Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 20 Chapter 138: enter

Black is the main color here.

Without the slightest light, the rock that squats down, forming the odd-shaped stone steps, it is like the teeth of a monster, it is difficult to settle.

A little carelessness will fall into a deeper abyss.

\"I don't think you walk slowly like this, there will be gods and horses!"

Amon reminds himself of the contractor.

\"I know what kind of way, for me, is the best!\"

Ye Qi is a refutation of a smile.

In the face of such rebuttals, Amon is helpless shrug - he is very clear, how his own contractor has a temper, once decided, it is absolutely impossible to oppose.

And obviously, this time, his contractor has made a decision.

\"I think we can find the spider girl directly, and then kill it, it is the most correct choice!\"

Although knowing that it is useless, Amon still tells his own advice.

\"Directly, Huanglong’s words are based on our corresponding information. Now, how much do you know about ‘gloomy’? Don’t use the information hundreds of years ago to fool me!\”

Ye Qi said.

\"how is this possible!\"

Amon raised his voice, he said loudly -

\"The dark area is the general name of the underground world. It has a vast distribution of land and strata. It has roughly three layers. The upper layer is relatively friendly to the surface organisms. In the middle layer, the surface organisms are regarded as slaves, while in the lower layers, the surface organisms are regarded as slaves. Twisted creatures, they simply can't adapt to any real light - of course, the history of the underground world is much longer than the surface world!\"

\"If it is not a few plane wars, it is in a rather unfavorable situation. It will definitely surprise any creature in the surface world. Of course, because of the extreme attitude of survival and destruction, they are always in a kind of In the midst of extreme civil strife, every race, even the same race, is full of infighting!\"

Amon talks about it.

However, Ye Qi felt a guilty conscience from the words. He smiled and asked: "So. I ask my omniscient Amon, what is the ethnic distribution in the dark area? The nearest city is in our city. Where? The faith here removes the spider, who else? I think you should answer it in more detail!\"

\"After the spider? There are dark girls, and...\"

In the face of Ye Qi’s questioning, Amon immediately said that he could not tell.

In fact, after countless years of war, not only has the surface world changed, but the underground world has changed as well – just like the spider, it was only secondary to the level of ordinary power, but now it is Strong power, almost ruled over half of the dark areas.

And the dark girl is a sorrowful, compassionate god. She guards all the good drows - this is incredible for most people.

After all, there is such a **** in such an evil place.

If not, the light of the good camp on the glory of God. Any existence will think this is a conspiracy.

Just like the spider has always liked.

\"Those who are dead, you don't have to remember!\"

Amon, who has been arrogant, and finally, with such words as the end of this topic - at the same time, he no longer opposes Ye Qi's choice.

\"You don't think you should prepare more luminous crystals? At least, we need some materials to indicate that we are businessmen!\"

Amon began to change the topic.

In the underground world, there is no such thing as true light. Therefore, glow rocks, luminous crystals and phosphorescent mosses, lichens, and fungi are substitutes for light, bringing a glimmer of light to underground creatures; of course, Because of the gloomy and abnormal negative energy, weird plants are very common here. Visitors can hardly identify which are hostile and which are toxic if they don't use magic or make potentially fatal tests.

More importantly, because there is no rain in the dark areas, fresh water is the most precious resource—residents must rely on any filter that comes down from the surface; water discoverers store water and use life to protect water.

Because of the scarcity of reliable resources, every city in the underground creates a few specialties in peacetime to trade with neighboring cities—a typical caravan consists of dozens of reloaded merchants and soldiers, and two or three on the road. They were sent to the front or rear to patrol.

They walked a path called the 'tunnel' of the underground world.

This kind of road, similar to the stalactite cave, is more precisely a tunnel that was evaded by the Free Ages. However, compared with the smooth and neatly carved out of the Free Age, it is indeed rough and rough. Fortunately, those The big lizard of the item only needs the sole of the foot instead of the wheel.

Just like at this moment, Ye Qi and Amon are walking in the vicinity of a ‘tunnel’.

From the surface world, to the entrance to the underground world, although not many, but in the era of the wizard is also a lot - at least, the wizards will be stationed at these entrances, beware of underground creatures inadvertently invaded.

