Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 15: Unexpected invitation

After recognizing that the fluctuation belongs to Nofa, this cold-faced man, Ye Qi couldn’t help but wait a few seconds in the same place, and then he went forward again and anyone appeared at the exit waiting for him. Ye Qi would not be surprised. Even the few of the six towers appear there, and Ye Qi will not be surprised; ng, they have this guā, and the foundation of friendship.

However, Noah, the man with the title of 'ice man' and 'cold face man', except Ted and kěnéng to let him wait, other people simply do not want to think; especially like him, in The other party seems to be not in the friendly camp, especially at the banquet party, although Ye Qi has been around the other side, and tried to show the friendliness, but the other party is still cold, even look I didn’t look at Ye Qi’s eyes, and I’m staring at the wine glass without squinting.” The novel chapter is the fastest. Ye Qi is grateful for the cold face, so after two attempts, Ye Qi is very wise to choose someone who ignores him, and Ted together to deal with uwéi, wine hunting The devil; and until Ted is drunk, the other side is taking Ted to leave, the two are méu any communication, even the eye contact does not exist. Under this premise, Ye Qi does not think that the other party will come out 'Friendship' is waiting for this!

Aside from the 'friendship', nàme has only the order left, and néu orders the people of Nofa...

Ye Qi, who was thinking while walking, immediately outlined the mind in the mind. The tower of the tower of wisdom that could not be detected is a lady, but as the tower of wisdom, and independently supported the whole The hunter-killing man will last for ten years. It is the existence that makes all the demon hunters respect; even. Those 'rats' were arrested that year. Also méu any influence on the prestige of this wise tower master.

Ng, the guardian around the other side knows well, this is completely the plan of their tower master. A mouse has a good grasp? Only when a group of mice are caught, néu thoroughly cleans the interior!

And because of this, the guardians of the Tower of Wisdom will show such indifference to him and the towerer of the moonlight night; ng, in the eyes of these guardians, he and the tower master are two unknowns. The situation of the confused egg, plus the short-sighted power of the power for the latter evaluation. Ye Qi naturally would not admit it, but for the former, he only néu shook his head and expressed his wry smile.

Because that is the truth!

Even, according to the chatter of the sacred tower tower and his chatter, it is not the timely arrangement of the tower of the wise tower, the arrest will cause several 'big mice' to run away; If the 'big mouse' runs away from any one, it will have an incalculable impact on the Hunter Headquarters; not just money. There are many secrets, and these will be the "big mouse." Waiting for the price, you should never be mad at the people who are forced into the desperate situation, let alone a group of insatiable people, and they are forced to go to such a crazy situation!

Therefore, from that u, even if there was a contradiction between the two sides, Ye Qi would not have any defying the tower of wisdom for the woman's tower of wisdom, and the early ng indicates that the other party is best at me; Especially when I met, it was even more profound.

Although méu shows the strength of oppression, but the kind of eye-catching gaze is that Ye Qi feels unwilling to face the words of kěnéng, Ye Qi does not intend to appear again in front of the tower of the tower of wisdom. But in the current situation, it is obvious that this kěnéng is simply difficult to achieve.

Whether the other party is happy to let him borrow the 'private library room', or take care of him during the borrowing period, Ye Qidu méu reason refuses this meeting. Ye Qi is very convinced that méu is the tower of the wisdom tower. Deliberately, don’t say that it’s three meals a day, and you need to prepare for the things that need to be stored in the lamp, ng, the first time, when the guardian gave him a meal, The reluctance on the face is absolutely true.

Maybe it’s just a simple three meals a day, but it’s enough to leave him quite a traitor to read and find more books. Even for the food for three meals a day, you can use Ye Qi’s physique in a certain traitor. Do not eat; but the attitude shown by the other party, but Ye Qi had to care.

Ng, the last time I met with the other party, and the mouth of another elder Kuchi, the tower of the wisdom tower and his teacher also had a glimpse of guā.

Sure enough, ‘father’s debt is still’...

Think about the situation he had encountered at the beginning, and the scruples that he needed now. Ye Qi couldn’t help but smile, then straightened the secret door.

"Ye Qi, my teacher, invites you to the study!"

Just opened the secret door at the top of the head, and Ye Qi, who jumped out of the deep corridor, heard any fluctuations of the cold-faced man, méu, which was completely flat and straightforward, so that when he heard it, he would get cold and slag; Just finished, the cold-faced man stood behind Ye Qi and put on a look like 'You don't go, I will take you to you'. For such an action, Ye Qi could not help but shrug. Although he entered the legendary situation, only a few people dào; but his previous strength of the day is not a me secret.

