Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 4: In the breeze of Shaker

When the tree and thorns that were specially planted to block ordinary people were bypassed, the blue white horse flag fluttered in the wind, and people could see the huhu when they were far away. Ye Qi saw the familiarity. After representing the flag of the Ranger, the unconscious mouth smirked a smile in the crowded traffic. After an hour of méu any change, Ye Qi was very wise to say hello to the popular Jacob and others. Temporarily out of the team; although the Shak's fist also wants to come along, but under the special blockade of Jacob and others, the other party can only be awkward to stay in the car." "Fiction chapter update is the fastest.

In this regard, when leaving the car, Ye Qi expressed his gratitude to Jacob and others; and other people including Jacob, including Jacob, expressed their understanding of ng, everyone is fascinated by ngbái in Shaq, Néu made Ye Qi can't wait to get out of the team, there is only one person: female cavalry chief. Ers.

Whether it is as the adoptive father of the female cavalry chief, or as a friend of Ye Qi, Jacob naturally will not let the smashing, sturdy girl of Shak’s fist disturb the long-distance reunion of Ye Qi and the foster daughter; Under the direction of Jacob, the people who dig the squad in the ruins are naturally hu, and with the gratitude for Ye Qi’s previous instructions, even if he is slamming a fist or two, it is also a smile, not to let Xia Zhizhi Fist keeps up with the pace of Ye Qi.

The black apostle trench coat is very common near Shak, ng, the new apprentice apostle is coming to Shak, and after completing the first stage of the course, he will be qualified to wear; therefore, whether traveling locally or not Ordinary people, or Shake’s locals, are not strange. Not to mention the Rangers, which are closely related to the Demon Hunter.

but. When the black apostle trench coat is inlaid with other color fringes. Perhaps the ordinary people in the local tourism are not paying attention to it, but simply think that it is an accessory; but the locals and the cavalry of Shak’s dào have the meaning of the former. Perhaps the former is only because of the patrol of the Rangers. The difference in the black apostle's trench coat inlaid with other colors is different, but the latter is well aware of the meaning of it.

Therefore, when Ye Qi, wearing a gold-trimmed apostle windbreaker, appeared at the gate of the Ranger’s camp, many of the Rangers who stood on the door were on the sidelines. The Rangers responsible for transmitting the orders were straight to the camp. The commanding tent ran to the moon-level apostle, who was occasionally seen in the central castle and the six towers, and wore a silver-edged pattern. Most of the Rangers are also rare to see once or twice in their lives.

Therefore, this kind of surprise to see the Ayao-level apostles is unquestionable; perhaps they can not reach an equal height in their lifetime, but this does not mean that they are a yearning and respect for the strong, of course, some attention The rumored Ranger saw the young appearance of the Japanese-level apostle, the long knife at the waist, and the bell on the long handle, and immediately a name came to mind.

Shark's Dragon!

For this is the most powerful hunter in the younger generation; many of the Rangers are no strangers, especially after knowing the captain and the other's guā, some of the Rangers are collecting various messages from each other. For the joy of the Rangers, although Ye Qi is a hunter. But by virtue of the guā with Els, the other side is also a Ranger; just like the father of Els and the father of Jacob.

It is the blessing of collecting such a collection. Ye Qi also méu walked into the camp in front of him. The news of his arrival was spread throughout the camp; watching a group of probes and squadrons who appeared in the distance turán, Ye Qi could not help but be curious about the curvaceousness of the Shack. Some of the rested cavalry have stepped out of the tents and training grounds, and more than half of them are 'new people' that Ye Qi has never seen before.

With the annual new apprentice apostle yàng, the cavalry also has an alternating cycle system. Except for the elite who enter the elite of the Rangers, most of the experienced Rangers who have reached the age of 35 will be dispersed to Lorraine. The Demon Hunter Branch in each area will help, or simply turn into a demon hunter until the retired forty-five to fifty years old, and the rest of the hunter’s headquarters will support the rest of the life. Therefore, in some respects, the demon hunters and the Rangers Basically, they are almost the same; at the very least, in terms of external forces, the Rangers are simply a group of reserve hunters.

With the departure, in order to balance the regular number of people, naturally there will be 10 to 15 years old who are adopted from the local headquarters of the Demon Hunter, and even the orphans who are still younger, will be added to the Ranger Camp as new blood; Then, after a short training and training, some of the children with special talents will be specially trained; the rest will be based on the previous system of the cavalry, and the basic period of the period will be nearly three to five years. training.

