Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 468: Wind Continent

If the red-clothed youths knew that Zhang Feiyu actually had more amazing combat power, but he kept trying to fool them just because he didn't want to fight with Li Xuanfeng, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood in an instant...

How could there be such a leader who always considers others instead of putting the safety of his subordinates first.

After the red-clothed youths left, Zhang Feiyu took out the sound transmission jade slip and began to send a message to Li Xuanfeng: "Sorry, fellow Daoist Li, you asked the people from the Dao Sect to attack, but in the end they were all defeated and their cultivation was sealed by us."

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was already deep in the Mufeng Continent. After receiving Zhang Feiyu's message, his expression was not surprised at all. This was completely within his expectations.

However, Li Xuanfeng still sent a message to Tang Long and others first. He was relieved when he knew that they did not participate in this battle after finding excuses to decline.

Otherwise, it might be necessary to ask Zhang Feiyu to give face and let Tang Long and others go.

"No problem, Li's friends did not participate in this battle, I don't care about others." Li Xuanfeng then replied to Zhang Feiyu.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Zhang Feiyu looked very surprised. He was originally worried that Li Xuanfeng would let him release all the people in the Dao Sect, and then he would have to worry about how to do this without many fellow disciples having any objections.

"Daoyou Li, you reminded them in advance, right?" Zhang Feiyu immediately thought of this and asked with a smile.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that Li Xuanfeng's friends did not participate in this battle.

"The one who knows me is Daoyou Zhang." Li Xuanfeng also laughed after hearing this.

The two were more than 100,000 miles apart, but at this moment, they were both holding the sound transmission jade slips and laughing. If they were seen by other cultivators, they would probably think they were crazy...

After laughing for a while, Zhang Feiyu thought of the method he had just come up with to fool the red-clothed young man, and he couldn't help but have a headache. He sent a voice transmission to Li Xuanfeng with a helpless tone: "Daoyou Li, Zhang's fellow disciples suggested that I deal with you."

"It doesn't matter. Li really wants to have a good fight with Daoyou Zhang again." Li Xuanfeng replied with a smile without any anger.

Although this was a joke, Li Xuanfeng's eyes had already emerged with a strong fighting spirit.

He really wanted to fight with Zhang Feiyu to see how much gap there was between him and the late stage of the Spirit God Realm!

Now that he has condensed the unearthed clone again, although his cultivation has not increased, his combat power is a few points stronger than before, and he should be able to barely fight with the late stage of the Spirit God Realm!

Of course, if Zhang Feiyu used the purple-red feather fan magic weapon and showed the combat power of the peak of the late stage of the Spirit God Realm, Li Xuanfeng would be far inferior.

"For the time being, let's forget it. There are too many people in the secret realm now, so it's not convenient to have a good fight. When I leave the secret realm, I must ask for advice from Li Daoyou." Zhang Feiyu shook his head and smiled after hearing it.

"Okay, it's a deal."

Li Xuanfeng knew that although Zhang Feiyu was now the leader of the Yuxian Sect, he had many things to do in order to take care of his fellow disciples, so he smiled and agreed.

"Li Daoyou, in order to dispel the idea of ​​my fellow disciples to deal with you, I have said that if you and Yang Ye attack my fellow disciples, I will deal with you. I hope Li Daoyou will give me a face." After hesitating, Zhang Feiyu still said this matter with some hesitation.

"Yang Ye?" Hearing Zhang Feiyu's words, Li Xuanfeng

said in a strange way in his heart.

However, Li Xuanfeng soon realized that it was Lin Sen and his men who spread the news about "Yang Ye". He couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that he had accidentally become the late spiritual god realm that two Yuxianzong cultivators feared.

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhang has already spoken, how can I not agree? However, I will look for some resources in the secret realm later. I hope Fellow Daoist Zhang will not stop me." Li Xuanfeng said with a smile.

Now that the Yuxianzong has become the only overlord in the Seven Color Secret Realm, it is better to tell Zhang Feiyu first before occupying the entire secret realm.

"How could it be? Fellow Daoist Li can take it at will." Zhang Feiyu didn't care at all, shook his head and smiled.

"Okay, thank you Fellow Daoist Zhang." Li Xuanfeng smiled and thanked him after hearing it, and then ended the voice transmission and continued to gallop into the depths of the Mufeng Continent.

At this time, he was not far from the Wind Continent behind the Wood Continent, only about ten thousand miles away.

"Fellow Daoists, in order to avoid injuries to fellow disciples and the cooperation between Li Xuanfeng and the other two, please tell everyone not to provoke them."

"The way to deal with the two of them now is that if they don't offend me, I won't offend them. If they dare to attack again, we will find a way to defeat them one by one."

After finishing the voice transmission with Li Xuanfeng, Zhang Feiyu pondered for a moment, took out the jade slip again and sent a voice transmission to the six young men in red.

