Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 17: Negotiating people

Beware of the people in this negotiation, in my vision, he is not only cunning, but also full of malice...

Even after leaving the Tower of Wisdom, I sat on the carriage of Shaker, and Ye Qi in the carriage still couldn’t help but recall the words of the Wisdom Tower’s main parting. This is obviously jǐng telling him to be careful about this Holy See negotiation. One of the coming people, and the ability to let the wise tower master speak out, must be a great influence on him or on this negotiation.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

However, according to the actions of the Holy See in the Thousand Marsh area, some things in the negotiations have basically become established facts, and it is difficult to change.

In other words, that person is likely to have an impact on me...

Sure enough, the director of the referee has already begun to wait?

Ye Qi silently thought, then, with a stunned look, the cold-eyed gaze flashed away on the tower of the moonlight night, Hesel gave him jǐng, Ye Qike did not forget; as the old man Said, under the control of the Holy See, and under the premise that the Holy See has great advantages, the other party can not tolerate any change in the status quo, appear! ..

Compared with the old man's words, Ye Qi, who knows the other side's deeper purpose, understands that the director of the referee, who is aiming at 'God's descending on the human world', has already had a survival with him. Although the enemy does not know the existence of the wolf, but he has already predicted that the death is the result of my death; and the other party has apparently already laid out the layout to him according to the moon tower’s Lord. It is.

Although the other party did not confirm the news that he became a legendary scene, it is clear to the director of the referee. As long as one doubt is enough

Then. Before the final battle. Let's start a warm-up match!

Rest assured, the minions you sent, I will cut them one by one and crush them!

After such an idea appeared in the heart of Ye Qi, the killing was immediately like a smog of smoke, covering him.

"Please, Ye Qi, what are you thinking about? The whole body is cold! This will make me think that there are two illusions of Nofa in the compartment!" Ted's words. Interrupted Ye Qi's thinking; looked up and looked at his face and looked at his giant, Ye Qi could not help but shrug his shoulders, one finger next to the cold noodle man: "It is estimated that it was infected by Nobel!"

"This kind of thing will be contagious?!" Ted immediately revealed a look that you were cheating on the child, and forced a shot of Ye Qi’s shoulder, saying: "Let’s say, what is it that makes you just become What about the killing?"

"There was a reminder from Peder Nange that some of the people in the Holy See wanted to be against me!"

After the joke, Ye Qi replied in a straight line that he did not touch his secret question. When faced with a friend like Ted, there is no need to cover up; let alone. When I look for the ‘the Holy See who wants to be against him,’ I need the help of the other party. If I don’t tell the other party in advance, it’s hard to get help.

"Hey, Pedernange and you are not..."

Another friend who is in his own is right beside him. Ted’s words are generally started to use gestures. However, it is obvious that such a topic is only a beginning, and it is enough to let people know the follow-up. A man with a slightly yīn's face can clearly know the fact.

"Pedernang is just a little contradictory with my teacher. I am just being angered! And, before Pedernange has promised not to find me anymore! Otherwise, I will not let the promise The law took me over and gave me such a reminder!" Looking at the surprised Ted and the face of the cold-faced man, Ye Qi shrugged and said: "It is estimated that Pedernange understands The meaning of the phrase 'there is a debt to have the Lord' is ready to find my teacher to settle accounts; therefore, I easily let me go!"

"Great! This way, everyone can really be friends!"

After listening to Ye Qi’s explanation, Ted immediately ignored the fact that he was in the carriage, and made a loud cheer; however, in the face of such cheers, the cold-faced man snorted and did not show his consent. I didn’t show any disagreement; it’s just that it’s not a bad attitude. If you don’t know the cold-faced man, you will think that this is the performance of the other person’s disdain, but with Ted sitting here, it’s an instant shot. The other side's shoulder, laughed loudly: "No talk, it is the default! I have told you that you and Ye are definitely able to be the best friends! The same calm, cautious, good at thinking, the same xìng Of course, the best friend!"

"Just before my teacher and your teacher fight!"

In the compartment full of Ted's laughter, the cold-faced male abruptly threw such a sentence. Immediately, Ye Qi, who did not put all this in his heart, was in the eyes of Ye Qi, although at the moment Ted showed a warm-hearted attitude, but this is obviously only a hot thing for him and the cold-faced man; after all, Ted also used this attitude to ease the relationship between the two.

Seeing the attitude of the cold-faced man before Ye Qi, the result is naturally obvious. Therefore, for the easing of Ted’s efforts, Ye Qi is full of gratitude for this huge man, but he will not take it seriously. Just in the moment he never thought of it, the cold-faced man actually spoke!

