Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 90: Promotion - Legend! in

Even in the face of the existence of the sun, Ye Qi has never been distressed, and even anything under the planned arrangement will not make Ye Qi feel distressed, at most it is dignified - and from becoming a hunting demon After the person, what can make you feel distressed is nothing more than an accident with the witch. This is basically a tangled thing; now there is one more!

In the face of the benefits that are at your fingertips, I am just an ordinary person, and I will suffer from it!

With such a sigh, Ye Qi laughed at himself; but, at the bottom of his heart, he had his own plan - ‘the interests are supreme! ’

Select properties!

This choice is almost a more objective choice made by Ye Qi after thinking for a long time - 5 to 6 attribute points, almost 15 to 18 human level can be accumulated, in other words According to the 10 skill points of each character level, it is equivalent to 150 to 180 skill points!

And to upgrade the [master-class cold weapon] to the legend, it is only need 40, up to 60 skill points, which differs by almost 100 skill points, that is, the total number of skill points of ten human-levels - this way The gap may be reduced because of the effect of the [master-class cold weapon] immediately after the promotion of the legend, but its essence has not changed!

It is precisely because of this intrinsic change that Ye Qi has the final decision - if he does not want to regret, he must have a reason to convince himself; and what is the essence of these figures, Can you more convince Ye Qi himself?

perhaps. In some respects, it is not effective to get the legendary combat power immediately, but in the long run, it is undoubtedly the latter is more suitable, just like [the power of steel] is powerful now, but has no potential; let alone, [Human-shaped dragon] This kind of all-round attribute increases the blood volume of 20%. The effect brought by the attribute point is undoubtedly stronger at the end of the period, and it is enough to twist the battle at some special moments.

I choose the main attribute [physique]!

Ye Qi, who had the final conclusion, made his own choices—the same as the previous considerations, the guess of the primary and secondary attributes. Naturally, Ye Qi tends to be the main attribute that can promote more attributes.

[Legend option, determined to be the main attribute...]

[Physique +6]

Almost at the moment when the sound of the dullness fell, Ye Qi felt the ups and downs in the body; the energy was like the feeling of yelling, so that Ye Qi’s breathing could not help but two points, even Just standing still and not moving, Ye Qi can feel that his skin, muscles and bones are stronger and stronger. Perhaps, the absolute strength has not increased, but on the basis of the original, he has gained more equal strength. Attack; simply said. It’s just a slap in the face, and it’s just one-fifth at the moment. Even less.

Of course, this is only one of them, and the changes in defensive changes and the number of spells used by the physique are also quite the same - the former is enough for Ye Qi to use his body as an armor, while the latter Let Ye Qi be able to continue to choose boldly and boldly, with two spells of eight and nine levels.

Is this 30 physique?

I couldn't help but close my eyes for a long time and feel the changes in my body. Ye Qi then took a breath and slowly opened his eyes - some ideas that I wanted to verify. Naturally, it is impossible to test it. It can only be said after going out; let alone a more important thing is not done.

[Advanced legendary career - the ancient dragon warlock; yes / no? 】

The ancient dragon warlock: powerful you, found a long-standing existence in the blood of their own - the blood of the ancient dragon. This blood will be an opportunity for you to evolve again... Grasp it and don't give up, or you will regret for the rest of your life - the warlocks who flow the blood of the ancient dragon, the strength will be superior, become a respectable existence...

Occupation characteristics:

Each level of skill points: +4 (originally 10 for each level, now 14 for each level)

Get one attribute point per level

Get a feat every second

Level 1: Longwei (Upper Dragon). Dragon Breath (Upper Ancient Dragon), Dragon Power (Upper Ancient Dragon), Dragon's Scale A (Upper Ancient Dragon), Dragon's Physique (Upper Dragon)

Level 2: Dragon Wing (Upper Dragon). Less than the nine-level spell position plus one, the nine-level spell position plus one;

Level 3: Dragon's Heritage (Upper Dragon); Legendary Options +1.

Level 4: Blood Fusion +1.

Five levels: Shanglong Longhua.

【Yes! 】

Faced with such problems, Ye Qi is naturally affirmative in response to the information already revealed in his mind. At the same time, he took a slight breath and began to prepare - whether it was the first time or the second time. The order, the pain can be remembered by Ye Qi; the first time, the second time is already like this, Ye Qi can not believe, after the third time, it will change.

Ye Qi’s expectation was not wrong. Immediately after he had chosen a positive answer, the pain began to appear. Different from the past, from one place to one place, this time it seems to be a volcanic eruption. It was drowned by the pain; it was like peeling off the whole body of meat, and then being cramped and boneless!

