Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Camp

"What do you mean? Nature is literally!"

In the past six months, the cold-faced man and the demon hunter, in addition to deepening the memory of each other's appearance, the relationship is still so cold and hot, without a slight improvement. Therefore, the cold-faced man's tone at this time is still the first cold, of course, even if the relationship is improved, it is estimated that the cold-faced man will still be like this, from his dialogue with the giant Han can be seen one or two.

"What do I ask, does the instructor not understand?" Every time he talks to a cold-faced man, the demon hunter can't help but be annoyed by the cold and taunting attitude of the other person, if not because of the identity of the instructor and the heart. A worrying insidious, the demon hunter has long been looking for opportunities to pull the other side to the arena, so that the bad smell in the heart. But people are under the roof, can you not bow? The Demon Hunter had to repeat his question again: "What is the Ranger on the order?"

"The Rangers are a team of elites of ordinary hunters, specializing in the safety of the headquarters and around Shaker; the best new apostles of each session will be incorporated into them for half a year to exercise..." The cold-faced man squinted at the demon hunter and began a routine cold ridicule: "This is the basis. Even some ordinary hunters will know that Ye Qi, you are an apostle, but I don't know. I am now skeptical about the headquarters. The correctness of this order! Therefore, I will raise an objection to the headquarters!"

Looking at the cold-faced man who turned away, Ye Qi snorted and slammed his hand into his arms. He greeted the companion next door and hurried out of the Central Castle and ran toward the appointed place. The agreed time is coming soon. Although Ye Qi is not rare for this "exercise", he does not want to be late for the first time.

And Ye Qi suspects that the reason why the cold-faced man was only used to order this morning is to see him being late for ugly! With the insidious sin of the other party, Ye Qi is sure that this kind of innocuous little thing, the other party can definitely do it, and if the object is his, the other party will definitely enjoy it...

In the heart once again cursed the insidious two cold-faced men, Ye Qi had to speed up again, but even so, is still late. Looking at the face of Elsie, who was waiting in front of the headquarters, Ye Qi took two steps. Christine said: "Hello, madam! I am..."

"Even if you are an apostle, you can't obliterate the fact that you are late, Mr. Ye Qi!" The full-length knight armor, the cavalry chief of the waisted sword, corrected Ye Qi: "And from the time you programmed into the Ranger, you should call me Cavalry commander!"

"I am very sorry, the cavalry chief!"

In order to have a pleasant time together for the next six months, Ye Qi immediately changed his mouth.

"Very good!" The female cavalry nodded a little, but did not immediately forgive Ye Qi's lateness: "Because your lateness, our team is likely to delay the tour time, so in the next ten minutes, you must finish Go to the Ranger Camp two kilometers away from here! Come with me now!"


"Gray law!"

When Ye Qi thought that the female cavalry chief would take him on the run, the other party even made a whistle, and then a pure white high horse ran out of the headquarters door; looking at the other side of the Cavaliers heavy but but neat One-handedly turned back on the back of the horse, Ye Qi couldn't help but twitched at the corner of his mouth - although he knew that the other person was not a good person from the beginning, but he obviously still sternly sternly, or is himself Be careful for a woman...

However, within two minutes of running within two minutes, it is still difficult to fall agile 16 Ye Qi. And in order not to eat dust behind the other's buttocks, Ye Qi straightened and accelerated, and quickly rushed with the other side.

The female cavalry officer who took the first step was obviously surprised at Ye Qi’s speed, but soon returned to normal, and continued to sit on the face with a blank expression, and let Ye Qi’s accident that the other party did not continue to urge the horse to accelerate. This went hand in hand with him to the Ranger Camp.

In the green bushes, the blue-and-white horse's square flag flutters high, and the 100-meter-long camp is surrounded by a fence of solid wood and steel. More than three hundred tents are distributed in the camp.

In the open space between the camps, many strong men were holding wooden swords and slashing each other. The demon hunter even saw a shooting range with wooden archery targets in them. The archers of the bow were shot neatly and orderly, and under the chimneys of several high rises in the corner of the camp, several blacksmiths were sweating and building equipment and weapons in front of the furnace...

As you dive deeper, in the second half of the camp, the demon hunters saw some underage children and weaker ladies are wiping the guns, watching their skilled tactics and end guns, the demon hunter Do not doubt that they are all good players in the use of firearms...

The people who saw the female cavalry in the camp all along the way were respectful salutes, but the demon hunters behind the female cavalry were turned a blind eye. In this regard, the demon hunter shrugs indifferently, he is not handsome to the point of killing men and women, nothing is sad, not to mention the fact that the devil's mind is not here at this moment.

At first, when the cold-faced man introduced the Ranger, the Hunting Man only thought that the Ranger was just a patrolman with a title. But with the scale of the camp and the training of the facilities and personnel inside, the demon hunter immediately denied his previous point of view - the patrol has such a perfect facility, even the headquarters of Shaker is too extravagant!

This is the headquarters to cultivate the loyalty to their own strength!

Ye Qi made the final judgment - although the hunting magic will be everywhere, the number of hunting devils is large, but most of the demon hunters and hunters will be similar to the relationship between mercenaries and employers or intermediaries, even if The apostles trained at the headquarters are no exception.

For a hunting hunter, it is good to call the hunter in a short time. This is a good battle. But if these forces are unruly and difficult to follow the order, then It is absolutely unacceptable!

Therefore, we must have absolute obedience to our own combat forces! Obviously, the Rangers are this combat force! And it also explains why each of the best apostles will be sent here to exercise - the Rangers will be the fighting force of the Hunting Maniac, and naturally have outstanding combat power; and this outstanding force, Training alone can't be built, so the best of the new apostles who come from all over the country every year becomes their free and easy-to-use sharpening stone!

Sure enough, this order is not that simple!

When he thought that he had become a whetstone for others, the demon hunter couldn’t help but sneer at himself.

"There are eight of the Rangers Camps. This is one of them. There are 150 members in the official team..." The female cavalry chief made a brief introduction to Ye Qi, who first came to the Ranger Camp, and finally turned to One side of the horse pointed: "Since you have temporarily joined the Rangers, it is necessary to pick a horse of your own!"

Following the fingers of the female cavalry commander, the demon hunter saw the horses squatting in the stables. However, the devil's brow is not wrinkled, not because of the bad and bad horses, but because he simply can't ride horses...

PS嘿嘿~~~A little more before dinner~~~ I wish my brothers and sisters a happy meal~~~Thanks to Faxis, no regrets, Hainan’s tortoise~~~A few brothers’ rewards~~~ It’s grateful to be rewarded, but it’s grateful~~ However, if the brothers who have not won the prize vote for decadence, the decadence is still the same gratitude~~~11pm, we are the third~~~嘿嘿~~~

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