Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 574 High diagnostic fees

After diagnosing the skinny middle-aged man's pulse, Li Xuanfeng pondered slightly, then took a pen and paper from the side and began to write:

One mangosteen, ten qian of Houttuynia cordata, five qian of Imperata root, five qian of perilla stalk, five qian of mulberry bark, 10 qian of lily, five qian of wild chrysanthemum, five qian of isatis root, and 5 qian of licorice.

Li Xuanfeng handed the prescription to the skinny middle-aged man and said: "After taking the medicine according to the prescription, boil it at home and boil three bowls of water into one bowl."

"Take the decoction once a day for a month and your typhoid fever will be cured. You can also drink water boiled with ginger to dispel the cold."

This prescription is recorded in the Five Elements Medical Book.

Li Xuanfeng knew that since this skinny man had already visited multiple doctors, he must have tried all common prescriptions, so he searched in the Five Elements Medical Book and finally found a milder prescription for him.

This skinny man has been suffering from typhoid fever for more than half a year. It is no longer appropriate to take strong medicine now, otherwise his body may not be able to bear it.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the skinny man suddenly looked a little embarrassed. In the past six months, he had already taken several medicinal materials in this prescription, but the combination of the prescriptions was different.

The skinny man knew that the ingredients for this prescription were expensive, and Li Xuanfeng asked him to take it for a month, which would add more burden to the family.

If this prescription can cure his typhoid, it will be worthwhile, but if it is still useless after a month, a lot of money will be spent in vain.

Although Li Xuanfeng said that he could be cured in a month, the doctors who had seen the skinny man before were equally confident that their medicine could cure his typhoid fever, but in the end they were severely slapped in the face.

Seeing the skinny man's expression, Li Xuanfeng immediately knew that he was doubting whether this prescription was effective against his typhoid fever.

However, Li Xuanfeng didn't care about the skinny man's thoughts. He didn't explain or look at his whole body. He stood up and picked up a medical book to read again.

Li Xuanfeng would not say any words of assurance to make the skinny man believe it. He was willing to believe that this medicine was convenient, and if he didn't believe it, he wouldn't force it.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's behavior, the skinny man was extremely surprised. Unexpectedly, the doctor did not persuade him to believe in the efficacy of the prescription, and seemed to mean that he could choose whatever he wanted.

You know, when the previous doctors saw his expression, they actively persuaded him to use their own prescriptions, and even patted their chests to ensure it.

Unfortunately, when they found that the prescription was useless against the skinny man's typhoid, they dodge their eyes and avoid the words they had said before.

This was the first time the skinny man had seen Li Xuanfeng with such an attitude.

Thinking of this, the skinny man gritted his teeth slightly, his eyes gradually became firm, and finally decided to try it again, trusting Li Xuanfeng's prescription.

"Okay, get me the medicine."

Hearing the words of the skinny man, Gao Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief, immediately took the prescription and went to the medicine cabinet to get the medicine.

Just now he saw the skinny man with suspicious eyes, but Gao Sheng was quite worried that this man would not believe Dr. Li.

Gao Sheng quickly prepared ten medicines according to the prescription and said to the skinny man: "I will get you ten medicines first. You can come back to get them when you are almost finished cooking them."

The skinny middle-aged man nodded and asked, "How much is the total?"

Hearing him ask about the price, Gao Sheng immediately turned his doubtful eyes to Li Xuanfeng.

Because Dr. Li hasn't given it to him yet

After setting the price of the medicinal materials, Gao Sheng didn't know how to quote the price.

Gao Sheng couldn't help but feel a little weird. Doctor Li really didn't look like someone who wanted to seriously open a medical clinic to make money. He hadn't even set the price of the medicinal materials since he opened it. He seemed to have forgotten it.

If you are an ordinary merchant, the first step is to calculate how much you want to make and set the price.

Seeing Gao Sheng look at him, Li Xuanfeng smiled at the skinny man and said, "You are the first patient in this medical clinic, so the diagnosis fee is waived. As for the medicinal materials, Gao Sheng, you will be guided by the price at the pharmacy in the future."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng was slightly startled, based on the drug store's price?

The medicinal materials in the medical center at this time are all bought from the drug store, and there is no discount at all. If the price of the drug store is used as the standard, it is not that there is no profit at all.

However, at this time, Gao Sheng could not question Li Xuanfeng in front of the skinny man, so he said: "Then two hundred wen, a total of two coins."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng say that the price of medicinal materials is determined by the drug store, the skinny man was also extremely surprised. He knew very well that the medicinal materials in general medical centers were more expensive than those in drug stores.

Although it is not too expensive, it is still a lot of money for ordinary people who live in poverty.

Because of this, many people only ask the doctor to write down the prescription after visiting the doctor, and then go to the drug store to buy the medicine. This can save some money.

Then the skinny man took out two slings of money and handed them to Gao Sheng, bowed slightly to Li Xuanfeng with his fists clasped, and left the hospital with the medicinal materials.

It's still unclear whether Dr. Li's prescription is effective. The skinny man didn't show any respect at all. He just cupped his fists and thanked Li Xuanfeng for not charging for the diagnosis.

