Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 50: Remains

The beef from the cans was cut into pieces of one inch in size and placed in a large iron pot that had already been boiled. It immediately tumbling with the radishes and potatoes; three distinct colors Immediately let all people have a big appetite, especially when the local guide Foucault comes up with a plate of green fruit, even an anorexia person can not secrete a mouthful of saliva at this moment.

"Foco, do you know? I think it is my luck to know you in the Thousand Marsh area!"

Ferribe rushed to the local guide in the Thousand Marsh area in two steps. He quickly picked up a fruit and stuffed it into his mouth. In the crisp sound of 'Kang, Khan', he couldn’t care for the four. The overflowing juice, the hunter who is very gentleman, said without any grace.

"This is my pleasure, Lord Ferribe!"

Compared with Ferribe's existence of the savage and smearing of the demon hunter, as the most famous tour guide in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, Foucault has the peculiar simplicity and honesty of the natives of the Chima area; the dark face There was a white, awkward smile on the top; the fruit that Foucault handed over was taken, and all the demon hunters thanked them one by one.

"Do these fruits cost you a lot?"

Jacob, who took the fruit, watched their guides have taken care of the grooming, but the tired after the strenuous exercise, but can not help the demon hunter; and, camping nearby for nearly two years The Jacobs are very clear. The camp-centered fruit that has been harvested within about 10 kilometers has already been picked up; especially after the greedy guy of Ferribe joined, it has expanded this range. About ten kilometers; therefore, Foucault wants to pick fresh fruit. It is only possible to travel 20 kilometers away recently.

Plus round trips. And calculate the time from morning to noon. Jacob can fully feel the hard work of it. Even local people who are used to living in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area, catching nearly 40 kilometers of mountain roads in four or five hours, and picking up certain fruits, is not a simple matter. In particular, when returning, it is necessary to count the fruit of about ten kilograms into the weight. Even a well-trained soldier can come up with such a flaw, which will make it fatigue in the next few hours. Very incomparable.

"Today's luck is good. I found a wild fruit forest..."

"Where? Where? Next take me!"

Foucault’s words have not been finished yet, and Ferribe, who has already eaten the third fruit, raises his head and asks it loudly. It’s obvious that at the speed of Filibe’s swallowing, this fruit is for Ferribe. Nothing, if there are more fruits, he naturally does not mind.

"I can't stop eating your mouth? Do not talk nonsense!"

"The chapter is the fastest." Brace took a wild fruit unceremoniously, stuffed it into Ferribe's mouth, and then pressed it; then Tate quickly moved around. , Ferribe squeezed out from the campfire and the two people cooperated intimately. Obviously, this is not the first time.

"Foco. Don't ignore this heartless guy!"

Brees and Tate expressed their apologies to their guides with apologies, and Foucault, the local guide, once again waved his hand, without any unhappiness, saying: "His Faribey likes to eat these wild If I am too happy, I am too late to have it; after all, the most of the Thousand Marsh areas are these things!"

“These futures will definitely become the characteristics of the Thousand Marsh area! It will be very popular!”

Ye Qi holds the fruit in his hand, and the green color makes him feel a heartfelt love, especially the faint fragrance, which is more appetizing; recalling the business woman’s presence in the market for this fruit. Evaluation, Ye Qi could not help but slowly said.

“These will become the characteristics of the Chima area?”

Although with doubts, the best guide in the Thousand Marsh area is bitter, although I can see the strangeness of Ye Qi from the attitude of Jacob and others, but for Ye Qi’s words at the moment, Fu Although Ke does not refute it, it is unbelievable from the bottom of his heart; after all, no one knows more about the value of these wild fruits than his natives in the marsh area; those who are outside are at best a fresh, fresh It’s just like that.

In the beginning, in order to find a way out for his own people, he and his cousin brought these fruits to the outside world to seek a way out; although many businessmen are very optimistic about these fruits, once they hear the Thousand Marsh area, all the businessmen They will shake their heads, full of regrets to reject the harsh environment, all kinds of endless features, have already made these businessmen have enough caution; especially when one is not convinced before the car, even the most daring businessman Will also consider a moment.

"These can only become a 'dim sum' to entertain friends. It is too difficult to become a special feature! But those wanted criminals are considered to be the characteristics of the Qiangqu area!" Foucault shook his head and looked Helpless.

“It seems that Mr. Foucault has not returned to the market for a long time?”

Ye Qi looked at Foucault's bitter, helpless appearance and couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah! After coming here, I have not gone back except for the last Midwinter Festival!"

Foucault nodded naturally.

"No wonder you don't know the good news at the market!"

"Good news, what good news?"""

