Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Investigation team

In the brightly lit collection hall, the new apostles and the last elite apostles and a number of high-level hunters were scattered throughout the hall in their respective camps, listening to the report of the female cavalry chief to Jacob.

The atmosphere between the new apostles and the high-level demon hunters is quite friendly, but there is a strong smell of gunpowder between the last elite apostles - the previous Jaggers incident directly deteriorated the relationship between the two sides to the extreme! And in the past six months, Ye Qi and the new apostles have also had frictions with the elite apostles of the previous session. After all, the tower of athletics is one, so the chances of the two sides meeting are still very large.

Naturally, it goes without saying that with the participation of Ye Qi, the elite apostles of the previous session were all fascinated every time...

"Tonight we also received the attack signal from the eight camps of the Rangers! The result is that the other seven are attacking. Only the one you went to has been attacked..." The little man whispered in the chair. It’s confusing, and when it comes to the end, it’s the lowest pressure: “Ye, is it the ghost of the Deco family?”

"It's not clear yet!" Ye Qi knew that his companion in this family of merchants had always had a flexible mind, but he didn't expect the reaction to be so fast; but for the Deco family he only guessed that he couldn't make a conclusion - staggered in various worlds In the power of the forces, the interests lead to the collection or opposition of countless forces. Tonight, these killers are most likely to be hired by other forces to fight against the demon genius, and he is only affected, and because of the identity of the apostles Be the focus of care! So Ye Qi pointed to Jacob in the collection hall: "We wait and see what happens! Everyone has the top person!"


The little man nodded again and half-squinted again, and the big man on the side still smiled with a thick smile. Ava leaned on the back of Ye Qi and silently wiped his arm...

"This event headquarters will be handed over to me!" After listening to the report of the female cavalry commander, Jacob stood up and looked at the other people in the hall: "From the moment we have mastered each other, although we already have The portraits of some of the other people, but they can't confirm which side of the other party is the power or people. Therefore, I declare that the entire station, airport, and hotel of Shak will be completely blocked immediately. According to the portrait, everyone who enters or leaves Shak must be strict. Check..."

After the official narrative was completed and most of the people were sent away, Jacob went to the front of Ye Qi, who was specially named by him, and his companions.

"Decco family has hatreds with you, but you will never get such a big thing because of the bitterness against you! Of course, I am not excusing the Deco family. After all, the world's madmen are never in the minority! "Jacob's voice is lower than the average person, plus the hoarseness after the injury, forming his unique voice: "So, before you find any solid evidence, you can't have any change! If you agree, I will allow you to participate in this survey!"

It turned out to be a temptation! Now it is a showdown!

Ye Qi was very sensible and did not ask the consequences of disagreement. He immediately nodded and agreed. The empty cell of the Tower of Thorns is a lot. Ye Qike does not want to go to the underground cell and companion with Wei Wen, who has just been sent in, even if it is only temporary. of……

“Very good!” Jacob nodded with satisfaction: “Now the special apostle Ye Qi forms a separate investigation team to investigate the attack of the Ranger Camp! The team members can choose themselves within the scope of your approval and directly responsible for me. ......"

“B-level mission: behind the scenes. Investigate the attack on the cavalry camp, find the black hand behind the scenes, and eliminate hidden dangers.”


Sure enough...

After seeing the level of the task reminder, Ye Qi felt a little tight, and began to carefully recall the scene before and after the attack, hoping to find information to help the task. However, after thinking about the incident, Ye Qi still had nothing to gain.

"Ye, what are we doing now?" After walking out of the assembly hall, the big man looked at Ye Qi, who was thinking about it: "Will you investigate the station and the airport? Or the hotel?"

Before Jacob’s group members chose to choose themselves in the scope, they actually agreed to Ye Qi’s own call to the members of the investigation team! Without asking, the big man and others are naturally within the scope of Ye Qi’s consideration.

“There are already enough people in those places to investigate! If they can’t find it, it’s naturally impossible to use our number!” The little patted the companion’s back and corrected his companion’s mistake: “So We have to investigate from other directions!"

"Well! There are other people staring at the place before!" Go back to the point where Ye Qi immediately agreed, and pointed out the next direction: "Before attacking the enemy in my camp, except the killer, There are still five monsters! The killer can mix into Shaker by various means, but with the wisdom and volume of the monsters, it is impossible to enter Shak silently! Especially the smell on them~www.mtlnovel .com~ is really too obvious..."



After the three companions left, Ye Qi rode a dark horse to the Ranger Camp - although he wanted to see the upgraded property right away from the room in the Central Castle, but most of the belongings along with the Eye of Mao Mo. They are all in the Rangers camp; even if these things are hidden, they are still in the tent! And the emergency of the Ranger Camp this evening, it is difficult to prevent the tent from being moved!

Ye Qi, who rode into the camp, immediately felt the dignity and inexplicable grief in the camp. Looking at the sad expression on the face of the Ranger, Ye Qi sighed slightly. Ye Qi knows that he is not suitable to participate in this time, even if Ye Qi wants to comfort the female cavalry chief who is chanting the sacrificial cavalry in the crowd, but the grief around him can only lead the horse. Silently walked into his tent - for a ranger who was only a short time with him, he was just a familiar stranger! At the last moment of the farewell to the dead comrades, he is still a stranger who should not disturb as much as possible!

The horse fell halfway under the ravages of the monster. Therefore, Ye Qi did not send back the black horse that had escaped the catastrophe. Instead, he tied it straight outside his tent and deliberately removed the saddle and put a thick blanket on the back of the black horse.

Ye Qi, who had drilled into the tent, checked it again and confirmed that he had not been turned over. He sat on the sleeping bag and turned the system character bar straight.

PS third more complete ~~~ decadent to go to sleep, take a train in the afternoon, backache ~~~ Thanks again to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~ Especially in the night to reward the decadent Lan Lan ~ and sleep two by the wall ~~~

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