Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 431 The amazing fighting power of the mole!

Seeing the remaining four members of the team coming to join the battle, Chen Niancong nodded slightly with a slightly satisfied expression, and then turned to look coldly at the mole on the ground.

At this time, the earth mole looked at the nine people standing together with the same cold look. The cultivation level on his body was once again operating at full strength, and the spiritual power between heaven and earth was suddenly mobilized!

Chen Niancong and the other nine people instantly felt that the spiritual power between heaven and earth seemed to be manipulated by a big hand, and suddenly began to spin rapidly, and then suddenly gathered towards the location of the earth mole!

This earth mole has mobilized a large amount of spiritual power, and it seems that it is going to perform an extremely amazing spell!

Sensing this scene, Chen Niancong's expressions became more solemn, and at the same time they mobilized their spiritual power, and quickly began to condense their spells.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, and countless earth thorns condensed from the earth suddenly rushed out and galloped towards Chen Niancong and the other nine!

Although these soil thorns appear to be made of condensed soil, they actually contain extremely solid spiritual power and exude an astonishing aura.

Chen Niancong and the other nine people immediately deployed the protective light curtain, and at the same time released their condensed spells to bombard the earth thorns that were speeding towards them.

In order to crush these earth thorns with astonishing aura faster, the nine people used spells with a relatively large range.

Chen Niancong condensed a rather vast rain of swords, and saw countless small swords condensed by spiritual power instantly blasting towards the earth thorns impacting below at an astonishing speed.

In an instant, the roaring sound was endless, and Chen Niancong and others finally worked together to smash all these flying earth thorns.

There was a hint of joy in the eyes of Chen Niancong and others, and a thought of surprise appeared in their hearts. Although this earth mole's cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm, it seems that its combat power is not too strong.

But just when the nine people felt a little relieved, a hint of disdain suddenly flashed in the eyes of the earth mole!

The ground below Chen Niancong and the others suddenly shook violently, and suddenly a huge black shadow rushed out!

I saw that the top of this shadow was pointed, but it continued to expand downwards!

As it rushed out at high speed, the shape of this black shadow became larger and larger, as if it was going to cover the sky and the sun!

This is a huge black mountain!

Sensing that this huge mountain peak suddenly rushed out from the ground, the expressions of Chen Niancong and the other nine people suddenly changed. They had no time to concentrate their magic attacks, so they immediately retreated and flew to both sides of the mountain, trying to avoid this black The impact of the mountain!

However, this black mountain peak rushed out very suddenly and at an alarming speed. Seven of the nine people were in the early stages of the Spiritual God Realm and were slower. They had no time to dodge and were directly hit by this mountain peak!

These seven people were originally only at the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, and their speed was already much slower. Moreover, four of them had considerable injuries, so their speed was even slower!

The three monks who followed Chen Niancong were a little better. After all, they avoided some, but they were still touched by this black mountain!

Only two brothers, Chen Niancong and Chen Nianhui, successfully escaped this black mountain peak that rushed out at high speed!


As the astonishing roar echoed, there was even a hair-raising sound of flesh and blood exploding!

At this time, this mountain peak has completely rushed out of the ground. It is thousands of feet high and hundreds of feet thick. It is like a giant!

Seeing this huge black mountain peak, Chen Niancong and the two looked extremely shocked. They didn't expect that this earth mole was actually there.

In an instant, such a huge mountain peak rushed out of the ground!

I saw the physical bodies of these seven monks in the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm were directly shattered and turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood sprayed on the black mountain peak!

The escaped brother and sister Chen Niancong looked back at the place where the seven people's bodies were shattered, and their faces became extremely ugly. They didn't expect this earth mole to be so cunning.

On the surface, they used countless earth thorns to attack them, but in fact, they also hid more powerful mountain spells, which made the seven early-stage spiritual gods unable to dodge in an instant, and were directly hit by the impact!

At this time, when Chen Niancong brother and sister looked at each other, they were shocked to find that where the bodies of the seven people were shattered, only three souls were left, screaming in fear and escaping.

Among them, the four people who had narrowly escaped from the earth ball before had serious injuries on their bodies. At this time, under the terrifying impact of the black mountain peak, even their souls could not be saved!

The three early-stage spiritual gods brought by Chen Niancong had no injuries in their bodies and were somewhat stronger than these three. Although their bodies were destroyed at this time, their lives were saved after all.

However, these three souls were still seriously injured in the terrifying impact!

The expressions of these three souls were extremely frightened at this time. They seemed to be wandering around in front of the gate of hell and almost stepped in!

The two brothers Chen Niancong immediately gathered the three souls and protected them with spiritual power to prevent them from being attacked by the earth mole again.

At this time, these three monks only have their soul bodies left, and they are seriously injured. If they are attacked by the earth mole again, they may instantly follow in the footsteps of the four people in front!

Just when Chen Niancong and the two men were protecting the three souls, a violent clicking sound suddenly came from the black mountain peak that completely rushed out from the ground!

