Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 3: Shaker's breeze

In the intentional pursuit of Ye Qi and his entourage, one hour after the sun set, they chased the former team of the demon hunters; apparently, for the backward Ye Qi and his entourage, many of the demon hunters already knew something— - Ted, who re-returned, did not hide everything he saw; and as a good news, such things naturally did not need to be hidden, almost ten minutes after Ted returned to the team, the entire hunting demon The team of people knew what happened to Jacob and his team.

For such a good thing, the demon hunter familiar with Jacob, after seeing Jacob and others, went straight to express congratulations; but the familiar hunter was also in the distance, sitting in his own On the top of the car, the wine glass in his hand was lifted up, and Jacob and his line of 'breakthrough' expressed a kind voice and laughter.

There are also a lot of thoughtful people who have found some differences; for example: Why does Jacob and his party have a good thing like 'breakthrough' at the same time? Usually, having a 'breakthrough' is enough to surprise people. Now all four people have such a 'breakthrough'. This is not a surprise, and there has been a trend toward miracles...

For miracles?

Everyone is looking forward to it, including every hunter, but most of the time, the hunter will look for the cause of the miracle - almost instinct, with such an idea, many people's eyes are Falling on the last figure: the dragon of Shaker!

Is it the Lord of the Shack, who helped them?

Well, it must be like this, yes!

In the hearts of many people present, after such a self-question and self-answer, I look at the smiling and acquaintance Ye Qi, the eyes can not help but slightly warm up - powerful people can get the respect that the strong should have; Those who are strong and able to point to others who are equally powerful will be revered.

For, the importance of strength. The demon hunter walking on the edge is too clear!

Therefore, as long as it does not violate its own bottom line to gain more powerful strength, it will be won by the hunters - violating their own bottom line and gaining strength. For the devils. That is comparable to suicide; have tasted the sad, grief-stricken taste, they are not caught in the pursuit of strength; not to mention, for them, there are many ways to pursue strength. Why do you have to violate your bottom line?

For example: Asking for the dragon of the Shak in front of you, it is obviously within the bottom line; however, the thought of himself and the dragon of the Shak, the name of the world, is known as the strongest of the new generation of hunting devils, many heart-felt The hunters can't help but scream.

then. Looked at the people with the same mind around, everyone was a little embarrassed to drill back into their cars or tents - perhaps in some respects, the demon people showed a consistently strong, stubborn style, but in Sometimes it is a pleasure to show that young people will be embarrassed; of course, this is only the majority of the demon hunters, such as some natural or cool-faced guys are not included; for example: Ted.

Ted, who has the title of ‘behemoth,’, after Ye Qi walked into the camp, grabbed Ye Qi’s shoulder and pulled Ye Qi to the side – and had a pretty good relationship with Ye Qi. In addition to the natural and bold character, Ted can have no scruples from other hunters; when he walks, he asks: "What is going on?"

"What is going on?"

Ye Qi asked with a smile, knowingly.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, Jacob and his team have all had different levels of breakthroughs at one time. Don't tell me, this has nothing to do with you!" Hammered the shoulders of Ye Qi hard, Ted deliberately A fierce look: "Hurry up and tell me, otherwise I want you to look good!"

"Even if you want me to look good. I can't help you!"

Ye Qi converges with a smile, very solemnly said.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at Ye Qi is not like a joke. Ted also put away the joke and became solemn.

"Uncle Jacob and Feribe, they are different from you! They are still in 'confused', so my words can give them a way to their own!" Ye Qi said this, looking at it. Ted explained: "And you are different, you already have your own path, and you have already walked a considerable distance on it. You can reach a new level by taking a step! So, you should not only seek someone else's. Instead, you should focus on your own thinking!"

"The same is true of Heather, but I really don't know how to continue!"

Upon hearing Ye Qi’s explanation, Ted’s face could not help but reveal a bitter smile; but Ye Qi was helpless shrugging his shoulders – as he said, Ted became a new day’s glory. It has reached the point where it is at the door; any excessive guidance will make him even more confused; and Ted, who has obviously chosen his own path, is useless for other instructions; unless Ted is willing Give up everything that is available and re-select a road.

Just like the choice made by the main tower of the athletic tower in the face of the legendary world, the difficulty is absolutely beyond imagination, although it is not as difficult as the legendary tower of the competitive tower, but It will not be too far apart - after all, fundamentally speaking, at the peak of the moon, the Ted, who is yearning for the glory, and the tower of the athletic tower, which is at the peak of the Japanese glory and longing for the legendary world, two The starting point for the individual is the same.