After completing these trainings, it is the so-called new apprentice cavalry; only on this basis, after completing the patrols, assaults, and guards of the same traitor, néu became a true ranger. Now, rushing to the gate of the camp, the probes of the brains, most of them are newly recruited cavalry who have just completed the training; only a few of them do not have a thing, but follow the official Rangers.

However, after seeing Ye Qi, standing at the gate of the camp, these formal rangers laughed and turned away from Ye Qi, who was still a trainee of the apostle, but he had been in the camp for quite a long time. It is because of that **** that the official squadrons now basically know Ye Qi, and also understand the guā between the captain and Ye Qi; and the character of their captain, they understand, in order to prevent the captain I am angry and angry, or leave early.

As for the young people left behind?

Young people, naturally, they have to go through all kinds of wind and rain before they grow up, aren’t they?

"Ye Qi, we sent people to inform the captain!"

The Ranger guarding the gate of the camp said to Ye Qi in front of him.

"Thank you!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded. When entering Shack, Ye Qing learned from the guards at the border of Shak, commanding the tourists entering Shak to transfer to the carriage or the trekking chariots to learn about the female cavalry who had just completed the vigil. long. In today and méu any task.

of course. The captain of the female cavalry. Even if you don't perform the task, you only command in the camp, and méu will blame anyone; but the understanding of this lover makes Ye Qi very fascinated, wanting to make this sturdy girl who has always believed in the knight's way. The use of such a privilege is as difficult as turning an ordinary person into a strong day.

And for Ye Qi, respecting the other's choices is also the responsibility that he must bear as the other man; not to mention. Was it because of the performance of the other party that attracted his attention?

Standing at the gate of the Ranger Camp, under the prying eyes of countless curious new apprentices, Ye Qi quietly waited for a reply; in a short while, when he felt that a more familiar wave was approaching, Ye Qi could not help but turn around. , slightly smiled: "Gao Wen, long time no see!"

"Ye Qi, you will see you again, it is a great honor!" More than a female rider who grew up taller than the last time. With a sincere smile, he said to Ye Qi: "The captain is waiting for you in the tent. You should wait a moment!"

Saying, the girlfriend, who had been smiling with a smile, turned around and aimed at the newly recruited cavalrymen who shook their heads and shouted: "All give me back training, today's training mission doubles; countdown three Name, tomorrow's training continues to double! And..." Speaking of this girlfriend's cavalry, paused and glanced at the new trainee cavalry in front of them, until each one shyly bowed his head again. Said: "The next time there is such a chaotic scene, I will assign you to the reserve again!"

In the reserve, the Rangers first test each individual's āng, and also identify each individual's talent, most of them are in the camp of the Rangers, which will last for one month to three months, and then extend depending on the situation. In general, it is a gathering place for rookies; most of the people inside are those who have just arrived in Shaq, and the children who are under the age of fifteen have completed three to five years of training. The cavalry, back to the rookie concentration camp, is obviously very detrimental to the face; for the face, especially the young, it is very important; therefore, after hearing the last paragraph of Gaowen, all the new Rangers are The horror was eclipsed, and they were rushing to the training ground at a very fast speed. The speed became faster and faster.

Ng is growing up to a good commander!

Looking at the face of a new recruiting cavalry, the stern and majestic girlfriend cavalry, Ye Qi could not help but think of the first time when he met with the female cavalry chief, the other party, facing him late, It was also this appearance; it was because his apostle's me belonged to a different system, and méu said something like 'wēé'; he was also a Ranger, and it was estimated that it was much worse than the new trainee cavalry in front of him. .

"Let you laugh!"

Looking at Ye Qi, who had a lot of smiles, Gao Wen, who led the way, couldn't help but blush.

"Méu means to make fun of it, just gǎào to the temper of rape, the growth of one person! Whether it is me, or you, or everyone, in the passing of rape, always learn something!" From the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi smiled and shook his head; then, I saw a woman’s cavalry, who was unknown, and couldn’t help but wave again: “This is just my own complaint; let’s go, I can’t wait to think. I have to see Els!"

"Oh, alright!"

The girlfriend cavalry, who was thinking about what Ye Qi said, nodded and hurried forward.

Located in the middle of the entire camp of the Ranger Camp, it has everything in the commander’s tent, whether it is the volume or the matching 'facilities', a huge sand table, even if it is a gap between the tent curtains, you can see it here loomingly. It is not a tent where the female cavalry chief lives, but her office āng; compared to the tent where the female cavalry chief lives, and the tent of Ye Qi outside the market in the Chima area, and méme is too different.

When the méu was on duty, the female cavalry officer hunted a little longer, and she was slightly twisted by a red ribbon. The siege was surrounded by a circle and revealed a pointed chin. It’s a strong, green color, and it’s printed out, Ye Qixin, with a smile.