The cold-faced man apparently still enters the realm of the Japanese glory, but the other party can ignore the gap of strength and complete the teacher’s instructions. This makes 奇 感到 feel deeply helpless.

The teacher asked me for a thing that was not completed. I am afraid, I will also...

As soon as he thought of the affirmative answer, Ye Qi would not help but surrender and generally raised his hands.

"I will go to see Pedernange, so, you don't have to do this!" Ye Qi turned and took a natural smile and pointed to the front: "And, you don't think you are walking ahead, we Did néu see Pedernange faster? ng, today I am really a traitor, the Holy See is responsible for the negotiations, although it is expected to enter the Shake at nine o'clock, but as the main person we are out Yu etiquette. Shouldn’t you prepare in advance?”

"Blank's command. Ye Qi, you just have to sit. The rest are me and Ted is responsible!"

The cold-faced male who did not return to the head replied straight; however, after the end, Ye Qi could obviously be gǎào, and the other party’s speed was faster.

Insincere ice cubes...

With such a very correct evaluation, Ye Qi is tightly behind the cold-faced man, walking all the way to the top of the tower of wisdom; and with the cold-faced man leading the way, although Ye Qi has encountered countless indifference or doubt The gaze, but still unimpeded, came to the study room of the Tower of Wisdom


"Teacher. Ye Qi is here!"

After the cold-faced male has a rhythmic knock on the door, it is a respectful call.

"Let Ye Qi come in... Nobel, no one is allowed to approach the study room except for you!"

After a positive answer, the Tower of Wisdom gave a clear indication again.

"dào, teacher!"

After Ye Qi opened the door of the study room, the cold-faced man turned and stood at the door of the study room. The cold air of the whole body almost reached the point where the dripping water became ice, and the cold-faced man’s cold eyes were like a knife. There is no doubt at all. Anyone who is in this hard study room will be treated as me.

Ng. The talent of the cold-faced man can be associated with the talent méu such as ice, and the néu exudes such a coldness, which is completely another kind of power that exists: murderous!

And Ye Qi knows that there is so much murderousness, even néu makes the murderousness reach the point of 'substantial'. The number of people and creatures killed is definitely beyond the realm that ordinary people can imagine. Also fascinated ngbái, the other party continues to walk down this road, nàme is absolutely with his other elder Kuch yàng.

The way to kill...

No one can't kill, nothing can't kill!

Killing together, the gods are all stunned!

Meditate on this auspiciousness from the mouth of the elders, Ye Qi once again shrugged, and stepped straight into the study for such a road, and then detailed Kuchi this elder explained, Ye Qi Representing the helplessness; not because of difficulties, in fact, it is very simple to enter the road of killing, as long as one word: killing, it is enough.

However, the number of them is the one that makes Ye Qi feel helpless.

‘The way to kill, it’s very simple! If you go to kill a thousand people at will, even if you are getting started! ’

In the face of such words from the elders' mouths, Ye Qi can say me but helplessly.

Although such a thing is not difficult for Ye Qi, but for Ye Qi, who always guards his nature and his heart, he is not going to kill others in order to kill him.

Ng, in the bottom of my heart, Ye Qi does not think that the ‘killing way’ that he pursued will be worse than the ‘killing road’!


At the moment he entered, the cold-faced man behind him closed the door of the study.

The study at the top of the Tower of Wisdom, at the moment of the sunset, the sun, the sun refracted by the clouds, is dyed into a fire red, and in this piece of fire red, the tower of the tower of wisdom is like this. Leaning on her recliner, looking at the clouds in the sky.

The red sun is reflected in the twins that are like stars. Not only does méu capture the brilliance of the two dragons, but it shows a touch of purity; it is like a clear spring in the mountains, hitting the rocks under the DC, splashing The water drops tickle in the creek of uwéi.

And with this pair of purely star-like eyes, once again looked at Ye Qi, even if Ye Qi had psychological preparation, in this u, it was involuntarily felt a trace of tension.

"Pedernange, good afternoon!"

Ye Qi respectfully followed the guā position of the demon hunter and said hello to the other party.

"I remember that you called Kutcher, why are you?"

"Hey, hey, yes..."

Say hello in advance, the original is the Ye Qi who wants to change the atmosphere. At this moment, after hearing the crisp but slightly old voice of Pedernange, immediately glimpse; then, after a long while, this will reflect the point. Nod to such a thing, Ye Qi can not hide; ng, before the crowd in the name of Kuchi, as long as the wisdom of the tower tower owner has the heart to investigate, naturally everything will be clear.

