Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 51: Remains

Even if it is a grinning and honest person, after having such a slap in the face of Freibe and eager to bicker, he will have a qualitative change in the expression of the language; obviously, Brace is like this. People, in the eyes of ordinary people who are not good at words, he is very good at describing, at the very least, in storytelling, enough to be a match with lunch.

"At that time, I was younger than Ye Qi, and I have just become a demon hunter. Of course, it is the kind of trainee title. It is similar to the current group of devils. I think that I am strong and born to be the protagonist; Unusually unruly, even my teacher has no way to take me long!" After holding his lunch box and stirring a steaming lunch, Brace slowly told a certain experience of his youth. . [] The novel chapter is the fastest update

"So, this kind of me, inevitably will cause some unnecessary trouble!" When it comes to this, Brace stirs the arm of the food involuntarily, which is obviously not good for him. Memories: "In a small bar in the dry forest area that was handed over to Huangshan District, I bet with a dark mercenary that I could find it alone and kill five mummies!"

"Wow, five mummies? In the place where the yellow sand is everywhere, those dark creatures have a natural advantage, even if the veteran of the demon hunter dare not say such a thing!" In the sound, Ferribe took a spoon and took out a piece of beef. He placed the soft, soft beef in his mouth. Although he was burnt and grinned, he still said clearly: "Our Brace was young when she was young?" "The novel chapter is the fastest update."


For friends who interrupt others. Tate’s unwelcome is a slap. Directly patted on the back of Ferribe; in the appearance of the crisp sound and the fall of Ferribe, Brace exchanged a rather tacit eye with Tate, the former continued: "At pressure After fifty Kimptons acted as a deposit, I set off with my own equipment and entered the Death Desert. The luck was very good. I heard a rumor that there was a dead body in a village!"

"And this kind of luck has always been with me, so I found the mummies I was looking for directly along the rumored place. However, it is clear that good luck is not a wonderful thing; when I am After opening the stone gate of the mausoleum, I knew that my good luck was overdone!"

"More than twenty mummies have death parties in the mausoleum, and they are obviously dissatisfied with my intruder; with a bang, I think about me; that scene, even if it is Under the scorching sun in Huangsha District, I also felt the back of my hair cool. Fortunately, at that time, I still remember everything that the teacher taught. In the use of several traps arranged before the opening of the mausoleum, I escaped without a risk. The chasing of the group of mummies!"

"It’s just that I have stored my bags in the battle that was more than expected. All of them were lost; and I have a full 20-day trip from the nearest oasis; at the time, I was a little desperate; The idea of ​​'I will encounter a camel or a miner' is obviously a mirage idea. Come comfort yourself!"

"After a week, I was exhausted and I fell in the desert, just like the travelers who lost in the desert, and eventually became a corpse... and when I was confused and away from me, a huge figure Covering the scorching sun of the sky, the crystal clear but incomparably huge body made me think that I was dreaming; in fact, when I was thrown into the oasis, I still thought that I was dreaming; until I heard that Ye Qi’s After the teacher and the rumors of Juggernaut, I realized that the situation I saw at that time was really true!"

"You guys have such a good luck?" After listening to Brace's words, Ferribe immediately widened his eyes and kept tapping his cast-iron lunch box, then whispered: "Maybe this is a good The more material can be adapted to become an imaginative adventurer novel! However, since you are not the first to tell me, the protagonist must be ugly; a cowardly and incompetent coward may be a good choice!"

"Brace, can you be sure what you said?"

No one cares about Ferribe’s self-talk, and Ye Qi looks at the demon hunter in front of him and asks him straight.

"I am absolutely certain, Lord Ye Qi! Although I was half stunned at that time, but what I saw, especially the kind of fearful, surrendering atmosphere is really no fault!" solemnly nodded, Brees affirmed his own statement and described it as much as possible: "The scales that look like red and green are not forgotten!"

Red bronze green scales...

Red copper dragon? !

This more specific description makes Ye Qi, who has obtained the inheritance of the dragon, immediately have a specific guessing object; plus the elder of the wolf who is now under his vassal has also said that he has been in the depths of the dry forest. Feel the atmosphere of the dragon, Ye Qi has almost certainly had a pair, a family or a 'family' in the junction of the dry forest and the Huangsha District.

