Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 430: Peak of the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng, who rushed over at the fastest speed, had already arrived near this place, but he was still hiding underground and did not come out.

Li Xuanfeng also sensed the earth mole underground, and a lot of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "It's actually an earth mole. In this way, my earth clone can be condensed immediately!"

The earth mole contains extremely rich earth attribute spiritual power, and this earth mole has already reached the peak of the middle stage of the Spirit God Realm, which is enough for Li Xuanfeng to absorb and condense the earth clone!

Yes, this earth mole is not just the middle stage of the Spirit God Realm as the team thought, but the peak of the middle stage!

Because their cultivation is insufficient and their perception is not strong enough, they cannot clearly perceive the cultivation of this earth mole.

Although Li Xuanfeng's cultivation is only the perfect Spirit Infant Realm, the strength of his spiritual power has exceeded that of the cultivators in the early stage of the Spirit God Realm, and he can even easily exert the combat power of the middle stage of the Spirit God Realm!

Although the perception in Li Xuanfeng's sea of ​​consciousness is still spiritual consciousness, and does not have the vast perception range of divine consciousness, the clarity of perception has exceeded the early stage of the spiritual realm.

However, Li Xuanfeng did not immediately go to deal with the earth mole, but continued to hide underground, even ten thousand feet away from the earth mole, so as not to be discovered by the beast and other cultivators.

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed underground at this time, and he had sensed that several breaths were approaching this place rapidly.

At this time, the earth ball was only a few feet in size, and the team members inside had even been squeezed together. Feeling the terrifying squeezing force, there was only an extremely strong fear and bitterness in their hearts!

They were even ready to die, but they didn't expect that they would be killed by the earth mole in a very short time before the rescuers arrived!

"Evil beast, how dare you!" At this moment, a voice full of anger suddenly reached their ears.

The team members were instantly overjoyed, and the rescuers finally arrived.

Suddenly, five black shadows appeared in the sky, becoming clearer and faster, and they were rushing towards this place at a very fast speed!

Li Xuanfeng could sense that two of the five people were in the middle stage of the Spirit God Realm, and the other three were also the best in the early stage of the Spirit God Realm, and two of them were already at the peak of the early stage of the Spirit God Realm.

The five did not bring other fellow disciples with lower cultivation, because they knew that the Spirit Infant Realm and even ordinary early stage of the Spirit God Realm cultivators could not cause much damage to the earth mole.

If these people followed, they would not only be unable to help, but also require them to divert their attention to protect it.

On the way forward, the five people immediately quickly pinched their fingers to condense the magic, and began to prepare for the attack.

Feeling the arrival of the five people, the eyes of the earth mole suddenly flashed with a strong and fierce intention, and instantly controlled the earth ball to press hard again!

The earth ball suddenly shook violently, and it shrank by half again. The ten monks in it suddenly felt a squeezing force several times stronger than before, and a lot of cracks suddenly appeared on their bodies, and blood gushed out of their mouths!

A shrill scream suddenly came from the earth ball, which made the five people who came over instantly feel horrified!

The five people who came over saw this scene, and their anger instantly increased several times. They didn't expect that this earth mole was not only not intimidated by their words, but also seemed to want to kill all the monks in the earth ball in front of them!

As they thought, after hearing the word

evil beast, the anger in the earth mole's heart instantly increased several times, and it directly and ruthlessly squeezed the monks in the earth ball again.

The five people did not dare to delay any longer, and even increased their flying speed again, fearing that the team would be wiped out in the earth ball.

In just a moment, the five people arrived here and instantly released their condensed magic. Two of them immediately attacked the earth ball that trapped the team, while the other three directly attacked the earth mole underground!

But just as their magic was about to attack the earth mole, the soil around the earth mole surged instantly, directly covering it, forming an extremely condensed earth cover.

The magic of the five people fell on this earth cover. Although there was an astonishing roar, it did not break the earth cover!

However, the magic of several people distracted the earth mole from condensing its defense, reducing its control over the earth ball above, and the other two successfully crushed the earth ball that covered the team!

When the earth ball was crushed, the scene inside was revealed. Only four spiritual gods were still alive, and the other six spiritual infants were perfect, and they had turned into countless pieces of meat and blood!

With the large amount of mud and sand produced by the crushing of the earth ball, these pieces of meat and blood also fell to the ground instantly.

The squeezing force just now was not just the physical squeezing force formed by the mud, but also contained extremely condensed spiritual power!

It was this powerful spiritual squeezing force that made everyone unable to bear it. The six spirit infants not only had their bodies destroyed, but even their spirit infants collapsed in this powerful spiritual squeezing and died!

Even the four early spirit gods were extremely miserable at this time. There were countless horrible wounds on their bodies. Their robes were completely stained red. They had been seriously injured by the mole.

At this time, the four people were full of the meaning of surviving the disaster. If the five monks who came to rescue came a little slower, I am afraid that the four of them would have died at this time!