A cyan, purple blood vessel bulges from Ye Qi's skin, getting thicker and thicker, as if it will burst at any time - and this pain even brings a touch of illusion to Ye Qi, an unprecedented dragon appears. In front of him, he is stronger than any dragon in his memory, whether it is strength or reminder.

That Angxiang in the Milky Way, showing an hourglass-like body shape, very clearly telling Ye Qi that this is the same as the blood of his dragon: Time Dragon!

In the huge figure, the black stripes are more and more clear, and the hourglass-like black scales attached to the eyes even give people a feeling of translucentness, especially under the backdrop of the Milky Way, not only that attached to the eyes. The black scales, the whole body is emitting soft light. But it is a heavy light - no object can get close to this light, even if it is a star, it will smash under the light or smash it, or directly through it, and finally, disappear in the distance.

A strip of colorful seemingly fluttering, but exudes a heart-rending light pattern that appears in front of it, beside and around it, letting it swim freely; even if it is a stronger presence, under such circumstances It can only be a long sigh, powerless; because. There is - long time!

Without any explanation or explanation, Ye Qi of Yuzhong understands everything, as if it was ‘he’!


Distant, uncalculable, the other side of the starry sky.

In the same colorful and magnificent colors, several snorkeling figures stagnate, and the huge body is sluggish, and even the heart-rending, heavy colorful light is shattered. But for these figures, they are unaware that their gray-white long neck is slightly twisted. Twelve ridges that resemble the annual rings have a slight vibration, especially the longest one that looks like a Japanese thief.

The huge, clear and chaotic eyes penetrated through the layers of fog, seeing through the layers of crystal walls, to penetrate the star's line of sight, watching that point, that far away almost It is the form that makes them forget.

Humanity? Mixed?

The low and complicated dragon language is full of doubts that cannot exist.

After a few huge figures glanced at each other, they nodded and then raised a dreaded head together. Then a slight spray.

It seems that there is no interval, distance, a grayish black gas, out of thin air because of the shackles, and can not pay attention to the front of the body of Ye Qi; then, without any rejection, into the body of Ye Qi - - After doing all this, a few huge figures. Once again, the original appearance was restored, and the colorful lights that were shattered by the strips and the roads were all restored to normal in the next moment.

However, just here is back to normal!

That strand penetrated the line of sight of the stars. However, it is perceived and perceived by several people who wander in the astral world.

They followed the gaze and continued with extraordinary power until they saw the familiar place, and all the bodies trembled.

There is their hometown!

Distributed in different places in the astral world, there are several infinite wandering existences, which have changed their respective directions in an instant, moving forward there, in the moment of twisting the body - the fission of the void, the devour of the black vortex, the golden lightning The embarrassing, red flame meteor explosion...

But these can only stop them for a moment. They have found them that have been pursuing their destination for a long time. They don’t mind waiting for a while; because they have been waiting for a long time, don’t mind waiting a little longer; anyway For themselves, their opponents, this silky wait is nothing.


The strange wolf in the land of the seal licked his mouth and felt the change of his companion companion. There were both surprises and sorrows in his eyes. It was really enviable to die. It was so easy to break through the mortal shackles. Is it a good guy like a mixed race?

Wrong, wrong, it should be that the blood of the time dragon is good enough to make this guy have such capital!

I don't know how the ancestors of this kid were seduce to a time dragon; those who are like hermits are not tempted like other dragons; er, is there a woman among the ancestors of this kid, who has a prophet? Qualification? Then, a certain passing dragon has just been attracted?

Oh, that's right, that's right!

It must be like this!

Thinking of more strange blood, even the mortal wolf, who shook his head, immediately shook his head, denied his first point of view, and then summed up a new point of view; followed by the former demon, now the strange wolf With a very bad taste point of view, I have speculated that the ancestors of this contractual companion have encountered things; of course, there is still a trace of embarrassment.

After all, once it reached such a height, the wolf naturally knows something - some areas that even God can't get involved, only those special existences can be used as paradise; not only have special powers that are strong enough to resist, but also special abilities Under the support of them, they also gained equal power; so that all the existents above the stars have to look at each other. Looking at the reality like a separation, then, by default, that fact.

Strength, at any time, is the standard that makes any existence, a measure of anything.

Hey, the blood of the time dragon!

It’s a pity that I signed a contract with this kid. Otherwise, I want to make this guy my god. After all, the power of those guys can’t be underestimated. Especially for the care of blood relatives, even I will feel envious...