The young man in red heard his voice transmission and murmured helplessly in his heart, why did their Yuxian Sect become the only overlord in the Seven Color Secret Realm, and still need to live so aggrievedly.

At this time, the cultivators of the Dao Sect had been trapped in another formation by them, right next to the people of the Chen Cang Sect, but separated by the formation, the cultivators of both sides could not see the people on the other side.

Originally, the young man in red and others thought that after suppressing the forces of both sides, they would clean up the remaining fish that slipped through the net, and there would be no more cultivators competing for resources, and the dangers in the secret realm would only be some dangerous places and fierce beasts.

If they invite the senior brother to kill some powerful beasts, they can collect most of the resources in the secret realm.

Unexpectedly, two cultivators with combat power reaching the late stage of the Spirit God Realm appeared, so they still need to be cautious.

This made them feel a lot of frustration.

However, the young man in red and others did not think of any other good way to deal with Li Xuanfeng and "Yang Ye", so they had no choice but to convey Zhang Feiyu's words to all his classmates.

As expected by the young man in red, after informing all his fellow disciples about the matter, it inevitably aroused their confusion. Finally, after they explained the pros and cons in detail, many fellow disciples understood.

At this time, deep in the Mufeng Continent, Li Xuanfeng had already arrived in front of an extremely vast valley. He stopped and looked into the valley in surprise.

I saw an astonishing strong wind howling in this valley. There was no vegetation at all, only bare wasteland and hills!

There are countless long and thin scratches on the hills and the ground, as if someone had carved them with a sword.

Standing in front of the valley, Li Xuanfeng could feel the violent power contained in the strong wind inside. Even the spiritual power in the valley became extremely chaotic due to the constant roar of the wind.

The Continent of Wind is this extremely vast valley.

Just staying for a moment, Li Xuanfeng's eyes

With a flash of determination, he stepped directly into the valley, and began to move forward quickly with the roaring hurricane.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng could clearly feel that there was an extremely rich spiritual power flowing rapidly in this valley!

The hurricane that keeps roaring in the valley seems to be caused by the rapid flow of this kind of spiritual power!

Although this kind of spiritual power is extremely rich, Li Xuanfeng cannot absorb it at all, because it does not have this kind of spiritual power attribute in his body, and even if it is absorbed, it will overflow again.

Li Xuanfeng knew that this was the spiritual power of wind.

What made Li Xuanfeng feel a little strange at this time was that there was no hint of coldness in this hurricane. Instead, it contained a faint heat wave. Could it be that the source of the hurricane was a place with high temperature?

However, Li Xuanfeng could clearly feel that this roaring hurricane was blowing from the depths of the continent, and its source must be within it.

Li Xuanfeng kept thinking about what he had learned from the Taoist classics about this wind valley, and thought about how the hurricane here was formed.

Since the hurricane comes with this rich spiritual power of wind, where does this spiritual power of wind come from?

When we first entered the valley, the hurricanes around us were not very strong, only the strength of the spiritual elixir realm. However, as we continued to move deeper, the power of the hurricane continued to increase at an extremely fast speed!

However, such a powerful hurricane at this time could not even affect the spiritual protection Li Xuanfeng had condensed outside his body, let alone hurt him. Even his speed was barely affected.

After entering the Wind Valley, Li Xuanfeng galloped towards the depths of the Wind Continent at an extremely fast speed. He really wanted to see how this non-stop hurricane formed.

In the classics left by the Taoist ancestors, there is no record of how this hurricane formed!

Because they can't get close to the source of the hurricane!

Among the ancestors of Cangyu Continent, some had the same idea as Li Xuanfeng, and wanted to see how this wind valley was formed, but in the end they found that the hurricane deep in the wind valley was too strong, and their bodies simply could not bear it. !

A monk once entered the depths of the Wind Continent, and his body was immediately torn into countless pieces of flesh. Even his soul could not escape, and he died in an instant!

As Li Xuanfeng continued to move forward, the hurricanes around him continued to intensify. Half an hour later, the power of the hurricane had reached the level of the spiritual infant and began to have some impact on Li Xuanfeng's speed.

However, the power of the hurricane is only at the Spiritual Infant level, so this impact is negligible to Li Xuanfeng.

And as we continue to go deeper into the Wind Valley, the surrounding wind-attribute spiritual power becomes more and more intense, and other spiritual powers have become extremely thin, as if they were directly dispersed to the outer layer of the valley by the hurricane.

Although the hurricane here could not harm Li Xuanfeng at all, his mind did not relax at all. Instead, he was extremely cautious and kept paying attention to the changes in the surrounding hurricane.

Because according to the records of the Taoist ancestors, although the details are not known, there is great danger in this wind valley, and the hurricane will change direction every three hours!

From blowing on the outer layer to sucking on the inner layer!

According to the warnings of Taoist ancestors, it is best not to enter this wind valley when the hurricane is sucking in. Even if you enter, you should not go too deep. Otherwise, if you are sucked into the depths of the wind valley, you will have no chance to get out again. !

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