The expressions of Chen Niancong and Chen Niancong changed drastically again in an instant, as if they were frightened. At this time, they were extremely afraid of the combat power of this earth mole!

As Chen Niancong and the two turned around in surprise, the huge black mountain suddenly collapsed and hit them hard!

Chen Niancong and Chen Niancong immediately used all their strength to speed up, flying to both sides, and only narrowly avoided the black mountain peak!

But just when they had just avoided the collapsing black mountain peak, before the mountain peak hit the ground, there was an earth-shattering roar, causing Chen Niancong and Chen Niancong's expressions to change instantly, and their pupils to shrink violently!

This black mountain peak suddenly exploded!

The extremely violent spiritual power splashed around with countless rubbles, and suddenly impacted the two brothers and sisters Chen Niancong nearby!

The two of them were instantly hit and flew thousands of feet away. After steadying themselves, they suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood!

The three souls protected by the two of them were also impacted by this terrifying violent spiritual power, and the aura on their bodies suddenly became even more depressed!

At this time, the fear in the hearts of these three monks who were left with only their souls became even stronger.

They never expected that even the two brothers Chen Niancong, who were in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm, would be injured in the attack of this earth mole!

The faces of Chen Niancong and his sister became extremely ugly. If they had not deployed the protective jade slips and magic weapons before, they would have been seriously injured at this time!

Unexpectedly, this earth mole's attacks were endless, as if each attack had already calculated the next attack, making them unable to guard against it!

"This earth mole's control of earth-attribute spiritual power is indeed extremely exquisite."

Li Xuanfeng, who was thousands of feet away, clearly sensed Tu Mole and Chen Niancong.

While waiting for others to fight, I couldn't help but sigh slightly in my heart.

Li Xuanfeng had to feel ashamed of the Earth Mole's use of earth-attribute spiritual power, and he was far inferior.

This earth mole's use of earth-attribute spiritual power was extremely sophisticated, and it was also very intelligent and knew every step of the plan. It made Chen Niancong and the others unable to guard against it, and they suffered heavy losses in a short period of time.

Chen Niancong's expression was extremely gloomy at this time. He originally thought that even if he was defeated by this beast, he would be able to protect himself, but he didn't want to be hurt by it so quickly!

"Brother, let's send a message to Senior Brother Lin and ask him to deal with this beast." Chen Nianhui said with an ugly expression.

When questioning Chen Niancong about the matter, Chen Nianhui had already taken out the jade slip of sound transmission and held it in his hand.

After hearing her words, although Chen Niancong was extremely unwilling, he still nodded slightly in agreement.

He already knows very well that this earth mole is not only extremely powerful in combat, but also extremely cunning in mind. It is simply not something that the two of them can deal with!

If we add the seven in the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, they still have a slight chance of winning, but at this time, there are only three of the seven in the early stage of the Spiritual God Realm, and these three people only have their soul bodies left, and they are seriously injured!

Seeing him nodding, Chen Nianhui couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. This brother of hers was extremely proud. If she still stubbornly persisted at this time, she would have no choice but to disobey his wishes and send a message for help on her own initiative.

Chen Nianhui immediately took out the sound transmission jade slip and said: "Senior Brother, this earth mole's cultivation is at the peak of the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm. We have already suffered heavy losses, come to the rescue quickly!"

Soon, in a cave, a young man in white who was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes and took out the jade slip to check.

After hearing Chen Nianhui's message, the expression of the young man in white instantly turned gloomy, and he cursed angrily: "Trash!"

Although he was cursing angrily, the young man in white immediately rushed out of the cave and rushed towards where Chen Niancong and others were.

Chen Niancong and Chen Nianhui are already the mainstays of their forces. If they die unexpectedly, it will be a huge loss.

The young man in white did not dare to delay any longer. Just in case, he sent a message to call three other monks who were in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm.

Together with Chen Niancong and Chen Nianhui, they are the strongest people in the Taoist sect today!

Five are in the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm, and one is at the peak of the middle stage of the Spiritual God Realm!

Not only that, there are now hundreds of monks in the early stages of the Spiritual God Realm within the current Taoist sect forces. This is the reason why the other two forces are afraid!

A few months ago, when the three parties were competing for territory, nearly a hundred early-stage Spiritual God Realm monks emerged from the Taoist Sect, completely consolidating their position!

This young man in white is the leader of the force composed of Taoist disciples in the colorful secret territory, named Lin Sen.

Before entering the secret realm, this person's cultivation and combat power were not among the best among the disciples, but he achieved extremely amazing achievements in the secret realm and became the number one disciple of the Taoist Sect.

Now that Lin Sen is planning to plunder two other continents, the Chen Niancong brothers cannot afford to make any mistakes, otherwise they will lose a lot of combat power.

Because the Taoist sect's power was stronger than the other two forces a few months ago, among the three forces now, the most ambitious one is Lin Sen of the Taoist sect!

He had already coveted the resources of the other two continents, and was waiting for a better opportunity to directly launch a war of plunder.

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