Similarly, before the fall of each year, the wizards will organize a team of people, go underground, collect some necessary herbs, and conduct trials.

This is no different from what the wizards did after the millennium.

It can be seen that some excellent traditions will continue to be passed down.

\"I brought .[,!] something more reliable, as a transaction!\"

Ye Qi took out a leather water bag and swayed up and down. Suddenly, the sound of the cymbal echoed. The tunnel was usually very quiet, so the echo was very far, especially like Ye Qi did not know 'convergence'. It attracts those who have already lurked in the side.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

A dense array of arrows appeared in the 'tunnel', targeting Ye Qi and Amon.

However, there is no real sense of reaching the front of Ye Qi and Amon, all of these arrows have landed - not Ye Qi shot, but Amon shot.

There is no ray and heat that belongs to the ‘the sun’.

On the contrary, it is slightly like...the wizard!

Undoubtedly, in this underground world, there is no real sense before the situation is clear. Amon will not be free to shoot.

\"Witcher, is a wizard!\"

\"Kill them!\"


The lingua franca is mixed with the slang of the underground world—or the lingua franca of the underground world, mixed with the slang of the surface world.

In short, such a discourse means that the suspender is unfriendly.

\"Take it to you! You know, my current state is a bit special. I can't control my strength!\"

Ye Qi took a step back and threw everything in front of him to his contract companion.

\"Well, you are a lazy guy!\"

Amon, who knows the state of his contractor, will naturally not quit; but he still habitually muttered two sentences.

\"Remember, we need a reliable guide!\"

Ye Qi reminded again.


Amon’s answer was full of impatience.

Then the whole person disappeared beside Ye Qi, and then, a series of hits came from not far away - even if they converge on their own Amon, for the ambushes in these 'tunnels'. It is also an unstoppable existence; therefore, such a series of hits is nothing more than Amon’s deliberate intention.

If you really want to get rid of these underground creatures?

Even if Amon is not serious, it will take less than a second.

After all, apart from the ‘the sun’, Amon’s means are too many.

In the same way, such means are also reflected in other aspects -

A dull underground dwarf came out behind Amon.

\"This is the person I found, who can be 'friendly' and who is willing to act as a guide!\"

Amon said like this.

Amon did not explain what happened to the remaining underground creatures, and Ye Qi did not ask - the smell of blood that has already flowed out has already explained everything.

Can't bear it?

Ye Qi has some, but more is a light.

As a demon hunter, he has no great sense of evil in removing creatures other than human beings in the true sense of the slaughter - this is a concept after being educated.

When Ye Qi reflects on it, he also feels that for those people, dark creatures are not fair enough.

But most of the time, facing those kind of people, dark creatures, Ye Qi still won't be soft.

After all, he is not sure, if he let go of one of them, will there be even a few families facing the pain of losing their loved ones.

Such a thing, just think about it is enough.

As for the attempt?

Most of the devils have tried it, and ordinary people are still unnecessary.

Therefore, unless it is a proof of his own kind, dark creatures, otherwise, Ye Qi will still be a knife - soft heart, does not mean soft hands.

\"hypothetical guy!\"

Amon obviously felt some thoughts of his contractor, so he did not hesitate to open it; for this, Ye Qi did not retort. He just shrugged and walked to the bottom of the gnome.

\"Where is the nearest city?\"

Ye Qi asked in a plain tone.

\"Continue along the tunnel. After about twenty hours, Wade City is there!\"

The controlled underground gnome answered the question.

\"Is there any other city around?"

Ye Qi asked again.

\"Yes, but it needs to pass through the transmission array of Ward City!\"

The underground gnome replied.

\"So, what is the main creature in Ward City?\"

Amon interjected and asked.

\"Gnomes and underground gnomes!\"

The underground gnome replied.

\"It seems that we are lucky!\"

Amon looked at Ye Qi, saying this.

Ye Qi shrugged and did not speak.

Ps playing noodles! ! ! Today, I still want to eat noodles~~~ I want to double the balls, roast meat and marinated eggs~~~

The most beautiful moment in life is to eat ~~~

Thanks for the emptiness of the starting point of the 々缥缈 588, the prodigal son of the sea, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the reward of the 100 hearts of the lost heart~~~ decadent again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~

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