Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 469 The wind changes direction!

Although Li Xuanfeng chose to enter the wind valley decisively, he did not continue to move forward at the fastest speed at this time, but carefully paid attention to the movement of the hurricane.

Because Li Xuanfeng did not know how long the hurricane blowing outward had lasted, he needed to be alert to the sudden change of direction of the hurricane!

Because of the warning of the predecessors of the Taoism Sect, even Li Xuanfeng did not dare to easily enter the depths of the wind valley at this time, so as not to be sucked into the source of the hurricane and encounter dangers that he could not resist!

As Li Xuanfeng moved forward cautiously, the hurricane in the wind valley did not change at all, and continued to blow outward.

Two hours later, even if he slowed down and moved forward cautiously, Li Xuanfeng moved forward again for a distance of 100,000 miles. At this time, the hurricane around Li Xuanfeng had reached the power of the spiritual realm, and the amazing whistling sound continued to rage around him.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng realized that his speed was affected by the strong hurricane, and it had been reduced by 20% to 30%, and even the perception range of his spiritual consciousness was weakened a lot, and now it could only cover the nearby ten thousand feet.

The hurricane in the Spirit God Realm should not be underestimated. The wind blades are like countless extremely sharp knives flying constantly, enough to tear the cultivator's body into pieces in an instant!

If it weren't for Li Xuanfeng's spiritual power far exceeding his cultivation level, the terrifying hurricane here would be enough to kill him instantly just by relying on his perfect cultivation level of the Spirit Infant Realm at this time.

The hurricane here is enough to instantly tear the cultivators who have not reached the Spirit God Realm into pieces, turning them into countless pieces of meat and blood, and even the Spirit Infant will instantly collapse in the invisible wind blades!

Even if it is an ordinary early stage of the Spirit God Realm, if there is no powerful protective magic weapon, it will not be able to hold on for much time here!

However, Li Xuanfeng's strength cannot be judged by his cultivation level at all. The hurricane here still cannot even break his spiritual power protection, let alone hurt his body.

But at this time, Li Xuanfeng's expression has become quite solemn, because at this time he still has not seen the end of this wind valley.

From the description of the predecessors of the Daoist Sect, Li Xuanfeng estimated that this place was still a long way from the end of the Wind Valley, but the power of the hurricane had already reached the early stage of the Spirit God Realm. I am afraid that if he continues to move forward for a while, even he will find it difficult to bear it!

At this time, Li Xuanfeng finally saw a living creature in the Wind Valley. It was a group of black-brown poisonous bees as big as fists, and they were rushing towards Li Xuanfeng at a rapid speed with an amazing buzzing sound!

Although there were not too many poisonous bees in this group, only hundreds of them, each of them had already reached the perfection of the Spirit Infant Realm, and the queen bee in the front was even in the early stage of the Spirit God Realm!

This kind of poisonous bee looked extremely ferocious, including its wings and eyes, and its whole body was black-brown, and it also had an extremely sharp mouthpart, exuding a creepy cold and evil spirit.

Not only that, the wings of this kind of poisonous bee were extremely tough, and the buzzing sound was the sound of their wings flapping!

It was because of this pair of wings that this kind of poisonous bee could withstand the power of the hurricane and fly at a very fast speed in the Wind Valley.

Seeing this group of poisonous bees, Li Xuanfeng instantly recognized that this was the creature that lived the most in this wind valley, as recorded by the predecessors of the Wendao Sect!

The mouthparts of this kind of poisonous bees are extremely sharp, and can even bite off extremely hard magic weapons directly.

Moreover, this kind of poisonous bees move in groups, and can form a hurricane around them by flapping their wings at the same time, which can compete with the hurricane that is howling in this valley.

It is precisely because of this that the poisonous bees that have reached the perfection of the Lingying Realm can

enter the place where the power of the hurricane reaches the initial stage of the Lingshen Realm.

According to the records of the predecessors of the Wendao Sect, this kind of poisonous bees is one of the dangers in this wind valley. They can devour a cultivator in an instant, and even the extremely large beasts of the Lingshen Realm can hardly resist the group attack of the poisonous bees!

Ordinary cultivators must form a team to enter this place, otherwise if they are unfortunate enough to encounter this group of poisonous bees, they will end up in an extremely miserable way!

When Li Xuanfeng looked curiously, this group of poisonous bees were rushing towards him at a very fast speed, obviously treating him as prey!

But Li Xuanfeng was not afraid at all. When the group of poisonous bees approached, he raised his hand slightly and a deep purple-red flame spread out, instantly turning into a sea of ​​fire with a range of a hundred feet, completely covering the group of poisonous bees!

With the crackling sound echoing, accompanied by the smell of burning, the group of poisonous bees were instantly burned into charcoal, and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye!

When Li Xuanfeng took the purple-red sea of ​​fire back into his body, the ashes turned into by the group of poisonous bees quickly drifted in the hurricane in the valley.

Although the combat power of this group of poisonous bees was extremely amazing, it was enough to instantly devour the cultivators in the early stage of the Spirit God Realm.

But they were vulnerable in front of Li Xuanfeng. The sea of ​​fire that Li Xuanfeng used the Fire Clone was not something they could withstand.

After burning the group of poisonous bees into ashes, Li Xuanfeng was about to continue to move forward to the depths of the Wind Valley, but suddenly his eyes focused and instantly sensed that two groups of poisonous bees were rushing towards him again.