Of course, according to Ye Qi’s guess, the red bronze dragon should be an old red copper dragon, or exactly the old one who has the blood of the red bronze dragon; after all, the ordinary adult red bronze dragon The scales are not green, and because of the disappearance of Long Island, the real dragon has long since disappeared, leaving only the blood of the dragon.

"Thank you for your story, Brace; this is a very important message for me!"

Ye Qi nodded at Brace's smile.

"If this story can help you, then this is my pleasure!"

Brees was very excited to face Ye Qi’s thanks and couldn’t help but lift his lunch box to Ye Qi. After a moment of squatting, Ye Qi immediately lifted his lunch box with the same action and touched the other party. When the cast iron lunch box touched, it immediately gave off the crisp metal sound of the '叮'; obviously, as a relic of the excavation team, especially the Qiangqu area, the existence of wine is a luxury. At most, it is the sour and sweet fruit wine made by the locals of the Chima area; however. Even the latter. There is no such thing in the remains of the entire excavation team.

In fact, after the last two bottles were found by someone a few days ago, they poured into their stomachs for various reasons. At this time, someone did not feel any shame or apology, see two I met a lunch box and immediately picked up my lunch box and came over.

"What do you mean by two of you? Come, come, everyone!"

Ferribe shouted loudly at Jacob and Tate. And waving their arms in a row; the two people who were greeted, after looking at each other, immediately joined together; and as Ye Qi and Brace, they smiled and looked at the two people who joined last; The personal lunch box is lightly touched, just like the glass.



The border of the Qiangyu District, within a mountain forest.

The new presiding judge was standing in front of a big tree, flipping through the secret letter that the bird had just sent, and looking at the words above, the new judge could not help but frown; The newly judge's brow wrinkled, surrounded by knife priests and black deacons. The instinctive instinct puts his eyes on the letter that is being read, especially the former. These young people’s eyes have expectations and helplessness as a year-old generation that has been hailed as an elite in the Holy See. Their excellence is unquestionable, but the last mission was enough to make them feel shameful; The existence, and will not be punished, but 'no escape' is still firmly imprinted on the hearts of these young people, lingering.

For the last mission, although they didn't know the specific plan, but through some arrangements, these outstanding young people already had some speculation, so they were gearing up and refueling; but the end result was awkward. Escape, even one of their leaders, the Archbishop of Red is also tragically killed in the nameless woods. For the death of Terry, the new judge has not given cover, but instead publicized it. The unsatisfactory leader of the plan, and the so-called poor plan of the plan, and even some inexplicable mistakes, were also pushed to the dead red archbishop.

For the flamboyant Archbishop of Red, the new judge who is the old man who left the old man naturally has enough reason to do so, and even if it is not a conditional limit, he will do more. It was like the original Archbishop of Red, who did what he did now, and he was only a learner.

Therefore, although the plan failed, the new presiding judge did not have any worries or embarrassment, especially after fleeing the site of the Hunter in the Thousand Marsh area, the new trial chief grew up. The tone is the old man who fell down from the adult. Although he did not dare to speculate on the idea of ​​the grown-up, he had enough understanding; and it was because of this sufficient understanding that he was relieved; in his thoughts, The adult will soon re-arrange him a task that he can do, and he just has to wait.

In this regard, the newly-accredited presiding judge is convinced that the strength and status are removed. The adult’s like-minded gaze is the reason most people follow; the other person never makes it difficult for him to The subordinates go through the impossible tasks, and then send them the most suitable tasks for their subordinates.

Of course, the most suitable task is to fail, that is, the sin is unforgivable. All the subordinates of the adult think this way. The new judge is very clear about his ability and is not good at it. He is more suitable for a face-to-face battle, even if it is a close battle, he will go forward and let the pagans bathe under the glory of God.

Because of this, the newly-accredited presiding judge, after receiving the secret letter of 'in situ', was very puzzled; if it was not confirmed that the adult’s notes, the new judge Almost as someone pretended to be impersonating, though, he did not think that anyone in the Holy See dared to do so.

Adult, what do you want to do?

Haven't you given up the plan of Terry's **** guy?

It’s not clear how the Red Archbishop used to say that the new judge of the adult he was following frowned. After two circles in the same place, he put a letter of response to the bird’s claws. On the top, watching the flying bird flying high again, the new presiding judge frowned and turned around and responded to the arrangement of the adult in a very fearful tone in the past; obviously. Even the bottom of my heart is puzzled. But the new presiding judge did not dare to question the decision of the grown-up.