Teacher, is that everything about you?

You can change your attitude for your own teacher...

Looking at the cold-faced man who was still cold in front of him, Ye Qi returned to God after a slight glimpse; as for why the other party had such a change, he only thought a little and had a clear idea. The change made by the cold-faced man is undoubtedly because the attitude of the towerer of wisdom before him has changed, and the cold-faced man will change here.

For the change of the cold-faced man, Ye Qi just sighed in the bottom of his heart and he did not have any position to evaluate the right or wrong of the cold-faced man, although he understood that some of the feelings had already surpassed the apostle. This did not prevent him from reaching out with a smile.

after all. This is something for others. And it is a kind of privacy. What are the qualifications of an outsider to participate in the other party's affairs?

He is not the so-called "just-minded" Holy See scholars who have all the uncleanness to be enshrined; not to mention, in some respects, in the eyes of the Holy See scholars, he also needs to be on fire. Two people like this, temporarily become friends, what else can you do?

"Re-recognize, Ye Qi!"


The cold-faced man looked at the palm in front of him. After a little hesitation, he also stretched out his hand; then, at the next moment, when the two hands grasped, another huge palm appeared above the palms of the two hands, tightly The two palms were closed with a happy laughter. Ted shouted loudly: "I am so happy today, my two friends have finally become friends; this is a memorable rì, we need Have a good drink!"

"After the delegation of the Holy See is temporarily arranged. Let’s go to the Dolphin Bar to celebrate, how about?"

Ted’s eyes looked at the two friends in front of him. Provocatively loudly.

"The Holy See's comers need proper arrangements. Now is not the time to drink!" Ye Qi smiled and shook his head. "If one is careless, I think our 'friends' of the Holy See don't mind under our eyes. Give me some things to do; know that the day before the Midsummer Day, Shaker is very lively; nowhere as far away as the Thousand Marsh area, any of the sings of Shak at this time is enough to shock the whole of Lorante! ”

"And, the existence of Ye Qi has other thoughts, must also find out in advance!" Compared with Ye Qi, the cold noodle man is more direct: "Whoever is in Shaq, there is such a mind, then It must be removed, rooted out!"

"Hey! Hey, hey, you don't have to use this, how is it a tone!" Ted, in the words of the two, immediately bitter face, said: "Surely, people who are calm and cautious come together like this. An unbearable situation; I miss Darlan very much now! The big man must be a big man to understand!"

Similarly, the big man of the Shakers has a good relationship with many people at the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, especially the Ted, who is similar in size. Before meeting with Ye Qi and others, the two people basically meet at the Dolphin Bar every week. Eat the long-awaited apple pie and drink the sweetest honey.

"Even if Darlan is here, he can understand what kind of way is the most correct!"

Ye Qi saw Ted, who deliberately pretended to be depressed, could not help but smile and said that although Ted is also a person who is addicted to alcohol, but compared with a certain six-tower, he still knows what is called public and private and the priorities of the situation. The performance of the other side is more in an active atmosphere, establishing a friendly relationship with him and the cold-faced man more quickly; Ye Qi is full of gratitude, and he naturally will not give up the opportunity created by the other side. .

Therefore, after the end, Ye Qi is rushing to the cold-faced man. It is obvious that the cold-faced man is not used to such an action. After a slight glimpse, he reacted and said: "This time the Holy See came. Among the people responsible for the negotiation, there are a total of three deputy messengers, and five accompanying persons, a total of eight; among them, two of the deputy emissaries are at the level of the Archbishop of Red, while the other is the regional bishop, and the remaining five The accompanying staff should be gods or black deacons, responsible for the daily life!"

"Hey, hello, Nopha, you don't have to cooperate like this!" Ted immediately screamed loudly. However, looking at Ye Qi and Nuo Fa’s eyes, he had a smile that could not be hidden. He Make a hurried expression, preemptively said: "The two red archbishops, one is to take over the position of the red archbishop who was killed by you, and the other is the neutrality of the Holy See. By!"

"neutral party?!"

Ye Qi couldn't help but look at Ted's impression in Ye Qi. The director of a large independent inquisition in the Holy See should have been a genius. How could there be a 'neutral'? This is often two sides. Not pleased, the earliest demise.

"Although the director of Iyeta is a big man in the Holy See, but it is definitely not a cover!" Seeing Ye Qi’s surprise, Ted immediately explained to Ye Qi: "Remove the Peter and Paul Pope, and support Outside the Pope’s Holy Knights, there is a force that exists entirely in the Holy See’s original face!”

"Original appearance? Give alms to the poor, preach. Free treatment, teaching?!"