As if attracted by the burnt smell of the fallen venomous bees, the two groups of venomous bees immediately approached Li Xuanfeng at a high speed, with cruelty flashing in their dark brown eyes!

It was obvious that they wanted to avenge their fellow tribesmen who were burned to death by Li Xuanfeng.

However, just when the distance between the two groups of venomous bees and Li Xuanfeng was only a few hundred feet, something strange happened!

The hurricane in the wind valley suddenly stopped without any warning, as if it disappeared in an instant, and the valley suddenly became calm from the chaos!

But this calmness made the bodies of the two groups of venomous bees tremble violently, and the rhythm of their flight instantly became panic, and even the cruelty in their eyes instantly turned into fear!

This is because there is an extremely strong sense of fear in their hearts!

In the panic, the two swarms of poisonous bees immediately accelerated their speed and tried to head towards the outer layer of the Wind Valley. They even completely ignored Li Xuanfeng who was just about to attack.

But the calm in the Valley of the Wind only lasted for a moment, and the hurricane suddenly appeared again!

And the wind direction has reversed at this time!

What was originally blowing outward suddenly turned into sucking inward!

Moreover, the power of the hurricane at this time is much stronger than before!

At this time, the direction of the hurricane suddenly changed. The ferocious looks in the eyes of these two groups of poisonous bees that were speeding towards Li Xuanfeng suddenly turned into fear. They immediately flapped their wings in a panic, trying to resist the powerful hurricane force!

However, the power of the hurricane at this time was stronger than before, and their speed was immediately limited. Although they were not directly swept away by the hurricane, their speed was still reduced a lot. They even began to be unable to compete with this hurricane, and were gradually pulled towards the wind valley. deep!

Feeling that their bodies were being pulled by the hurricane, and kept going deeper into the wind valley, the looks in the eyes of these poisonous bees were even more frightened, but struggling desperately was still to no avail!

Although they tried their best, the flapping of their wings produced

The hurricane was no longer able to withstand the power of the hurricane around it, and its body was still being pulled uncontrollably by the hurricane and going deep into the Valley of the Wind!

At this time, the bodies of these two swarms of poisonous bees were being pulled uncontrollably. Instead of getting closer to Li Xuanfeng, they were gradually pulled away!

And as they continued to move deeper into the wind valley, the surrounding hurricane force became more and more powerful. The two groups of poisonous bees became even more unable to compete, and the speed of rolling back suddenly became faster and faster.

After a moment, these two groups of frightened poisonous bees disappeared from Li Xuanfeng's sight.

Li Xuanfeng was quite surprised. When these swarm of poisonous bees were sucked into the depths of the wind valley, they looked so frightened. Could it be that they knew there was an extremely terrifying danger within them?

When the hurricane in the Valley of the Wind suddenly paused for a moment, Li Xuanfeng, who had been vigilant all the time, his expression condensed and he immediately used all his strength to cultivate!

When the hurricane appeared again, Li Xuanfeng immediately increased his speed to compete with the hurricane.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng was still standing motionless, and the hurricane around him did not move his body at all!

Li Xuanfeng had already used his cultivation at full power. Although the hurricane that was blowing back at this time was a bit stronger than when it blew out just now, it was still unable to affect him. His speed far exceeded the speed of the hurricane here.

As the two swarms of poisonous bees were gradually pulled into the depths of the Wind Valley, Li Xuanfeng remained where he was, neither leaving the place nor moving forward, but silently waiting for time.

Time flies, and five days have passed. Li Xuanfeng has experienced the changes of being sucked in and blown out by hurricanes ten times here.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's eyes were shining with astonishing light, and he had completely determined that the direction of the hurricane here was reversed every three hours.

The reason why he waited here for several days was that Li Xuanfeng wanted to be sure of this matter. He needed to be sure of this rule!

Although it has been explained in the records of Taoist ancestors, Li Xuanfeng decided to verify it himself because it might be related to his life or death!

In the past few days, Li Xuanfeng caught a group of poisonous bees that were being sucked by the hurricane in panic, and used soul-searching techniques on them to search for their memories!

Of course, the soul-searching technique is not only able to search human memories. As long as a creature has a soul and has intelligence, it can use the soul-searching technique to search for memories.

However, these poisonous bees are not very intelligent and do not have many memories in their minds. It only takes Li Xuanfeng a moment to check all the memories of a poisonous bee.

While waiting, Li Xuanfeng rummaged through all the memories of the swarm of poisonous bees, and paid even more attention to the queen bee among them.

But Li Xuanfeng did not find any useful information in the memories of these poisonous bees, and these poisonous bees did not know what existed at the source of the hurricane.

They were frightened because in their memories, there were no examples of their kindred being dragged into the depths of the Wind Valley and they never came out alive again!

As long as it is swept into the depths of the wind valley, it will be as if it has completely disappeared!

This is almost exactly the same as what was recorded by the monks in Cangyu Continent. As long as the monks were sucked into the depths of the Wind Valley, they never came out alive again!

Upon noticing this, the light in Li Xuanfeng's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if there were stars in them. He was even more curious about the source of the hurricane.

If we find the source of the hurricane and find out how it was generated, we may be able to find the secret method or creation to cultivate the attribute of wind!

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