Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 16: Unexpected invitation

"For this family, I have heard of it; ng, 'even if it is murder, but as long as it is not caught in the real evidence, the nàme murderer is not guilty, but will be correspondingly appreciated." Such a discourse is really impressive. "I heard the question of the tower of the tower of wisdom, Ye Qi answered truthfully."

"So, do you agree with Couch to do this?"

Asked the u of this household, the tower of the tower of wisdom is comparable to the eyes of the stars, and in the gaze, it becomes sharp.

"This kind of thing, as an outsider, I can't make an accurate judgment, and méu can judge any position!" In the face of the sharp eyes of the tower of wisdom, Ye Qi still maintains the respect he deserves. Then, this slowly said: "However, I believe Aunt Kuchie, this must be her reason!"

"I believe that néu has made everything so marginal. Should I say that you are the disciple of the coward?" The gaze of the Tower of Wisdom restored the purity, she looked at Ye Qi and suddenly emerged. A smile, said: "This kind of character, the way of doing things, and the blood of the dragon, outside the rumors that you are the coward 'son', it seems that it will not be a vulgar." "The novel chapter is the fastest update. ?

"This this……"

The words of the tower of the tower of wisdom made Ye Qi a sigh, and did not answer dào at all; after a moment, Ye Qi came back to God and said with a smile: "The truth of this matter is probably for Pedernan. For the big man, and méme is difficult; ng, your eyes are known as the 'real eye', and anything can't escape its gaze!"

"So, please don't come back to such a thing. Tune me this younger generation!"

Ye Qi said the last. I couldn't help but shrugged and looked at Ye Qi. The words of Pedernange are purely because of his teacher's sake; 'Since you can't find a teacher, nàme will be a little embarrassing, it's okay'. This is for the tower of wisdom in front of you. Obviously, méu is under any pressure; in fact, the other party has been doing this all the time, from the long traitor after he first came to Shaq. The other party has set a lot of ‘difficulty’ for him.

Even until this moment, Ye Qi also suspected that the previous 'easy pass' was also prepared for the 'embarrassment' of the moment. For such an 'difficult', Ye Qi accepted the invitation of the cold-faced man. I have been mentally prepared; it may be a bit embarrassing, but in fact, for him, it is méu any harm; not to mention. There is also his harvest in the other 'private library' as compensation.

It is not because of some topics that have been implicated in the words of his teachers and elders. For Ye Qi, that is the pressure of méu.

"It is said that the 'real eye' can see through the essence of anything! If I really see it, I won't live alone here!" The tower of wisdom towered the bangs in front of the forehead and extended one. The slender, white-skinned index finger, clicked on the forehead on the forehead, and sighed softly: "Even if it gives me magical and powerful power, I still can't see through the heart! That is è The most complicated existence, even the once demons, fell under such existence!"

"Not to mention, not just the hearts of the people. Now, including you, your teacher, the profiteer, there are three people in total. In my sight, there is a layer of fog that makes people unable to see hu! Your body. Is there a me-like secret?” The tower of the tower of wisdom, who looked at this, looked straight at Ye Qi, the gǎào that was seen through everything, and appeared again on Ye Qi’s body. He had some The cramped grip of the knives at the waist is completely instinctive, and méu is full of any behavior that wants to fight back; and, in the next moment, Ye Qi will immediately relax the palm of his hand. Come;

However, all this is naturally difficult to escape the eyes of the tower of the tower of wisdom. The tower owner laughed softly: "It seems that the secret of you is really important to you; even important As long as it is mentioned, it will be subconsciously protected and counterattacked!"

"Pedernang, this is just..."

Ye Qi smiled again and again, explaining to the opposite tower of the tower of wisdom; however, he was just interrupted and the other party interrupted; the tower of the tower of wisdom, though still in sight, is still light on him. Lightly waved his hand and said: "From the moment I saw you, I saw the fog on you and felt curious; but I did not explore the heart again; otherwise, you think You, have kěnéng blocked me?"

"Pedangange, what is said!"

For such a counter-question, Ye Qi certainly méu any objection, straight nodded for any fact, Ye Qi will not refute; at the time of the gap between the two sides, the other side wants to engage in everything, although their own talent ability can not touch But the oldest means can still exist; for example: imprisonment, torture; even with the help of the wolf, he can escape, in the other way of acting, he only rebelled out of the demon, and hid a demon The strength can not be deep, touched āng.

Such things, Ye Qi is absolutely not want to face; ng, in the depths of my heart, Ye Qi is still quite proud to be a hunter, especially in the case of old John is also a hunter, When I learned about this situation from Ye Qi, I did not consciously take root in Ye Qi’s heart.