After hearing Ye Qi’s words, Foucault’s locals in the Chima area immediately questioned, and even several people in the Qianguma area who helped the cooking also turned their heads to improve their living conditions. Every piece is of interest to these local adults.

“The famous big businessman, Ms. Jaliya took a fancy to the market; and Mr. Toka signed a series of proposals on how to develop the Chinum area!” Ye Qi slightly summed up what she knew, slowly Said: "And, there are some other people in the Qianguma area who have joined your market. When I left, I started to build a temporary camp next to it!"

"Galia? That Kalia?"

I have to say that the reputation of a businesswoman is far-reaching, even if it is a remote place like the Qianguma District, she also has her rumors; at the very least, the most famous tour guide in the Qiangqu District. After hearing the name. I stood up on the straight ‘噌’; my face was unbelievable and I couldn’t hide it.

"If you and I are talking about the woman who came from Xia Lin District and started business, then we are talking about one person!" Ye Qi smiled.

"Is it really?"

All the people in the Qiangqu area in the camp stood in front of Ye Qi with excitement. They stared at Ye Qi with a sneak eye. Although they understood that it was impossible to deceive themselves with the identity of Ye Qi, but such The news is really unbelievable; in fact, when the bodyguard and secretary of the businesswoman went to look for the Toka, the person in charge of the market was also such an expression, even more unbearable; according to several thousand The teenager in the marsh area said. Their respected elders, directly licking their thighs, directly became red and swollen, and then shouted ‘This is not a dream, not a dream! It took only two laps around the market to calm down.

"Of course, do you think I am a boring person who likes to joke about such things?"

Ye Qi shrugged; and all the people subconsciously took a look at Ferribe, then nodded; such behavior immediately smashed Ferribe, who had just squeezed into the middle of Brace and Tate: "Look See what I am doing? Am I like that kind of person? You all told me clearly..."

Although Ferribe called a loud voice, but no one cares about him, everyone's eyes are watching Ye Qi as a squad for excavation. Apart from some supplies and special things, Jacob did not pay much attention to the outside world. And they are less than ten people in the excavation team, plus the road, the supply is undoubtedly very long time; at this moment, their last supply has been full for six months.

In the meantime, except for the emergency letter of the head of the sacred tower of the headquarters two days ago and the example of the reincarnation of the demon hunter, the fifty-five ruins of the resurrection. Apart from the exchange of news, there was no contact with the outside world at all; and the emergency secret letter only mentioned that the Holy See was making a comeback, perhaps for some of the things in the ruins they had dug, and no other mentions were mentioned. Something; therefore, several hunters, including Jacobs here, are also ignorant of the market in the Chima area.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Ye Qi had to explain in detail the business cooperation between the businesswoman and the Qianguma District, and the remnants of the temple in the Grand Canyon. After listening to Ye Qi’s retelling, including Fu After seeing each other in the Kumauma area, Ke, they immediately stood in front of Jacob.

"This kind of big happy event, of course, I can't leave you without a holiday! Come, after lunch, just set off and go back and see!"

Jacob, who knows what his guide wants to say, immediately laughed as Jacob, who spent nearly two decades in the relics of the Thousand Marsh area. The most common ones except the remains are these locals. He naturally knows what Foucault thinks at the moment; for such things, no one will stop it.

"Thank you, Lord Jacob!" Foucault nodded to his employer and then looked at Ye Qi again, expressing his gratitude: "Thank you for telling us this precious news, Lord Ye Qi. !"

"I am just doing my best!"

Ye Qi smiled and waved his hand; in the next ten minutes, three people from the Qianguma District, including Foucault, packed up their belongings and started to leave.

"Take care all the way!"

After mutual farewell, the three Qianguma Districts were rushing, and the five hunters, including Ye Qi, returned to the open space in the middle of the camp again.

"Things have really reached this point, and you can't stop it?"

After the tour guide took the two tribes away, Jacob converges on his own smile, looking at Ye Qi as a hunter, especially a very good hunter, which is undoubtedly extremely sharp; Therefore, when he heard Ye Qi seem to have no intention of speaking, Jacob immediately noticed that it was wrong; after all, in his impression, Ye Qike was not facing strangers, but also such a 'direct' passionate person; even if Ye Qi wanted To convey such good news, it will only pass through him, and then think of those who pass through the Qianguma District.

Such an anomaly, and then contact the emergency letter of the former tower of the sacred object. Jacob immediately had a bad feeling; therefore. He didn't have any stops. Straight, let your tour guide take the tribe back to the market to see the change of joy. After all, if the battle really started, especially in the face of the Holy See, he did not know how to protect his guide and the other two marsh areas. Locals; if conditions permit, absolutely no one will be harmed by the "devil hunter" who is not born again, but the one in the Hunting Man Code is remembered by all the hunters.