Not to mention the ability of each other. Such a lie. It’s all about éè. Although Pedernange is not dào, but that is just that she does not want to dà want dào, me-like secrets will be in front of her, unveiled! ’

This is the evaluation of the tower of the tower of the moon, the tower of the sacred object, and the tower of the tower of the tower of the tower of wisdom. In this regard, Ye Qi is more convinced; ng, every time I see each other u, his contract companion will not only hide in the land of the seal, but also the secret law he does not understand. On the seal land, ‘reinforce’ several layers of protection; and such protection measures are obviously aimed at the lord of the tower of wisdom.

Even, even afterwards, his contract companion is not willing to talk about the other person’s talents according to the strange wolf’s saying that néu appears, and it is almost as difficult as the gods to return to the world; therefore, don’t mention each other. Unless you want to be discovered by the other party's secret! ’

The solemnity of the wolf makes Ye Qi fans ngbái the ‘real’ of the tower of wisdom, and faces this ‘real’. Naturally, it’s better to say it.

"Is it? I and Kuch, it should have been yàng!" Pedernange licked the corner and also brought a long red hair. The line of sight turned to the window again, and slowly asked: "Is Kuchi going to pursue your teacher again?"

"Well, I met Ku in the Chima area before, and Kuch Aunt said that she sensed the teacher's breath in the depths of the Chima area; but it quickly disappeared!" Ye Qi told the truth. .

"Hey, it was with that year yàng! In order to avoid my 'line of sight', how much effort did it take to avoid dào; this time in order to avoid Couch, how much effort would it take to do dào! After so many years, you still have any changes in méu Don't dare, take responsibility for the coward!"

A cold sigh, from the nose of the tower of wisdom in front of the main nose, the pure eyes, also brought a touch of anger; although soon disappeared, but Ye Qi can see clearly Chu Chu; but If you can, Ye Qi would rather not see the words that are obviously talking about the teacher. Ye Qi, who is a disciple, not only has any anger at this moment, but feels a tingling scalp.

Ng, that, what to look at, how are the teachers doing some shameful things...

Facing the feelings of the elders, Ye Qi, who is a younger generation, immediately showed a respectful attitude of the younger generation in front of the elders and kept silent.

"In that year, after I was deceived from the Holy See, I was thrown at the headquarters of the Hunter; let me alone guard this deserted ancient tower; however, compared with Kutcher, I was much luckier; For néu to be with the courageous man, she rebelled out of the family..."

"The whole family has been leveled!"

After a pause, the tower of the tower of wisdom said that Ye Qi had expected it, but some words that he could not believe were really ‘the way of killing ;’; indeed, killing together, the gods are all stunned!

Although the family in the ‘family’ has been reduced to a considerable extent, it still exists; but his elders have not hesitated to slaughter the entire family, even a small family, at least a hundred people? However, according to the tone of the tower master, the family is not an ordinary family.

The trick is to see Ye Qi’s guess that the tower of wisdom is straight to explain to Ye Qi.

"Dào that family? One of the seven families of the original dead leaf city, the family with the name 'Corrosion Heart', one night before, except for the peripheral members, and the people outside, regardless of men, women and children, more than three thousand People, being slaughtered one day and one night!"

More than 3,000 people? !

The heart of corrosion...

First, Ye Qi, who was amazed by this number, subconsciously recited the name of the family who had been to the Qiulin District, and Ye Qi, who had cooperated with the Dick family, was not ignorant of the Qiulin District; This family with 'corrosion' also has a trace of memory.

'A family known for its intrigues and ignorance, ignoring refutation, only the survival of the fittest; even if it is murder, as long as the true evidence is not seized, the næme murderer is not guilty, but will be correspondingly appreciated; The beauty of the female members of the family is directly powerful. In short, it is a family that fits their name. Every family has a rotten Only néu survives safely! ’

This is Evro Dick, in order to let Ye Qi know more about the Qiulin District, and specifically said that a representative of the Qiulin District, ng, other families have something like this; but, definitely not like 'corrosion Heart 'family, such 'bright and big'!

And because of the ‘corruption heart’, this special name makes Ye Qi remember the information about this family.

In an instant, Ye Qi’s heart, which was originally mentioned by the other elders who had heard the whole family, was involuntarily released at this moment.

"Hear the name of 'Corruption Heart', are you relieved?"

After seeing the change of Ye Qi, the tower of the Tower of Wisdom couldn’t help but ask.

Ps second more ~~~ very hot... 颓 满 满 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 求 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I would like to thank the prodigal son of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the 100 starting currency ~~~ decadence. Thank you for all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ to be continued.

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