After seeing the skinny man leaving the medical clinic, Gao Sheng immediately asked: "Doctor Li, these medicinal materials are bought from the drug store. If the price is the same as the drug store, we will not make any profit."

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled: "No need to worry. Although the medicinal materials are not expensive, Li's diagnosis fee is quite astonishing."

After hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Gao Sheng couldn't say any more, so he could only say silently in his heart that the next time he bought medicinal materials, he would not go to the drug store, but to the market where it was much cheaper.

Although Gao Sheng knew that the medicinal materials in the market needed to be selected, after a few days of learning, he was confident that he would be able to select them by himself in the near future.

After the skinny man left, two patients came to the clinic again that day.

One of them was still suffering from typhoid fever, but it was far less serious than the skinny man. Li Xuanfeng prescribed him a more common prescription.

The prescription prescribed for the skinny man before focused more on gradually removing the cold air that had been accumulated in the body for a long time and relieving the deficiency in the body.

For ordinary typhoid fever, it is only necessary to quickly remove the cold air in the body and stop coughing.

The other person had a broken arm after falling from a height, and there were already large purple and black patches and swelling on his arm.

Li Xuanfeng stretched out his hand to grasp the man's arm. After knowing the extent and location of his fracture, he grabbed it with both hands and suddenly broke it!

The patient immediately groaned in pain, and even a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. He was about to blame Li Xuanfeng for using too much force, but found that his arm was only slightly painful and could swing freely.

He immediately knew that Li Xuanfeng had straightened his fractured dislocation, and immediately bowed with gratitude.

Then Li Xuanfeng prescribed some blood-activating and blood-stasis-removing herbs for the man, and asked him to boil and take them for three days.

Li Xuanfeng did not charge any diagnosis fees for the three patients that day.

When the sunset light from the horizon shone into the clinic, Li Xuanfeng smiled slightly and asked Gao Sheng to hang a wooden sign at the door of the clinic with six big characters.

Diagnosis fee of two hundred yuan!

Starting tomorrow, he will charge this diagnosis fee.

Hearing the six words that Li Xuanfeng was going to write, Gao Sheng immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly. For ordinary doctors, the diagnosis fee was only one hundred yuan at most, and even doctors with no reputation only needed half a hundred yuan.

Although Gao Sheng had heard that Dr. Li's diagnosis fee was quite shocking, he did not expect it to be so shocking. It was enough to scare away the patients who came to the clinic...

At this time, Gao Sheng had to smile bitterly in his heart. The clinic finally received business on the first day. Did Dr. Li want to push away all the subsequent business?

Finally, Gao Sheng had an idea and added a line of words on the wooden sign: The price of medicinal materials is the same as that of the medicine shop.

Seeing the line of words added by Gao Sheng, Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled. It seemed that he, the owner of the clinic, did not want the clinic to have more business as Gao Sheng did.

Li Xuanfeng saw through Gao Sheng's thoughts at a glance.

He was thinking that even if there were not many patients coming to the clinic for treatment, he could still run the clinic by selling medicinal materials.

And when he went to buy medicinal materials later, Gao Sheng would definitely not go to the medicine shop to buy them directly, but would look for places with lower prices.

However, Li Xuanfeng did not let Gao Sheng erase the line of words he added. Instead, he laughed and scolded him for meddling in other people's business, and asked him to go home and close the door of the clinic.

Gao Sheng was already familiar with Li Xuanfeng's temperament. He knew that his scolding was not out of anger, and he was very happy. He was finally able to do his part for the clinic.

After returning home, Gao Sheng excitedly told his wife about the incident, and his wife also agreed with his approach.

The next day, although several people came to the clinic because of Li Xuanfeng's reputation for killing several bullies, as Gao Sheng expected, they were all scared away by the wooden sign hanging at the door...

Seeing the diagnosis fee of two hundred yuan, the patients who came to the clinic to see a doctor immediately turned around and left without any hesitation.

In the end, only one person entered the clinic to buy medicinal materials that day.

The illness of this person had been diagnosed by other doctors before, and now he just took the medicine according to the prescription.

Because he lived near Li's clinic, and saw the wooden sign saying that the price of medicinal materials was the same as that of the medicine shop, he came in to buy medicine.

However, after comparison, this person found that the price of medicinal materials in this clinic was exactly the same as that of the medicine shop, and he was quite surprised.

After learning about this, the person who entered the clinic to buy medicinal materials immediately felt that the clinic was somewhat contradictory. It seemed to turn away patients by offering such a high diagnosis fee, but it seemed to attract patients by using the same price as the pharmacy.

However, this person pondered for a long time and still couldn't figure it out, so he had to shake his head and smile before leaving.

The reason why he felt extremely contradictory but couldn't figure it out was that he would never have thought that these two lines of words were not written by the same person.

Li Xuanfeng really wanted to turn away a large number of patients to prevent the clinic from being too noisy, while Gao Sheng wanted to welcome more patients.

Because of this wooden sign, the reputation of the Li Family Clinic quickly spread in the vicinity again, and many people soon heard about this new doctor with the most expensive diagnosis fee in Qingshan City.

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