Otherwise, if méu these words, Ye Qi early ng chose the 'help' of the wolf, and began the 'step to the sky' way of its own bottom line, which is determined by the people, or things that are ēchu; and obviously, Ye Qi The bottom line contains a certain tradition of the demon hunter; perhaps the ordinary people at this moment seem to be somewhat rigid, but for Ye Qi, who has his own secrets that cannot be told, it is a perfect fit.

"Everyone has some little secrets, maybe I am a little more than others!"

Under the watchful eye of the Tower of Wisdom, Ye Qi said very seriously that since the other party said that he would not explore his secret words, follow the other party's code of conduct. This will become a fact; for Ye Qi, who has always been worried about being seen by the other side. It was a very good news; he was relieved by the involuntary. Even talking with a touch of ease.

"Everyone's secrets will naturally be respected by others, but there must be a premise..." The tower of the wisdom tower nodded in reality, apparently in favor of Ye Qi's statement; however, in the next moment, the tower The Lord continued with a brief eyebrow: "That is not to affect the safety of others!"

"The fog that hangs over you is not made by your teachers and profiteers, but by a special technique; it is a natural one, from the depths of the soul. It is better than the former in my vision. There is even a strong gǎào that makes it impossible to touch any existence!"

"My instinct tells me that there is no good end to any presence that wants to touch it! Especially this time, compared to the last time, this time it is undoubtedly more intense, and more A little more unique atmosphere..."

"Ye Qi, are you gonishing into the legendary world?"


In the awkward questioning, Ye Qi’s instinct should be the Tao; and after receiving such an answer, the wise tower owner nodded slightly and said: “Everyone who has stepped into the legendary world will be freed from mortals. The embarrassment, into a new world. The legends of the past will be demonstrated in their eyes; of course, this is just ordinary humans; and your mixed blood with special blood is not yàng!"

"Your teacher, after entering the legendary world, has a unique atmosphere that is very similar to yours at the moment. It is very powerful, hot, and full of the unique majesty of the dragons; and, at the time, your teacher méu' Making a 'fog occlusion, so in my sight I can clearly see a huge golden dragon in a warm mountain range, fluttering wings!"

"And the consequence of that 'real vision' is that my eyes are in a state of blindness in the next hour! After seeing this situation, your teacher is angry with me for the first time; and I also I think that méu is doing something wrong, and your teacher is at the forefront! It is because of that cold war that I and your teacher finally chose to separate after a month, ready to calm down!"

"Then he started the journey of lofting throughout Lloret, and I stayed in Shake's Tower of Wisdom, accepting the teachings of the former tower of the tower of wisdom, and beginning to learn something other than the knowledge of the Holy See!"

"You are a member of the Holy See?"

Before the Lord of the Tower of Wisdom mentioned the Holy See, ng let Ye Qi have speculation, and the narrative at the moment makes Ye Qi affirm the speculation that his 'truth of the tower is from the Holy See' for this speculation, Although Qi felt a bit of surprise, but the original méu was like the original profit of the profiteers from the Holy See; ng, the image of a profiteer, it is really nothing to do with the existence of the Holy See.

The tower of wisdom in front of the tower is different, the kind of cold, but full of wisdom, fully in line with the priesthood, and a little more smile, is definitely the best choice for clergy.

"Before becoming the tower of wisdom, I have always been treated as a saint of the Holy See!"

"Holy, saint?!"

The previous Ye Qi was not surprised, but at the moment it was wide-eyed, full of incredible. Although the tower of the tower of wisdom in front of him met all the clergy, he méu thought it was the so-called 'saint' of the Holy See. At the moment, Ye Qi finally became fascinated by the ngbái. The original confession of the 'criminal staff' in the 'crime' listed by the teacher came from.

The Virgin, the Son, the girl who serves the gods in a pure body, has a perfect face, a flash of wisdom, and is favored by the gods. This is the description of the saint and the Son in God's Saying; in fact, It is a kind of identity like the cardinal, the presiding judge and the like; and in the era when the director of the referee was still méu, the saint and the son who have such status and status are naturally extraordinary.

"Yeah, my "defection" at the time, but the whole church was greatly furious, sent the tèé action team directly, began to chase your teacher!" I am very appreciative of Ye Qi’s surprised expression, the incumbent The Lord of the Tower of Wisdom, the former Virgin Mary, smiled for the first time.