"I am afraid that you are more serious than Uncle Jacob!" Ye Qichang sighed, without any concealment. Straightforward, he and the sacred tower tower and other people have an analysis of the resurrection of the Holy See, and they are told to Jacob and others to look at the look of Jacob and others. Ye Qiman said helplessly: No one knows what the Holy See will do; therefore, I will come urgently, and then the tower leader of the athletics will arrive!"

"The **** Holy See will use such a despicable means!" Brace heard that the Holy See was preparing to use the market of the people in the area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area as the "bait" of the West, and it was already somewhat unbearable. Immediately, it was a big breach: "Is their "God Saying" a lie?"

"God said that of course it will not deceive people, but it will definitely not be a promise to us these pagans!"

Ferribe sat there with a dull voice saying this low voice, if not when he saw Feribe saying it. It’s hard for anyone to believe that the heartless Ferribe would have such a side; knowing what it was, Brace did not disable the slap on the shoulders of his friends; the pain on his shoulders allowed Ferry Bei Qing woke up, immediately. After returning to the gods of Freibe and discovering the strange eyes of Ye Qi, he immediately smiled again and again. He shouted loudly: "But these pagans are definitely not provoked. They dare to come, we will kill. They! It is like the original!"

"This time is not the same as it was at the beginning!" Ye Qi shook his head, although he clearly saw the difference of Feribe, but for Ye Qi, who believes that everyone will have a secret, it will not be questioned too much; therefore, just After a pause, Ye Qi looked at the leader of the squad: "So, I hope that before this, Uncle Jacob can give me the door to open the ruins, let me enter first, and the Holy See may be looking for Things, find them in advance! Of course, after the relics are opened, you must also leave!"

"If we are at the level of the day, we are certainly not opponents, but we can help those little pawns!" Obviously, the militant Tate was dissatisfied with Ye Qi’s decision, and the same thoughts of Brace were also true. After looking at it, I immediately got up.

"I am afraid that there will be no small pawns coming here!"

Ye Qi looked at the eager two people, immediately picked up a branch, began to draw a few breaths on the soft ground, a simple, but enough to ensure that everyone can understand the map appeared in everyone's In front of him; Ye Qi pointed to two of them, saying: "This is the ruins of our place, here is the market!"

"Undoubtedly, there is a gathering place where there are many people in the market. Not only are there strong men such as Blanc and Zaka, but also a group of more than 50 supporters, plus local big" Thirty or so hunters, and the people of the Qianguma area, where almost all of them are soldiers; it can be said that if there is a castle, there is a fortress that is easy to defend!"

"Yes, compared to the crowds there, there are only a few of us here; we should stay to help you!" Looked at the map, Bless said, and Tate agreed. Nodded, and the always-famous Ferribe was silent, frowning, and apparently found something like Jacob, who looked at the map.

"There are more people who need more support!"

In the end, he sighed a long sigh, and Jacob said: "The Holy See's favorite thing is to attack the place where people think they are multi-faceted with superior forces; every war is like this; after all, for them, God's Power is infinite, vast, and inviolable; only with more blood can the infidels of the pagans be washed away!"

"Like here, the market in the Thousand Marsh area is definitely the goal of the Holy See's important care!" Jacob concluded: "Only one side is led by the strong, and the other side is formed by the strong!"

"Yeah, are you sure?"

After summing up, Jacob looked worriedly at Ye Qi as the adoptive father of the female cavalry chief. Jacob, who loves his daughter, could not want his prospective daughter to make any accidents.

"I can't beat it, I can't escape. Uncle Jacob, don't you think that I am the kind of dead brain?" Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and said: "And with Master Jemund, even the Holy See puts The so-called sorrowers they have accumulated have been pulled out and they are not able to trap us!"

"What's more, if I can find what the Holy See wants in advance, let them fight Even the battle is not used!" Said, Ye Qi spread his hands and deliberately made a The helpless appearance.

"That's good, I will open the ruins for you now!"

Jacob immediately wanted to stand up, but he was caught by Ye Qi, who pointed to the pot full of ingredients and boiling in the direction of Brace.

"Don't worry, Uncle Jacob; in time, we still have an advantage! So, I suggest that we fill our stomachs first, and after listening to Brace telling the story that makes me curious, then start working on the ruins!"

"of course!"

A few people glimpsed a little, and after all the reaction, they nodded immediately.

Ps second more ~~~ When I went home today, I was dragged by a friend and had a drink. It was a little late~~ I will apologize to everyone~~~

Thank you for the reward of the starting point of the 200-year-old prodigal son, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the 100 starting currency, and the reward of the 100-starting currency of the quiet forest.~~~Deprecated here, thank you for all the support for decadence. Brothers and sisters ~~~ are not finished.

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