Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Riding

Although he was trained by John for nearly four years, firearms, cold weapons, driving, medical treatment, etc. have all been involved, but the horse-hunting demon person has never touched. After all, horses are more cost-effective and labor-saving than modern vehicles. Therefore, the horses that used to be the mainstream means of transportation still have to withdraw from the historical stage in this world that maintains various traditional ceremonial cultures, and become the capital of the upper celebrities to show off and show off.

"Don't learn equestrianism?" The female cavalry chief saw the devil's embarrassment. Obviously, among the apostles who came here last time, the demon hunter was not the first to ride a horse; therefore, he immediately made arrangements for him: So from now on you will follow me to learn equestrian! I am going to arrange today's patrol, I will come back before lunch; so, before I come back, you can pick a suitable horse for you! Rest assured, they are all refined. Pick the pure selection, the character is very gentle!"

After the female cavalry officer left a seemingly consolation, he turned and left the stable, leaving Ye Qi standing in the same row of horses in the stable, frowning.

horse riding? Still under Ma Wei? I really bully new people everywhere!

Ye Qizhen measured the meaning of the other side, and finally shook his head and walked to the row of horses - no matter whether the other party is sincere or deliberate, it is not important now! The important thing is to master a little riding before the other party returns. Ye Qike doesn't want to face the ridicule that the other side is likely to appear on the face. Of course, it is impossible to run wildly, but at least it must be able to Sitting on the horse's back...

It is obviously more difficult to make a horse's obedient than Ye Qi's imagination! Ten minutes later, when Ye Qi was called the docile war horse by the female cavalry chief for the fourth time, she couldn’t help but look at the black horse that he had picked up. Although he was beaten down four times in a row by the agile skill, he was not injured, but the face was even a little unstoppable. Even if no one around sees it, Ye Qi still feels hot on his face...

Why are you riding? Play the game between the Cavaliers and the Princess again? Can't you ride a motorcycle? And if you dare to take me down, I don't mind if lunch is stewed horse meat...

Looking at the black horse shaking his head, Ye Qi’s hand couldn’t help but rest on the handle of the demon.

"It's awkward!" When Ye Qi is ugly, the wolf will come as soon as possible. This time is no exception, and as usual, the fire began to burn: "I have never seen a clumsy knight like you! A knight apprentice like you has been driven to the stables to clean up the horse dung! Marco is very A spiritual animal, it can feel the state of each rider on its back - it knows that you will bully you if you don't ride, and you will be right with you... If you still use him as a pet, you kid Waiting for the fifth time to be smashed down! In the animal world, the weak meat is strong, this is the basic law, take your strong side to tame it... of course, you need some skills and tools..."

The blame of the wolf is undoubtedly stinky and long, but the memories it once said are also the experience of the younger generation. Although Ye Qi does not want to admit it, every time he encounters troubles and confusion, he can always get help from the wolf! Of course, this help is a bit unacceptable under the ridiculous description of the wolf's mouth--so that every time Ye Qi appreciates it, it will easily disappear.

After some preparations, Ye Qi climbed onto the horse for the fifth time. This time, Ye Qi, who had the guidance, let the black horse jump, the left hand slammed the reins, and the legs were tied with the horse's belly. The vacant right hand holds the knives and slashes straight across the black horse's eyes.


Under Ye Qi's control, the slightly ejected knives whispered softly, and the cold blade gradually approached the dark horse's eyes.

"Gray law!"

The dark horse screamed in horror, jumping more often, and even violently. But no matter how it jumped, Ye Qi’s hand holding the knives was still steady. When the blade was about to stick to the dark horse, the dark horse finally gave in.

Ye Qi slowly recovered the knives, and he kept paying attention to the movement of the dark horse. Ye Qi has already planned, if the other party is not interested, give the other party a sly, rather than just intimidating. Fortunately, the dark horse did not move in this process, and it was extremely gentle.

"I hope we can get along well in the next six months!" Unlike the previous threat, Ye Qi gently stroked the stables. Of course, he did not forget the words of the wolf. He gently patted the horse with a knives: "Know When necessary, I do not rule out violence!"


The black horse nodded very spiritually.


After that, after several "friendly exchanges" between the two sides, the demon hunter can already sit on the back of the black horse and control the black horse to move forward and backward slowly. It is really not for the beginner's hunter. A wise choice Although he did not ride the horse before, it does not prevent the demon hunter from knowing that many beginners have been turned upside down because of the bad rhythm.

In the slow progress of the black horse, facing the summer wind coming from the face, the demon hunter gradually found a feeling of a knight.

It's no wonder that the knights like to ride horses in the wild and run wild horses. This is just like the current car owners, they are looking for the excitement of speed. However, in comparison, the Cavaliers are more desirable. After all, in many biographies, the princesses are all knights, not the car owners...

The demon hunter closed his eyes and fantasized about the fact that he was dressed as a knight and he was favored by a princess...


The cry of surprise, let the hunter indulge in the illusion turned over the head - replaced the knight, the female cavalry chief in a safari is standing outside the stable, wide-eyed. The wheat-colored skin, the neat short hair, the sturdy belly that can't be covered by the safari, make the female cavalry look so heroic. A bell hung with a red ribbon at the corner of the other side adds a girl's unique vitality to this heroic look. And the vitality of this girl is especially fascinating to the demon hunter!

Looking at the Cavaliers who had taken off the knights, the demon hunters were not able to ride the horses in front of each other, and slowly walked an ancient knight’s ceremony, revealing a bright smile: “Beautiful lady, I don’t know. Is it lucky to carry you on the next trip?"

PS Today's third ah~~~嘿嘿~~~Thanks to the bloody, ghost soldiers, ska, three brothers' rewards~~~ Oh, the three are finally finished~~~ decadent, I have to rest early today. Hey~

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