Of course. This does not mean that he went to find out why this happened.

"grown ups!"

With the wave of the new presiding judge, a young knife priest immediately walked over to him.

"Send this letter to our nearest secret location!"

A secret letter written at the same time as the previous reply appeared in the hands of the new presiding judge.

"Understood, adults!"

The young knife priest immediately took over the secret letter and then quickly ran outside the forest, watching the disappearance of his priest with the knife and the priest disappearing. The newly-recognized judge’s frowning brows Stretching a little as an old man following the adult. He still has a good relationship in the same camp, and it is because of this good popularity that he can get the current position and also believe that he can get some accurate news.

Hope is not an unexpected change!

With this in mind, the new presiding judge turned and walked toward the temporary tree house. Although he was not good at planning, he had to think about it in response to the next possible changes. At that time, the face of the Archbishop of Red flashed through his mind, even the new judge. It is also undeniable that the other party is annoying, but the ability to plan is outstanding; at the very least. It is a certainty to be able to get the approval of that adult.

Of course, it’s just a flash of light. After a slight sigh, the new presiding judge has re-adjusted his emotions and strode into the most valueless person in the tree house, the dead man. Even if he is savvy in front of him.


[Higher Dimensional Bag: A masterpiece of the Wizarding Dynasties, with a built-in space of about five cubic meters; effect: storing items without life, unable to store the holy device. 】

Looking at the existence of a bag like a bag, Ye Qi’s eyes sparkled with incredible surprises. Although he knew that the item left by the wizard emperor to his disciples could not be obscured, he did not expect that it would be In the dark ages, the famous [Dimensional Bag].

In the era when the wizard was popular, all kinds of novel experiments, magical items, and spells were born every day, but there was never a built-in thing that could surprise people like the [Dimensional Bag]. Space makes all the wizards crazy. After all, no one wants to have a storage space that they carry with them, all kinds of magic materials, spell models, and even thicker wizard diaries. There is a storage space that is only the size of a purse.

However, the cumbersome production process requires the cherishment of materials and the cost of production that can be exchanged for a city, but most of the wizards are discouraged; however, this does not make the [Dimensional Bag] disappear into the wizard. Because of its rare speciality, it has become a symbol of a considerable number of wizards and aristocrats showing their identity.

In the war of the late Dark Ages, one of the seven heroes of the insurgents also won a [secondary bag], and it is because of this harvest that the history of the dark world can be recorded in detail in this wizard. The masterpiece of the dynasty of the dynasty is comparable to the holy device!

According to historical records, the [dimensional bag] that is still kept in a certain family should be a cubic built-in space, and this one in my hand has five cubics, which is called the prefix 'higher', then the [secondary bag] 】 should be low-level...

Sure enough, it is a relic of the wizarding emperor left to his apprentice!

Ye Qi’s sighs, especially when he discovered some of the items left in the [Dimensional Bag], it made the sigh more and more sincere. Although it’s just some magic items, there is no sacrament, but these The level of magical items is enough to make Ye Qi, the alchemy, reach the level of proficiency, and feel amazed and self-satisfied.

"I really have a poor boy who has no knowledge, just a counterfeit, and it makes you excited!"

The wolf is very suitable in the heart of his contractor, and it is against the other side. For such behavior, the wolf is always happy; of course, it will never admit that it is because the other party asks it to pay the deposit first. 'Dissatisfaction and deliberate ridicule.

"Imperial goods... So genuine should be a sacrament? Is it a day?"

Ye Qi, who whispered in a low voice, only thought a little, and came to this conclusion.

"Day of the day? Of course not, like you are the same day, it is just a starting point!" With such words, the wolf immediately turned back to the transaction between them: "The deposit has been I paid you, and as the magic tower of the topic, I guess it can be done as a contract; therefore, you must not forget to promise me!"

"The item in the three-tier laboratory cabinet? Don't worry, I will remember!"

Ye Qi put the [Dimensional Bag] into the close-fitting clothing and nodded his head. In the bottom of his heart, he was thinking about the discourse of the sacred wolf inadvertently revealed.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~

Incidentally, the decadence helps to recommend the book of a sister in the group, "The Fall of the Lord of the Others" ~ is not finished.

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