However, who is the time dragon in the blood of one of the ancestors of this kid?

The blood is so rich that it has such a degree, after many generations, there is such power!

Or, the talent of this kid is really good, can the dragon's blood flow to the fullest?

Impossible, it is impossible, the talent of this kid is just normal, when a priest is hitting the Universiade. Still want to have any talent? It’s not a descendant of the dragon, it’s really a joke!

The strange wolf’s talent for his own contract companion is very determined. Then, I waited for my contract companion to 'wake up'; and this waiting time made it believe in his own judgment - his contract companion is a talented guy, and he met the big luck. A good ancestor; otherwise, 'this pain', need to wait for such a long time?

The feeling of sputum slowly subsided, and Ye Qi even had to shake his head to let himself wake up quickly, but this kind of action. But he just got up and he almost fell to the ground - swaying, Ye Qi tried to control the balance of the body, he tried to stand up straight; but like drunk, the brain is still I am awake, but the body is not listening to control.

This state lasted for ten minutes, and after the sensation completely disappeared, Ye Qi was restored to normal. As soon as he returned to normal, Ye Qi found out that his body was different, and he realized his understanding of the system.

[b-level mission: professional legend open (complete); gain experience 20000.]

[A level task: the road to the peak is open: the character level reaches twenty-five. The occupation level reaches five levels...]

Congratulations, the character level has been raised to 20, and the legendary career has been upgraded to one; your injuries and energy have been fully restored; you have 14 skills proficiency, you can assign them arbitrarily...]

[The legendary career has been upgraded to one, you have acquired blood speciality: Longwei (Upper Dragon), Dragon Power (Upper Dragon), Dragon Scale (Upper Dragon), Dragon Physique (Upper Dragon), Dragon (Upper Dragon) ). 】

[Long Wei (Upper Long): The other party needs to make three determinations. If one fails, it will fall into fear, panic or coma; each time it is firm, the difficulty level is +1.]

[The power of the dragon (the ancient dragon): the deepening of the blood, so that your strength has a qualitative improvement; effect: strength +3.]

[Dragon's Scale A (Upper Ancient Dragon): Achieve the ancient dragons, armor defense has been further improved; effect: natural armor +3.]

[Dragon's Physique (Upper Ancient Dragon): To reach the ancient dragons, the body has been further increased, with a strong resistance to the elements; effect: physique +3; 60% reduction of various elements. Fear, confusion, and coma exemptions increase by 100%. 】

[Dragon Breath (Upper Ancient Dragon): To reach the ancient dragons, have a deeper understanding of their talents; the linear dragons of the plundering time and the cone-shaped dragons of the exile time can be spit, depending on the level; the basic level It is 15 feet; for each current character level, the distance is increased by five feet; the consumption of the dragon's interest is reduced by 20%. 】

Some of the system prompts that Ye Qi had watched it carefully for ten minutes, and then he raised his head; Ye Qi’s eyes sparkled with a strong color – after the character level reached 20, then The upgrade will undoubtedly become more and more difficult, but the skill points have been upgraded from ten to fourteen levels per level because of the legendary occupation. In particular, the setting of one attribute point and expertise of each level makes Ye Qi feel overjoyed.

Undoubtedly, the existence of attribute points, because its particularity is the more powerful the future, with the current 33 physique, plus a little bit, I am afraid it is more than ten times the original!

The first-class legendary career, the ancient dragon warlock, did not disappoint Ye Qi, only the blood quality of the first level, even if those characteristics were thrown away, it also brought him +3 power and + 3 physique, the increase of six attribute points; almost the same as the legendary option.

Reaching the power of 26, has touched the threshold of the legend, and the physique of 33 is enough to make me far beyond the legend of the newly promoted, to reach the true legend or even higher; if coupled with the change of the dragon and the humanoid dragon 】] Even if I don’t rely on my own cards, it’s enough to 'press people', so that those legends at the same level can’t help me...

And if you add the accumulated cards Even if you encounter a higher level of legend, I have enough confidence to escape!

Looking at his own property bar, according to the situation before the warden, Ye Qi silently calculated - although there is still some detailed information about the legend, but by comparison, some simple situations Ye Qi has Sufficient understanding.

Let the breeze blowing through the cheeks in the afternoon, slightly closing the eyes of Ye Qi, a fierce fist -

Above the sun...

I have reached it.

Ps second more ~ ​​various settings, what is done, dead brain cells! ! !

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting price of the June 4200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100, the reward of the 100th starting currency of the silent forest, and the reward of the 100 starting currency. The wretched strange uncle 100 starting point rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (.) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.

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