After the soil ball was shattered, the four rushed out instantly, and immediately moved away from this place to avoid being injured again by the impact force generated by the battle between the five people and the mole. Then they immediately took out the healing pills to quickly treat the serious injuries in their bodies.

"Humans, you've pissed me off!" At this moment, the earth mole in the ground suddenly let out an angry roar!

I saw that the earth cover covering the earth mole shattered instantly, and the earth mole inside suddenly rushed out of the ground and slammed directly into the five monks above!

Not only that, the earth mole that rushed out was already covered by a layer of dark gray armor, which was a protective layer condensed by its earth attribute spiritual power!

Seeing the earth mole coming from the ground, the five people above immediately started to protect themselves, and the earth mole was attacked by a concentrated magic attack!

This earth mole rushed out very fast and reached below everyone in just the blink of an eye!

The spells of the five people fell on the earth mole instantly, but they only caused a few roaring sounds. At most, they only caused a little damage to the protective layer on the earth mole, but they did not break it at all!

Even the attacks of the five people did not have much impact on the speed of the earth mole. At this time, it suddenly rushed through their spells and hit hard on their protection outside the body!

The terrifying impact instantly knocked the five people away, and they didn't stabilize until they flew hundreds of feet away!

After the earth mole hit the five people, it fell from the air to the ground, but did not drill into the ground again. Instead, it raised its head and looked at the few people suspended in the air with an extremely cold look.

At this moment, the expressions of the five people

Becoming extremely dignified, the two mid-level spiritual gods said in shock: "This earth mole is no longer an ordinary mid-level spiritual god, but the peak of the mid-level!"

In the aura that erupted when the earth mole rushed out just now, the two middle-level spiritual gods had clearly judged the cultivation level of the earth mole!

Hearing the words of the two people, the expressions of the other three people who were in the early stages of the Spiritual God Realm and the four who escaped instantly became even more ugly. The beast's combat power was already extremely powerful, but he did not expect that this earth mole's cultivation level was so high. They are tough, I'm afraid they will be difficult to deal with!

The four people in the early stages of the Spiritual God Realm who escaped from the earth ball instantly felt that their team was not unjustly defeated.

The two monks in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm also looked extremely ugly at this time. They originally thought that they were just ordinary earth moles in the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm. The five of them were able to deal with it relatively easily, but they did not expect that the cultivation level of this earth mole was even higher. How much stronger!

Each realm of the Spiritual God Realm is very different. Although the difference between the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm and the early peak is only two words, it is not something that ordinary monks can cross, not to mention that this is a ferocious beast with considerable combat power!

At this time, the two people in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm looked at each other, and the woman among them sent a message: "Brother, why don't we send a message to the senior brother, or call more powerful people in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm to deal with this beast? ”

Hearing this woman's voice transmission, hesitation appeared in the eyes of the man in the middle stage of the spiritual realm, and then the voice transmission said: "If the senior brother or more powerful people come, we will have no chance to get this earth mole. "

"But..." The woman wanted to say something else, but she looked worried.

But before the woman could say anything, the man interrupted her: "Let's try again. With our combat power and the seven fellow disciples in the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, even if we can't defeat this earth mole, it will It won’t hurt us.”

"If we really can't defeat this beast, it won't be too late for us to send a message to others to come."

Hearing the man's insistence, the woman had no choice but to nod slightly in agreement, preparing to adapt accordingly. If she found that they were really invincible, she would immediately send a message to the leader.

Seeing that the woman agreed, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was determined to win over this earth mole. As long as he could absorb the spiritual power in this beast, there was a high probability that his cultivation would be able to improve again and enter the spiritual realm. Mid-term peak.

But at this time, he had no idea that even if he didn't inform other sect members, there was still a monk hiding in the ground thousands of feet away, eyeing the mole covetously.

Apart from Li Xuanfeng, whom they didn't know, there were only nine of them here, two in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm and seven in the early stages of the Spiritual God Realm.

This young man and woman in the middle stage of the spiritual realm are brother and sister. They joined the Taoist Sect together, and their names are Chen Niancong and Chen Nianhui respectively.

At this time, the five people quickly stabilized their bodies. Chen Niancong turned to the four people who had just escaped from the earth ball and shouted: "If you don't want to die, come here to help and attack this earth mole together."

"Senior Brother Chen, Senior Sister Chen and three fellow disciples, thank you for coming to rescue us."

After hearing this, the remaining four people in the team immediately clasped their fists and expressed gratitude. They looked at the earth mole that landed on the ground again. Although their expressions were a little frightened, they still flew over to stand with the five people.

The four of them were very grateful to Chen Niancong and the others. If they had not arrived in time, the four of them would have become a meal for the moles.

So at this time, although the injuries in the body of the four people had not yet recovered, they still came to the five people without hesitation, preparing to deal with the earth mole together.

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