Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 16 Chapter 91: Promotion - Legend! under

Ye Qi quickly recovered from the tide of the heart, and then looked at the legendary career again: the introduction of the ancient dragon warlocks - first of all those **** features, was seen by Ye Qi one by one; then, his attention Force is placed on two special abilities that will be acquired at the third and fourth levels of the legendary profession.

The former is the [legendary option] that made him hesitate before, while the latter is a strange vocabulary [blood fusion +1] - Ye Qi, who has had an experience with the former, is already very hot at the moment, can’t wait to immediately The level of your own is increased by two levels to obtain this new [legendary option]; after all, a [legendary option] represents the accumulation of more than a dozen levels of characters.

The latter, even without any explanation, but the higher the system level, the more powerful the 'ladder theory', obviously is not second to the existence of [legendary option] - it can be said that whether it is turned on again [legend option] Or [Blood Fusion +1] is to make Ye Qi heart and eyes hot; however, looking at the experience required for the upgrade at this moment, Ye Qi is quickly calm down.

The experience bar under the system character attribute bar has passed about a quarter of the time - but this does not surprise Ye Qi, but rather frowns; after all, he was in continuous order at 19th level. After completing several [level a tasks], the experience has already passed most of the time, and finally [s-level task, Moran's end 2] even used the experience that was not even half, and pushed it on. The extent of level 20.

However, the remaining half of the [s-level task] is only about a quarter of the experience of this moment, knowing that this is a full 1.5 million experience; in other words. If you want to raise the character level to 21, you need 6 million experience in completeness; even if the experience bar at this moment has reached a quarter, but if you follow the standard [a task], you can get five. If 100,000 experience is to be calculated, if Ye Qi wants to upgrade, he will need to complete nine [a-level tasks]...


Sure enough, after entering the legend, with the change in the quality of the quality, the experience is also exponentially growing!

With such an idea, Ye Qi could not help but shake his head, and his mouth could not help but reveal a bitter smile - the difficulty of the [a task at the moment]. He is naturally clear; change to be before he enters the legend, I am afraid that these [a-level tasks] are all [s-level tasks]; that is, at the moment, Ye Qi, want to obtain [a-level tasks 】 I have to find the warden to enter the legendary existence to trigger.

Nine [a-level missions], that is, the existence of nine solar flares!

In this regard, Ye Qi is naturally a bitter smile - although he has already entered the legend at this moment, but Ye Qi is not blind enough to think that completing the above tasks will be as simple as 'killing' the warden; after all, before The battle is a lot of coincidence, it can only be luck.

And good luck. Can not be accompanied by someone at any time - the fate of the trick, being hanged by people. Absolutely not for no reason; especially the demon hunters, it is customary to take the cautious character and their own strength as the basis of everything, not by luck; after all, you can't expect every vampire you meet, just right. It is a vegetarian.

Shaking his head and temporarily putting the idea of ​​elevating his own level aside, Ye Qi’s gaze once again looked down the character’s property bar—for those who have just reached the legendary scene, everything is strange. ,Unknown. It is obviously impossible for such a state to step into the plan of quickly upgrading the character level; at the very least, it is impossible to put such a plan on the agenda until Ye Qi understands his current state and legendary situation.

Huh? !

When Ye Qi’s eyes swept over the spell bar, the line of sight stopped and stopped.

The spells below level 3 have a special mark of max after the standard of each spell; obviously, the spells of level 3 and level 3 are for the Ye Qi at the moment. Basically, it has reached the point of arbitrarily exerting, and it will hardly consume physical strength; however, this is not the reason for Ye Qi to stop his eyes; according to the previous [Legend Options], the main attributes [physique] and [Dragon's Physique] are selected. His constitution has reached 33 directly from 24. According to the relationship between the previous spell and the physique, the effect of one-time permanent +9 is enough to make the level 5 spells reach the max level.

But now, only the spells of level 3 and level 3 have such a degree; while the level 4 and level 5 are marked with 64 words in the back - this number of times is undoubtedly not related to the effect after the body +9 In line with the spells; not only the four-level, five-level spells, but also the six, seven, and eight-level spells, just a few more times on the original basis, but far less than +9 After the body effect!

How is this going?

Is it the reason behind the legendary world, the road to warriors and the road to wizards?

