting such a thing?\"

Old John looked at his friend who was smiling.

\"One point, after all, the right is the original sin!\"

The profiteer shrugged as if he were a philosopher.

\"When you say this, you should converge the smile of the gloating, which will be more convincing!"

Old John didn't look at his good friend, and couldn't help but make a blank eye.

\"I think my present expression is the best convincing leaf boy, I will definitely appreciate this kind of gloating!"

The profiteer shrugged his shoulders and walked slowly.

\"The kid, is it okay now?\"

When I mentioned Ye Qi, the old John couldn’t help but have a different kind of suspense. He had both a mentoring and a feeling of affection; although until now, Old John could not confirm whether Ye Qi was his own son. .

The bottom of my heart has both expectations.

But I was afraid of the disappointment after learning the truth.

The sense of entanglement made Old John become awkward in an instant.

\"Everything is under time, it will be clear at a glance!\"

Looking at the old John's appearance, the profiteer couldn't help but admire, the former had no choice but to sigh. After nodding, the two men walked side by side into the snow night fortress.

Ps inexplicable, when making a manuscript, decadent suddenly want to eat noodles! ! ! If you add a meatball, a marinated egg, and a piece of meat, then you really have nothing to say...

Thinking about it, the decadent saliva will flow down...

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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