Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 3: Join

Name: Ye Qi

Title: Apostle

Level: 9

Occupation: Warlock Level 5

Attribute: Strength: 16

Agility: 16

Constitution: 16 (+1)

Perception: 17 (+2)

Charm: 14

Unassigned attribute point: 0

Expertise: Beast Instinct; Vampire Touch, Battle Casting, Robust, Blind.

No selection of expertise: 0

Skills: Valuation 5, Cheat 5, Focus 10, Trap Production 4, Medical 2, Hidden 18, Listening 15, Rumor 2, Unlocking 10, Plagiarism 2, Search 10, Gunpowder Weapons Master 1, Cold Weapon Mastery 26, Spell Identification 10 , mysterious knowledge 26, freehand fighting 10, climbing 8, riding 4;

Unallocated skill points: 25

Zero-level unallocated spells: 1

Level 1 Unallocated Spells: 1

Secondary unallocated spells: 1

Level 3 unallocated spells: 1

Level 4 unallocated spells: 1

Five levels of unallocated spells: 1


Although this upgrade does not get attribute points or expertise, but for Ye Qi, get the first five-level spell position and all the spell level +1 below level five, get so many spells at once, and add attribute points. Like the expertise, it is an opportunity for strength to change qualitatively!

Open/Close: Easily open/close locked doors or boxes. Effect: Open/close items or entrances up to 30 pounds. There must be no other obstacles.

MagicMissile: Uses spells to summon missiles with up to five force field attributes. Effect: Generate 2 (3), 3 (5), 4 (7) or up to 5 (9) missiles, or creatures within 15 feet of each other, must hit, resulting in 1d4 +1 point force field damage.

Darkness: Cast spells to make a piece of the envelope around. Effect: The item emits a supernatural darkness with a radius of 20 ft. The creatures in the range are concealed and cannot be illuminated, and the dark vision is invalid; duration: 5 minutes/level.

FlameArrow: Boosts spells to long-range attack ammunition. Effect: Make 50 rounds of ammunition (such as bullets, arrows, cornflowers, stone bullets) become flaming and tropical with flames, each shot will cause an additional 1d6 fire damage; duration: two hours / level

Invisibility, Greater: Use the power of spells to hide your body. Effect: Similar to invisibility, but attacking the enemy will not release the spell effect; duration: 30 seconds / level.

Cloudkill: Summons a poisonous mist that is dark green like a cloud. Effect: Toxic coma to death within 45 feet of the cloud radius, the immune-toxic person is not harmed, and the cloud moves to the far/low point at 10 feet / 10 seconds; duration: 1 minute / level.

In addition to the dark spells that have already been selected, magical missiles and high-level stealth are inspired by the killer tonight – spells with tracking ability and hidden physique attacks are indeed the only choice for the sinister; It is to enhance the power of the M500 and other firearms; the switch is for convenient operation at certain times; as for the dead cloud, Ye Qi is fancy for its wide range of damage, and with the mobility of persistence, as long as it is controlled Well, like a camp for a cavalry, you can kill it or even destroy it all at once.

"may I come in?"

The voice of the female cavalry commander interrupted Ye Qi, who was experimenting with the switch. After quickly getting the messy tents cleaned up because of the test, Ye Qi immediately said, "Please come in!"

"Ye, have you set up a separate investigation team?" The female cavalry officer who entered the tent did not look at the temporary residence of Ye Qi, but walked straight to the front of Ye Qi and asked, "Can I participate?"

I got the news so soon? Does Eds have anything to do with Jacob?

Ye Qi looked at the female cavalry chief who made the request in a strange way, secretly surprised at the other party's intelligence gathering ability - except for him and his three companions, only Jacob knew. Ye Qi believes that his three companions are definitely not big-mouthed, so the path of the female cavalry chief to get the news naturally leaves Jacob.

"Jacob and my father are friends!" Seeing Ye Qi's surprise, the female cavalry chief explained the sentence briefly and reiterated his request to Ye Qi again: "Can I participate?"

Although the female cavalry chief was wearing a thick knight at the moment, the tear marks on her face were still visible; the face of the reddish eyes was strong and supported with a calm expression.

"Actually, I can lend my shoulders privately to you!" I saw the female cavalry chief, Ye Qi’s heart sighed, then stood up and laughed, patted his shoulder and looked at your cheap look: You must know the people who usually want to rely on it, but you have to pay a high salary!"

"boring!" The female cavalry commander took a look at Ye Qi’s shoulder and immediately stepped back two steps. She opened the distance between her and Ye Qi again and reluctantly turned her head: "I am very Ok, why should I rely on your shoulders, I am not sad at all; I am strong..."

"Of course! But you are asking me now! If you don't pay a little price, how can you do it?" Ye Qi nodded immediately, surely acknowledging the strength of the female cavalry chief, but then it was a tone, then shrug After shrugging again, I came up to the female cavalry chief in two steps: "If you rely on I can consider letting you join the investigation team! You know that this is very popular now. ,do you know?"

The female cavalry chief looked at Ye Qi, who came up again, and finally slid down the shoulders that had been tightly stretched. The dagger was slightly biased toward Ye Qi’s shoulder, and the strong supported face had a glimmer of relaxation...

Ye Qi’s hands are very close to the Cavaliers’ cavalry, and silently feel the delicate under the heavy armor...

"Thank you..." The light that was almost inaudible was passed into Ye Qi’s ear. When Ye Qi had not reacted, the female cavalry commander had already separated from his hands and stood up again: "Now, can I assign a task to me?"

"Of course!" Ye Qi's tone is unquestionable: "Now I am instructing you to go back to rest as the head of the investigation team. If you disobey, immediately expel the investigation team!"


Under Ye Qi’s supervision, the exhausted female cavalry chief returned to her tent. Although the other party may still be unable to fall asleep while lying in the tent, but Ye Qi understands that at least this will allow her physical strength to be preserved to the greatest extent, and will not fall ill.

After arranging the female cavalry commander, Ye Qi, who returned to the tent, was interrupted by a small man who suddenly rushed to the study of the new spell.

PS weekend ah~~~ It’s sore and decadent just got up~~~The train really has a cup... but it’s very happy after being decadent, and after being pressed for a week, the decadence finally climbed to the top of the new book list. The location is ~~~ excited~~~ I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who support decadence. Without your support, there is no decadence for the current achievements~~~ I hope everyone will continue to support decadence and let the decadence get better results~~ ~ Finally, as usual, thank you for the reward of the decadent S1, 颓 鞠躬 鞠躬~~~

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