Such speculation emerged in Ye Qi’s mind. He looked at it slightly, and in the skill bar [Master Cold Weapon 60] and [Mystery Knowledge Master 27] - all the roads with the warrior and the path of the wizard on him. In the existence of association, these two skills are undoubtedly the best way to reflect the difference between the warrior and the wizard; the former needless to say, that is the core of his entire system at the moment, while the latter is the only skill that can be linked to the wizard.

As for [alchemy]?

For [Alchemy] which was derived after [mysterious knowledge] reached the level of proficiency, it is obvious that Ye Qi is sure that [mysterious knowledge] is fundamental.

Is it necessary to remove the physique and want the spell to reach the corresponding lossless method?

Looking at the squares in the skill bar, Ye Qi couldn't help but think - obviously, such a guess is that there is not enough information to be used as evidence, but it is not because of this, throwing such guesses aside. Especially in the description of the original wolf's description of the road to the warrior and the path of the wizard, Ye Qi's heart is not biased towards his guess.

‘The road to warriors and the road to wizards cannot be taken care of. Even if you have the blood of a time dragon, it is also true! You can achieve the same level of choice as you choose, but if you take care of both, you will only be inactive! ’

Such a singer Ye Qi can remember quite clearly, and the current situation is also very consistent with such a discourse - no doubt, the skill points are limited, and you can't give [mystery knowledge] if you want to improve [master cold weapon] The necessary points; if you want to improve by your own efforts, the time required is not what he can bear.

After all, Ye Qi is well aware of the simple words that seem to be a skill level +1. What is represented, perhaps at the ordinary level, is nothing; but once it reaches the level of proficiency, each level of promotion represents the time as the unit of the month, and this is still under the premise of hard work. Can be successful - just take the level of his mysterious knowledge proficiency 27, and if you want to improve to [mysterious knowledge proficiency 28], Ye Qi can be sure that it takes at least five months or more; In the case of encountering proficiency levels into the expert level, once a bottleneck is encountered. If you are the card owner, then it will take a long time. It is simply difficult to estimate.

Just like the apostles who have stuck to the peak of the star-level or the peak of the moonlight in their lifetime, it is full of regret.

Obviously, it is impossible for Ye Qi at the moment to use skill points to upgrade the level of [mysterious knowledge]. As the core of his entire system [master-class cold weapon] is Ye Qi's real concern -

Maybe you can use the power of faith?

Such an idea inevitably appears in Ye Qi’s heart, but with the power of faith, the uncertainty of increasing ability after breaking the illusion, Ye Qi shook his head again – it’s just like luck, just like him. The first time I came to the Qiangyu District was to upgrade the [master-class cold weapon]. But how many levels have you really improved so far?

Therefore, the power of faith is useful, but the use is very limited!

The road of warriors, the road of wizards...

Ye Qi, who whispered these two nouns, took back his own gaze on the light blue screen. After a moment of indulging for a while, he gave up the first eight spells and nine spells. The idea that unallocated spells are added right away - for Ye Qi. The eight-level and nine-level spell positions are obviously precious and unusual. After all, after the legendary career is opened. In reaching the next level, it is only an eight-level, nine-level spell position plus one; this situation, Ye Qi had to choose carefully.

Especially after seeing the law similar to the call and resurrection of the Legion, Ye Qi thinks that he should learn more about some legendary things, and then make arrangements according to the situation - and want to quickly understand the legendary situation, Ye Qi’s side is naturally a good candidate; of course, this candidate is not a strange wolf; although the wolf is known to be knowledgeable, it is very clear to the legendary world, but this knows very clearly. The information 'is not comprehensive, and definitely not the latest!

Can you count on a seal that has been sealed for centuries and get the latest news about the legendary world?

Perhaps the wolf knows very well what the legendary situation is, and can explain the difference for Ye Qi, but this information is only before it is sealed. For some situations now, it is obvious that you want to rely on each other. The reality - the ever-changing, such words, the demon hunter will not forget; after all, for the use of crossbows, daggers, long swords as standard equipment for hundreds of years ago, all of them have been replaced with gunpowder at this moment Weapons; except for some special existences, most of the hunters have accepted this choice.

For a change that increases your chances of survival, anyone will choose to accept it!

And now is the same truth - who can guarantee that the legendary world hundreds of years ago is the same as the current legend? Will there be no change from the general sword to the gunpowder weapon?

Therefore, for the cautious Ye Qi, this must be explored, and fortunately, he now has a very suitable candidate: the warden -

"Are you getting news about the legendary world from the soul of the warden?"