Ye Qi, who chuckled, walked into the female cavalry chief. Gao Wen, who left before going into his arms. Ng put the tent curtain down. Moreover, within the scope of his blind fighting, it is also the fluctuation of other people in méu; apparently Gao, who left Gao, who was afraid to disturb them for a long time, and dismissed uwéi.

In this regard, Ye Qi’s heart has a good impression on this understanding girl.

And holding the female cavalry chief, after losing this disturbed doubt, naturally it is much bolder.

"I miss you so much!"

As he talked about his heart, Ye Qi’s hand slid down.

"This is my Chinese army tent!"

Although the thoughts in my heart are yàng. But the female cavalry chief with the absolute knight character can not be chaotic here. In the knight's thought, the battlefield is sacred, and as the commanding battlefield, the commander's Chinese military tent is naturally more sacred.

When I heard the female cavalry commander, Ye Qi’s hand couldn’t help but then smiled and said: “Okay, okay, I’m dào!”

Although the action on the hand stopped, however. Ye Qike méu let go, he held the female cavalry captain in his arms tightly. Feel the warmth and aroma of the body from the other side, always in the tension of any u, but at this moment is relaxed

For Ye Qi, who has hidden countless things in his heart, and Ye Qi, who has been squeezed by countless pressures, this moment's gǎào is intoxicating and makes him unable to let go.

In the entire tent, quietly, the female cavalry commander measured her face and looked at her young face on her shoulders. She extended her fingers along the forehead of her partner, crossed the nose of her nose, her sharp cheeks, and felt the top. The maturity and fatigue of the communication every month, the two broke from méu, and the things that happened between them were also very hu; therefore, the female cavalry commander even if not in Ye Qi’s side, néu ngbái in this It looks like you are still young, but it is getting tired under the face of maturity.

The dragon of Shaker, the strongest demon hunter of the younger generation...

For the glory brought by such a title, the female cavalry is fascinated by ngbái, and the rewards represented by these titles, the female cavalry chief is even more fascinated that ng is not sweat and blood, but completely based on her own life. The hard work of the price...

With Ye Qi respect her choice yàng, the female cavalry chief also respects Ye Qi's choice; and, at the most critical moment, she will stand firmly behind the lover; just like this moment, tightly embracing.


The next day, the bright u, Ye Qi walked out of the female cavalry chief's tent; as early as half an hour ago, the female cavalry commander went to the routine patrol Ye Qi in accordance with the usual habit of wearing a neatly led team. I still remember that the woman's cavalry named Lancelot in the team looked at him with anger; obviously, the traitor brought growth, but it did not smooth out the 'hate' in my heart.

For this and his unclear girlfriend cavalry, Ye Qi can only shrug his shoulders, and then, after the other party's glare, the female cavalry chief was sent out of the camp, and then returned to the female cavalry chief's tent again. After picking up the things, although there are [Advanced Dimensional Bags], some important personal belongings ng can be put into them, and in the next few days until the Midsummer Day, Ye Qi intends to live here, but last night Crazy, some blushing things, still have to be cleaned up; otherwise, if you are seen, the character of the female cavalry chief, in the next few days, he definitely does not want to step into the tent again.

Of course, Ye Qi will also have some instinctual shame.

Among the respected eyes of many Rangers, Ye Qi walked along the path beside the camp and walked straight toward the Central Castle. This road is a shared road between the six towers of the Central Castle and the eight Ranger Camps. The inner hall of the castle; today For the demon hunter returning from the Chima area, there will be a banquet.

Due to the traffic jam in the Midsummer Festival, the hunting hunter’s team entered the border of Shak last night. It was nearly midnight. When all the hunters returned to the Central Castle, ng was in the middle of the night. So yesterday’s dinner was moved to today. And it is a banquet from noon to midnight.

For this banquet, Ye Qi must show up; and unlike those family banquets, the hunters of the hunters must be more relaxed and freehand, very free, loud and noisy, big glasses of ale, and all kinds of Meat, fruit, is the theme of the hunter's banquet; for such a banquet, Ye Qi naturally does not mind.

And whether it is necessary to have some skills related to secret techniques, or out of courtesy, Ye Qi must go to see the moon tower master, plus, today, the sword of Shake became the tower guard of the tower On the day, given the guā of the elders of both sides, he naturally must be present. Therefore, it is just right for Ye Qi to come to the Central Castle in advance.

Ps first more ~~~ timed to say ~~~

Saying, a heavy rain at noon, scared to death! ! ! It’s dark and dark, thunder and thunder, it’s just that someone is robbing...not drào that the robbery succeeded...not to be continued.

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