"The result is that the entire Holy See will be shamed; it is natural to chase after it! Nàme also came from the Holy Land's old Ward because of the defect?" Ye Qi sighed. Then continue to ask clearly. The Tower of Wisdom is the person who participated in the events experienced by his teacher that year. Naturally, dào is something that does not exist in the record at all; and the curious Ye Qi naturally does not miss such an opportunity.

"Old Ward that guy? Of course not!" When the wisdom tower leader mentioned the traitor who was born in yàng, he could not help but sigh: "When the people who were educated in the Holy See were like wood yàng, how would they take the initiative? Choosing a defect? ​​He just joined the chasing team of your teacher. Then, chasing and killing is a scapegoat! Méu your teacher to save him, I am afraid that it will have been executed, and even the body will not stay. under!"

"Your teacher, profiteer. Known as legend, and the battle on the mountain of God is the beginning of their two legends. It is regarded as an idol by countless demon hunters, and even other forces, and respect your teacher. Lorante's Juggernaut! But, is the price of your dào me?"

"It is war!"

After the natural dào happened to me, Ye Qi, immediately wrinkled his brow, sighed from his teacher to save the profiteers on the mountain of God, the Holy See that was furious and angry, launched the war desperately; although some said. The war broke out because of the death of the former tower of the tower of the six towers, but Ye Qi knew the cause. Still on the teacher's body.

In that war, the director of the inquisition, which was always an ordinary and obscure, officially boarded the Great Stage of the Holy See; of course, the director of the inquisition of the u was only holding a higher than the knife. The priest, but obviously lower than the chief sacrifice of the presiding judge, is such an awkward identity.

The final result of the war was that after spending a considerable amount of manpower, material resources and resources, the two sides once again chose the respective retreats in the necessary peace talks; ng, whoever hu, then fights, even if the Holy See will The final victory, but it is only a tragic victory.

Although the peace talks ended in the end, the wounds brought about by the war are unforgettable; the father of the female cavalry chief, the nephew of Jacob, and even more unknown unknown devils and cavalry They all died in the war; therefore, referring to the war, Ye Qi’s face was obviously stunned.

"Yes, it's war! As a war that has gone through it, and after a long period of traitors, I have assisted Gesger's me, very hu's dào that war for the devils; the cavalry Almost lost more than half of the elite, the apostolic hunter killed more than 1,200 people; as for the ordinary hunter, the death toll is evener than the Rangers..."

"As a temporary person in charge of the headquarters of the demon hunter, I used the way to make up for the loss suffered by the demon hunter; because I think it was one of the reasons for the war that happened that year; however, I tried my best. To make up, it is just that the hunter-killing man will return to a level that is slightly worse than the original; and this has used me for nearly a decade!"

"At this moment, I am on your body and see the dotted line of the war; even if it has the fog, it can't be concealed, and the whole hunting genius, your teacher, the profiteer, everyone will be woven. Into a line of war dashed!"

"Listen, Ye Qi, I will not target you again because of your teacher's guā; but you must also ensure that the war will not start with you!"

The voice of the tower of the tower of wisdom is getting more and more severe, and Ye Qi on the side is only néu helplessly sighing at the bottom of his heart to know his own affairs. According to the wolf, the war is inevitable, and it is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination. A war; for such a war, Ye Qi at the moment is any grasp of méu.

What he néu did was just try his best!

"This is the secret that Pedernange said to respect others, but can't it affect the safety of others?" Ye Qi asked himself: "Don't worry, Pedernange, as long as there is a hope I will not let the war start with me!"

"Well, remember what you said today!"

After the glory of the Tower of Wisdom once again stared at Ye Qi for a moment, he shifted his gaze and looked at the window again. At this moment, there was only a touch of afterglow in the sunset ng outside the window, and the rest were in the darkness. Without the red glow of the setting sun, the main tower of the wisdom tower is méu, and any eclipsing is more and more dazzling.

The purple-black long hair that exudes the original color is comparable to the stars of the stars, even if Ye Qi has to admire the peerless style of the tower of wisdom in front of him.

The existence of néu as a saint is absolutely nothing!

With such a sigh, Ye Qi saw the wisdom of the tower tower and gently waved his hand, and immediately retreated toward the door. Although the guā of both sides seemed to ease at this moment, but facing each other's pair of néu see through everything The eyes, hidden in the secret of many Ye Qi, naturally do not want to stay for a long time.

"Be careful of the people in this negotiation, in my field of vision, he is not only cunning, but also malicious!"

Just as Ye Qi wants to go out, the head of the Tower of Wisdom once again said.

“Thank you, Pedernange’s reminder!”

After another thank you, Ye Qi withdrew from the study of the Tower of Wisdom.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ is not finished.

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