Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 45: wait

Chapter 45 Waiting

The girl in the depths of Hailin looked at the map carefully, although she did not want to admit it, but she had to say that she was lost - she always thought that she had independent life experience and Ye Qi "severe" teaching, as long as she had a map There is absolutely no problem with the mountain roads that cope with the jungle.

However, from the current situation, it is clear that she has underestimated the Hailin District, which has caused the highest government headache.

Looking up at the sky that was about to darken, the girl picked a big tree that was not strong but tall enough, and climbed up with her hands and feet flexibly - although Ye Qi’s teaching did not allow her to gain the ability to know the way. But the skills of the demon hunter are enough for her to survive in the wild.

After climbing the high tree, the girl looked around and nodded with satisfaction - know that the dark creatures in the Hailin District are not only the stupid El Quies, but also those who are like foxes. The evil elf in the red hat dyed.

Of course, the girl is now more prepared to guard against the ogre - not strong enough, but the tall tree is definitely a natural trap to deal with the heavy ogre.

Put the backpack on the chest, take out a bottle of medicine and a pocket made of leaves; the pharmacy is taken from the nine-night lab, which can effectively isolate her own smell, and the leaves The braided pocket was prepared by her in advance, and after experimentation, she could definitely pass through the eyes of most dark creatures at night.

After all the defensive measures were done, the girl finally squinted at her eyes and gave a soft breath. Of course, a person who was in Hailin did not dare to fall asleep, shut her eyes and recover her body. It is the best choice; and the girl believes that even if she is closed to her eyes, the physique of her current apostle is enough to support her to go out of Hailin; after that, just find a hotel to take a good rest.


Although the friction between the clothes and the leaves is very light, the girl who just closed her eyes immediately opened her eyes and looked down with vigilance. The dark robes have a very good protective color in the black sea, even if The girl, after repeated recognition, only saw the existence of the other party. As for the face of the other party, the hooded head was obviously designed. From the perspective of the girl, except for a smooth chin, there was no substantive thing at all. .

The other party obviously didn't want to hurry in the dark, and after observing the surrounding situation, it was obvious that the other party had made the same choice as the girl. It was not something to look forward to when it came to the stranger in the late night. Especially in places where dark creatures gather in Hailin District; because you don't even know if this strange traveler will take out a sharp smash in the next moment and rob you and even take your life.

And the girl did a good job - a delicate handcuff appeared in her hand, slightly aimed at each other; compared to Ye Qi sent her Beretta m94 automatic pistol, the current situation is handcuffed this A weapon that only makes a faint sound is obviously more suitable.

She won't forget what Ye Qi once said - I want to live a long life in the hunting demon. The most important thing is to have the right weapons for them; they are not only simple weapons, but also the last one in desperation. Rely on; remember to keep your weapons at their best at all times because you simply can't know what will happen next...

"Hey, there are already people here. If you don't mind, change places, how?"

The girl’s sudden screaming made the other person who was preparing to climb the tree tumbling, hiding in the bushes; seeing the other’s alert behavior, the girl immediately expressed goodwill, and of course the handcuffs were still aimed at the hiding bushes of the other side— - For a long time, the other party did not answer, but the girl's handcuffs did not let go; because, a slightly hostile sight, let her be sure that the other party is still watching her in the bushes

More patient?

The girl slightly adjusted her posture, and the hand on her hand was more calm.


In the lighting shop of Tudor and Oprah, with the chorus and interlude and the door ring of the extremely special and reciting opera, Oprah sent away the fans of the last operas scheduled today; the props and costumes were one by one. After finishing, Oprah closed the signboard that symbolizes the opening of the business - although it is not enough to close the store today, but when I think of the existence of the person, Oprah will no longer sit in the store and wait.

When I came to my bedroom, Oprah gently opened the secret door in the closet and walked slowly. As the director of the Northall family in the Xia Lin area, Oprah certainly had his own important people or stored valuables. The secret room, and security and confidentiality also has considerable reliability, it is precisely because of this, Ye Qi will choose to become a temporary place of residence.

Sitting in a chair, looking at the "Samikina's Drive" by the light, Ye Qi, looks very serious; next to him, "The Eye of Mao Mo" and two books from the chameleon The Dark Wizard's account - Ye Qi kept flipping a few books, and then comparing and recording notes. Although rote memorization is not difficult for Ye Qi, it is not so easy to understand, especially these words. When the meaning of the representative is esoteric and difficult to understand, it is impossible to rely on memory alone.

The faint footsteps made Ye Qi look awkward, put away a few books beside him, and then glanced at the four-day effort to reach the mysterious knowledge of o; the heart counted "Samikina's drive" "When the four-layer seal was released, Ye Qi straightened up and waited for the arrival of Oprah - although he borrowed here with a temporary alliance with the Northder family Some things still can't make the other party present.

This is a good choice for both parties.

"Ye Qi"

After tapping on the door, after getting the answer from Ye Qi, Oprah's respectful push door came in. At the same time, holding an envelope in both hands came to Ye Qi: "This is the letter from the patriarch to the Lord."

Ye Qi took the letter without any permission. Since Oprah’s light was chosen as the temporary residence, Oprah’s notice to North’s patriarch Gail was as early as Ye Qi’s expectation.

If Gail doesn't care about him, that's a strange thing - in front of Oprah's face, Ye Qi shakes the envelope without any cover...

Ps again thanks to the story of the stars, the blue sea, the dragon, the wind, the moon, the ~~~ 颓 鞠躬, thank you for your support~~~~~

The injury on the face, no hope of ruin, stay in the shackles - it is really tempered to be tossed by the doctor... oh... there is enough helplessness; ~~~ Why is it so bad?

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