Do not take that step, the two will always look at the flowers in the fog, do not know what the next realm is like!

Therefore, Ye Qi faces Ted’s inquiry and acts as a friend of the other party. He is absolutely afraid to speak easily – any guidance is irresponsible to the other party at this time; after all, the other party and his The road is basically the same. If it is the same, Ye Qi can also speculate on one or two and communicate with each other.

That's right, it's communication!

Even if the roads chosen by the two are the same, but Ye Qi [Cold Master 60] does not enter the title of [Legend] one day, he still can't do the real control of his own road like the real legendary powerhouse, and also found it. Derivatives - not to mention, the road between the two is also fundamentally different.

"I don't know how to continue going, it proves that you are only one step away from the goal; after taking this step, you will see a brand new world; and I believe that day will not be too far!" Ted, the bitter smile, Ye Qi shot his shoulder. Advise.

"hope so!"

Ted, who has been at this level for a year, has already had enough psychological preparations; therefore, even if he faces Ye Qi’s empty joy here, he just sighs in his heart and recovers. It was normal; I patted Ye Qi’s shoulder again. Road: "Go! Breakthrough is a must. Eating is also a must! Beef soup and bread, very good match!"

"If you can add some potatoes and radishes, it will be even more perfect!"

Ye Qi followed behind Ted and walked. The bonfire in the middle of the team was so far away that the scent that floated out of the iron pot on the bonfire was already mouth watering.

"Come on, there is a half-day journey. We will be able to enter a densely populated area! At that time, all kinds of supplies can be added to the maximum!" Side said, Ted also handed a cast iron lunch box to Ye Qi In the hands, the two stood together in the queue to receive the meal - although this time as Ye Qi, you can get a privilege to send 'dinner to the hand', but after seeing the tower of the athletic tower After staying in the team, he also chose the same approach; while Ted standing next to him, it would not make such a queue too boring.

Chatting with Ted. As he smiled and smiled with the surrounding demon hunters, Ye Qi quickly discovered some of the differences - some of the devils who already had their own dinner, or had finished eating dinner did not take a break or Sitting down and chatting, but scattered around him, look at him from time to time. Then, at the moment he turned back, he slammed his head down; a pair of cockroaches did not know how to move forward.

"It seems that people who want to seek to know, not only me?" For the situation around, Ted was also discovered later; immediately. Haha smiled: "Ye, the next few days. Some of you are busy!"

In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged helplessly - after helping Jacob and his party, he had some preparations for such a situation; only, the results were somewhat unexpected; at the very least, he estimated The number of people is only half of the current one, and a little less.

In the next few days of the trip, as Ted said, Ye Qi is really busy. In the breakfast before the departure the next day, the first demon hunter asked Ye Qi not to be consulted. After the refusal, the rest of the demon hunter seems to have produced a domino effect, and a swarm of bees gathers beside Ye Qi; as long as Ye Qi has time, his body will be gathered around to ask for various problems. people.

As time goes by, it is getting closer and closer to Shak. This trend is not the slightest pause, but it is getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, all the hunters in the team regard this route as There is a time limit for consultation; this is not announced by Ye Qi, but a period of self-stipulation by the demon hunters.

Not disturbing the lives of others, it is a rule of the demon hunter, even if it is between the demon hunter and the demon hunter, most of the time will follow this rule; therefore, in their view, I was able to take a week to answer questions for them. I was already helping them at my own time. This made them very grateful. I also understand that such things cannot always be developed like this - after all, even The Shak Dragon also has his own life; at the very least, the old Xia’s fist behind the Shaker’s dragon in these days has been starting to wave his fists from time to time. .

And this reminds many hunters, the preciousness of the opportunity, and the urgency of time – so in the next few days, the hunters who got their answers, help the friends who are asking, temporarily block The fist of the Shak's fist; and those who did not ask, quickly joined the enquiry team, one by one, asking about their confusion in cultivation, freehand skills or weapon use skills.

Compared to Jacob and his team, the strength of these demon hunters is not the same, the higher is second only to Ted, the only thing is the official star-level level; and the question asked is related to strength. However, it is also very strange. If it is not [hands-free fighting] [gunpowder weapons] have reached the proficient level, and there is a master-class [cold weapon] as a comparison, I am afraid that many problems will be difficult to live Ye Qi.

