Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 9 Chapter 46: Waiting (below)

Chapter 46—Waiting (below)

Although Ye Qi did not obscure Gael's letter, Oprah reversed a step backwards in the moment when Ye Qi took out the letter, while the head sagged slightly - Ye Qi did not obscure the contents of the letter. It does not mean that he can watch it at will. The Oprah from the Northder family has already engraved the imprint of the family in the bones.

The corner of the corner of the eye smashed Oprah, and the "traditional" Ye Qi of the big family was very disdainful and raised his brow - respect, not by restraint or from small training, but from the heart; the former The respect of Ye Qi seems to be nothing more than formalism.

Of course, this does not touch the formalism that most people like. After all, the “sense of accomplishment” that emerges in the heart is enough to confuse the rationality of the vast majority of people and make them deeply unable to extricate themselves.

There isn't a lot of content on the letter. Ye Qi just glanced at it and saw a rough idea - just aside from the title with multiple titles at the beginning of the letter, the whole letter looks like a close friend to write to himself. The greetings of the friends are generally; they do not mention any words that are worrying about the things or interests that he borrowed from Oprah's lights this time; and, in the last signed place, Gail also will be his own Nosted family. The former name of the patriarch was replaced by the definition of "your friend."

In this regard, Ye Qi did not show happiness and did not show resentment; even if he knew that it was only Gayle’s guest suite – after all, the other party has shown enough goodwill, even if it carries more or less The same is true of falsehood.

Naturally, for such a wording that is only for the sake of the alliance, with a false and false wording, Ye Qi will definitely not express any other kind of emotions - put the letter back into the envelope and put it in the chest pocket of the top. Ye Qi nodded to Oprah and responded in the same polite tone: "Please reply to the Gail chief's greetings and convey my gratitude to the Gaelic chief and the entire Northder family."

"It is an unshirkable that this is the honour of the entire Northder family."

Upon hearing Ye Qi’s response, Oprah immediately smiled and then slowly withdrew from the Chamber of Secrets – at the moment of Gail’s inspiration, agreeing that Ye Qi entered the Oprah’s light, as long as Ye Qi also One day at Oprah's light, this secret room is Ye Qi's "room"

Under the perception of the blind fighting, after I noticed that Oprah was really far away, Ye Qi did not take out the "Samikina's Drive" to continue to study, but took the knives and went to the corner of the corner of the Chamber of Secrets. Slowly there was an imaginary enemy fighting against him - practicing without the sword being unsheathed, which is not the first time for Ye Qi.

In fact, when studying the use of cold weapons, the first time he picked up a short knife made of solid wood; now the knives with a scabbard are just aggravating and lengthening for him. Upgraded version of the wooden short knife

Of course, now he is not the same, it is not the boy who can't even play with a wooden knife - shaking his head and taking the mind out of his mind for the first time, Ye Qi took a deep breath. Mouth, forcefully throw the magic knife out


Bay Area, Langburg.

On the second floor of the Northstead Manor Hall, the original entertainment room billiards and other entertainment facilities have long been removed. The entire huge entertainment room has only one puppet for fencing, and semi-suspended wood covered with lime. With iron sword target.



Suspended in an empty sword target under the attack of the singer's sword, a series of crisp or heavy sounds - wearing breeches, the upper body draped sleeves reveal two well-defined arms.

Long-term unremitting exercise, coupled with a good food supply, the body of the grammar is obviously strong; and from the smooth muscle lines, the strength of the lyrics does not sacrifice agility - at this moment, in suspension The sword target evades and flies back and forth, while at the same time keeping the sword sings, it gives the illusion of a cheetah preying.

Of course, from the smear of the cuff and the breeches, the cheetah needs enough time to grow up. The upper body's center of gravity is quickly leaning backwards, a slab bridge, and the singularly escaped the face. The sword target, the remnant of the corner of the gaze that is preparing to continue practicing, suddenly saw a figure appearing at the door.

With both hands on the ground, the waist slammed with a quick turn, and then he straightened up to the body and left the sword target area that was still swaying around, and came to the front of the practice room - the entire North The family knows that you should never bother him in meditation practice; but there are a few exceptions to these people: his parents, his sister, and the housekeeper Locke.

Now, standing in front of the practice room is his sister Linda Northd - the long chestnut down the cheek, straight down on the white dress shoulder; and the Northd family is like The blue eyes of the ocean are now obscured by a pair of glasses.

"Sister" sang rubbed the sweat from his forehead and greeted Linda: "You just awakened your ability. Father is not letting you take a break."

"It doesn't matter," Linda reached out and rubbed her hand with the sweat that was not cleaned by the singer--feeling the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night god, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens. The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal family will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty Will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the devil, the world, the nine strongest, the strongest, the gentleness of the emperor’s sister, the singer’s face, and the unsatisfactory saying: “I come here”

Looking at the tactics of reaching out and grabbing the handcuffs, Linda couldn't help but smile; however, Linda's smile quickly converges, her eyes look aside, a little bit of a loss - Linda's appearance, instantly caused the song The attention of the law, I couldn’t help but say: " You can actually..."

The words "not allowed" lyrics made Linda return to God instantly, and immediately interrupted the lyrics. The tone was firm: "My sister can't give up the whole family because of his own happiness. You must know you, father. Mother and Locke are all members of the family..."


The lyrics still want to say something, but in Linda’s serious expression, nothing finally was said; however, when Linda left, the singer muttered to himself: “Is the family really important? ?"

The lyrics of self-speaking once again swayed to the place where Linda had looked before - there was where Ye Qi stood when he taught him...


Ps again thanks to Feng Fuyue, Xuanyuan Yuhe's ~~~ and the smoke lock Shitang Liu Zhang eager to get out of Cui...

There are so many things that have been decadent recently, as if all things have been squeezed into this time, and it’s not a good thing... decadence is really incapable of doing more updates, even if the words are doing their best every day. So, please understand...

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