When I heard the original purpose. Ye Qi is completely subconsciously saying that giving alms to the poor and preaching. Free treatment, teaching, and what this philanthropist can do, although it is impossible to think of the current Holy See, but when the Holy See first appeared, it was such an organization; in the late Dark Ages, the Holy See was exactly such a common The organization that aims to help the Communist Party, just as time goes by, and several of the biggest changes have made the Holy See become a bit of a gnashing appearance.

As an enemy of the Holy See. Ye Qi is naturally very thoughtful about the Holy See; therefore, he is very clear about this history of the Holy See, and he is sincerely appreciated, no matter what the current Holy See is, but the original 'Paul of the early generation' However, it is only for the sake of more people to live in what is now called the 'Holy See' organization; just the people who helped the other party to help, it is enough to make everyone respect, even the enemy is no exception.

Especially when the ‘first generation Paul’ was born into a family of wizards and aristocrats, such virtues were praised and admired by the world, after all, according to history. In order to save others, the ‘first generation Paul’ not only spent the hard-earned wealth of his ancestors. Moreover, in the end, they sold their ancestral homes, and in exchange for the money, they converted the farmhouses in the suburbs and became the first headquarters of the rescue club.

And there, now, it is called: Shenshan Cathedral. Of course, this cathedral has been built many times, especially in the sacred times, it is almost a small renovation in three years, once every ten years. It has long been no longer the appearance of the farm; however, there is still a trace of the farm in the record of the book: there is a sturdy dirt road that can pass a carriage, although the rain is full of mud, but everyone is still full The smile is walking on this road, because not far away, Paul is remodeling the hall of the manor, and then it will become the residence of our full 47 people.

Among them, Paul is naturally the ‘first generation Paul’, and the forty-seven people in the first person description are also the prototypes of the great first-generation sacred knights, now the founders of the Holy Knights.

Of course, if this is the case, according to Ye Qi’s guess, the 'primary Paul' will be called the deep-hearted yīn murderer; however, the Paul’s final result is that he gave up the idea at the time, Paul An enemy of the family, the aristocrat who also has a sorcerer's identity, after the capture of a group of rescuers, went straight to the price of the life of the 'first-generation Paul'.

Perhaps at first, the hostile wizard aristocrat just wanted to humiliate Paul, who was not worthy of his opponent, and the aristocrat who fell to the ancestral home; but when he really saw it alone, and After he did not hesitate to put the sword on Paul's neck, the wizard aristocrat was shocked. Of course, the wizard aristocrat who accepted his opponent's life, never knows how much he has provoked the wizards of future generations. Trouble.

If the hatred of the witch is from the witch’s own lost word, then the hatred of the wizard is that the sages of the rescue group were planted in the heart and firmly rooted. And when this small eye that was weak at the time, it grew into a towering tree; when the so-called bailout, renamed the Holy See, the firearm appeared in Lorante.

It seems that only in this way can we feel the inner hatred and the blood sè is so quietly coming; so that all the wizards who remain in Lorante are quietly unaware, even when these wizards react, even if The kings around them could not stop the impact of the Knights named after the 'sacred'.

God is the **** of their faith.

St. is the ‘first generation Paul’ they have in their hearts.

Although the time has passed, the Holy See has not been a bailout for the purpose of mutual aid, but the name of the Holy Knights has been retained. They have to protect each generation of 'Paul Papal' as their own in accordance with the will of the first generation knights. It is related to the history of the Holy See. Ye Qi is very clear, but he did not think that there is a cleric for the purpose of helping the Holy See.

“Is there really such a person? Helping each other? What is his name?”

Ye Qi frowned and thought for a turned to head and asked Ted.

"Tekevich, born in the Holy Forest District, has traveled through the entire Red Archbishop of Lorante! It includes Shaq, Qiulin District; even Hailin, the archbishop of Red, has been there, but with The conflict of the wizards allowed the red archbishop to cultivate for two years! And if it was not the rescue of the Holy See, I am afraid that the only remaining neutral of the Holy See is already dead for a long time!" Ted answered truthfully Road.

"Which is the director of Iyeta, is it the look of the existence of this neutral person?" Ye Qi asked.

"Of course not! How can I tolerate such a thing with the Yijta's xìng grid!" Ted smiled and said: "Just, this Tekawi Red Archbishop not only has considerable strength. It is also the person who was appointed by the former pope to get 'God'!"

PS second more~~

Thanks to the June Snow IV400 starting point reward, the wave of the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, the reward of the sn100 starting currency, the dance of the 1100 starting point of the dance, the drunk Xiaoxi 100 starting point of the reward ~~ ~Deprecated here, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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