However, this crazy ‘technical question and answer’ for several days has also helped the Ye Qi; at the very least, his proficient level of “gunpowder weapon” and “hands-free fighting” have improved level 2 and level 3 respectively. This is a special comfort for Ye Qi, who is busy answering every day; even, he sometimes has such an upgrade in the cold weapon of no fantasy - but fantasy is fantasy, proficient in level. [gunpowder weapons] [hands-free fighting] and master-level [cold weapons] are undoubtedly the existence of the difference; unless they communicate with him, some of the peaks of the day of the glory of the choice of the 'warrior road'. And it is the use of cold weapons. Otherwise, it is impossible to upgrade the master class of [cold weapons] by such communication.

Of course, with such a 'technical question and answer'. Ye Qi himself also received more respects, as well as some extra titles; for example: 'Weapon Masters' 'Master of Skills' 'Bo Scholars', etc. - Ye Qi naturally understands what is going on; By relying on the "cold weapon" [gunpowder weapon] without the weapon category as the support, the emergence of the 'illusion' is gone; although he can actually be skilled in the use of other weapons. And to play the power of the corresponding level, but in fact, he is really good at, and adapt to his own path is still a magic knife.

At noon on the seventh day, all the demon hunters did not gather again to Ye Qi’s side – Shaq, already close at hand.

Feeling that the breeze was full of grass, crisp and fragrant, and finally no one came to ask about the situation, so that Ye Qi was relieved at the bottom of his heart. He was sitting in a chair, and his body was deeply buried in the thick back of the chair. The feeling of easyness made Ye Qi could not help but slightly open his eyes.

Of course, if there are not so many horns, Ye Qi will be more satisfied - the seasons are like the spring of Shake. It is comfortable and desirable for anyone; especially in the management of the Devil's Headquarters, Shaker, known for its various ancient buildings, ancient styles and humanities, is the whole of Lorante. A tourist destination that is longing for.

Start in the morning. Ye Qi and his team have already encountered no less than five waves of their fleet, of course. The number is much less than they are; and at around noon, such a fleet has become more and more, and even some sections have shown signs of congestion.

Although the police and traffic police of the highest government in the local area have appeared on the road and are commanding traffic in the rain; however, the situation has not improved much, but as time goes by, the closer to Shak, the more More and more congestion -

“How come there are so many cars and people?”

A series of horns made Ye Qi helplessly open his eyes and look out the window. The feeling that seems to be integrated into the car's ocean makes him not help - not just on the road, but also on the green belts on both sides of the road. The car is full of cars, dense, just like an ant moving.

"You don't really forget it? Next weekend, but the second week of May!"

Compared with Ye Qi's incomprehensibility, the people in the car are all in the same shape, even the Shak's fist is no exception.

"The second week of May? Midsummer!"

After being reminded by Jacob on the side, Ye Qi responded immediately after a slight glimpse, and immediately sighed in the bottom of his heart - no wonder so, it was the Midsummer Day.

Midsummer Day, also known as Midsummer Night or Long Night; is a festival full of celebrations, music and love.

In some countries on the former Lott, this festival is even more between boys and girls, the day of courtship - unmarried girls will be allowed to move freely, hiding in the woods all night, waiting for their favorite pursuers to "hunt "Capture your own love and family."

After the sacred age, such behavior was considered by the Holy See to be full of the meaning of '亵渎神灵', once banned; until the age of freedom, as the Holy See 'returned' to the Holy Forest, such a holiday reappeared And, by the vast majority of boys and girls, they are looking forward to - of course, the 'civilization' of the Free Age, which has changed the original 'hunting'. The boys need no more skilled and extraordinary. Wushu, but need a neat, clean and decent coat, with a bunch of roses, and a sincere heart ~ ~ compared to other places, Shake's Midsummer Festival, is even more It’s been talked about; after all, what is the music festival of the Daslik Grand Theatre, which is known as the most artistic and most wanted to be performed by Lorante, and is more worthy of the pursuit of romantic men and women. Are the winners more fascinated?

In particular, Shak’s ‘convention parade’ during the festival is even more ‘history’ that is considered by all people in Lorant.

Last time I spent the Midsummer Festival with Els, it was four years ago, when I was a trainee apostle...

Looking at the crowds outside the window, Ye Qi’s heart couldn’t help but started ‘flying’.

PS second more ~~~ weekend... oh... the cruelty of the hardship is only the code word...

Thanks to the wave of the starting point of the 200-year-old wave of the sea, the reward of the starting price of the June snow IV200, the reward of the starting point of the turtle0920200, the reward of the starting currency of the sn100~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~ ~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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