Ye Qi knows that for the soul harvest of the high-ranking characters of the Holy See, his contract companion is absolutely happy; and for this kind of benefit to both sides, Ye Qi will not refute - just like this moment, Obtained through the investigation of the soul of the warden. The wolf gets the status of his old opponent, and he gets some information about the legendary world.

"Well, there are some; however, according to this guy's memory, it was more than a decade ago! And, the poor information is less basic, not as comprehensive as my memory! How, I need all of it to give You?" The strange wolf’s voice was lazy, and after several yawns. This slowly said: "After all, before receiving the news of the other minion of the guy, this guy has been improving his strength in the so-called "Holy Prison" and completing some experiments!"

Speaking of this strange wolf, a fierce meal, and then the voice involuntarily appeared a mockery: "Hey, it is a greedy and arrogant guy, really looks like the guy they serve; there is still Such a delusion, no wonder you have made yourself look like this is not the case. Let your kid get a cheap!"

It seems that I need to ask a few tower owners like headquarters...

Ye Qi secretly squats, and faces the saying that the wolf is ‘捡 cheap’. He did not deny that although there is no direct evidence, but Ye Qi, who has been with the wolf for several years, I understand very well that in such a matter, the other party is still disdainful to lie; even if it is the sarcasm between the two sides. Both of them will speak with 'facts'.

"Which is your blood? From what kind of guy? You can make a mixed blood reach such a level. It is definitely not a nameless person in the dragon family!" Facing the contemplative Ye Qi, the strange wolf suddenly said - - Despite the good luck of the contractor in the land of the seal. It is very ‘objective’ to express disdain, but it is very curious to know which guy is bringing such good luck to its contractor.

"How do I know? You are not omniscient and omnipotent?"

Facing the curiosity of the wolf, Ye Qi rolled his eyes; then, he quickly transferred the topic in the way he is best at it. For the system of the body, this secret that has been kept secret for life, Ye Qi certainly cannot be frank.

"I am omnipotent!"

really. When it comes to certain things, even the existence of a wolf can become irrational - it screams loudly after Ye Qi’s voice has just fallen; After the smashing, the former demon, but reacted, in front of its contractor, is the kind of knowing the roots; immediately, there is something more to add, adding: "At the very least, in some ways, I It’s omnipotent!”

"In some respects, this adjective has ruined the meaning of omnipotence!" Faced with the "shameless" of his companion companion, Ye Qi could not help but snorted from the nostrils, and then said: "It will be what you call it." Basic, less poor 'information about the legendary world, come to me!'

Even if it is less, it is better than nothing!

This is the truest idea of ​​Ye Qi at the moment - although it has decided to ask the heads of several towers to ask about the legendary situation, but this does not mean that Ye Qi will mind, knowing some information about the legendary situation in advance. .

"Okay, awkward guy!"

After hearing, Ye Qi’s tone, the wolf couldn’t help but lick his mouth. It was very clear, and a potential transaction was ruined – for his contractor, he reached a legendary situation and was eager to know the details of the legend. The idea, the wolf is very clear; and in this regard, it does not mind to know everything about the legendary world, 'packaging' it to its contractor.

Of course, it will inevitably pay a small price; after all, this is one of the foundations of the contract between the two sides - therefore, when Ye Qi asks, the wolf is very rude to despise everything that the warden knows; Although in some ways, it does not lie, just stealing the concept.

But as the contractor gets everything that the warden knows, the trade between them will inevitably become worthless—the wolf will never deny the cleverness of his contractor.

What a nasty few days!

Thinking of the ‘loss’ in the previous ruins, and the failure to make up for the loss, the wolf couldn’t help but mutter and returned to the seal.


The legendary world It turns out that...

After the strange wolf disappeared for a long time, Ye Qi slowly opened his eyes and revealed the expression of a sudden realization. When the strange wolf muttered and dissatisfied, Ye Qi understood that he would certainly gain something. In fact, this harvest not only confirmed Ye Qi’s thoughts, but also exceeded his speculation.

Above the Sun Yat-Sen, the legendary realm is a name for the existence of the derivative after the full control of its own ability - for example, the ability of the warden is [manipulating the body], when he is at the level of the day At that time, he completely controlled his ability, and he was free to control the body of his ranks. When his ability once again made a breakthrough, he developed a game that would make the tower of the athletics suffer. force】!

The flame of Lord Brand should be the same!

Recalling the power of death of the warden, Ye Qi’s mind appeared involuntarily, and the white flame rising from the tower of the sacred object is undoubtedly a derivative of his own ability.

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