Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 575: A clinic that looks like a drugstore

After hearing about the high diagnostic fee set by Li Xuanfeng, almost all the residents near the medical center were extremely surprised. They did not expect that this new Dr. Li would be so arrogant and dare to set a higher diagnostic fee than all the doctors in Qingshan City.

Because of this incident, many people were immediately dissatisfied with Li Xuanfeng and started talking about it in casual chats.

In their understanding, only doctors with great reputations would charge higher diagnostic fees. Although Li Xuanfeng is famous now, it is not because of his medical skills, but because of fighting...

"How could this new doctor dare to charge such a high diagnostic fee?"

"Yes, even the most famous doctor Qian in the city would not dare to set such a price."

Someone immediately sneered: "Maybe it's just because of his strong fighting ability."

"It's really ridiculous. Since when did the doctor start to see who is better in a fight?"

A middle-aged man said sternly: "Don't be so angry. This person is a ruthless person. If you talk too much, be careful of being retaliated against. We just won't go to this medical clinic."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, everyone in the discussion nodded slightly. This new doctor can charge as much as he likes, and we don't want to go.

In the discussion among everyone, this matter gradually spread throughout Qingshan City, and many people who had originally planned to go to the Li Family Medical Clinic to try to see a doctor gave up their thoughts.

Two ounces of money is enough for an ordinary family to live for three months. Who would use it to see a doctor who doesn't know how to heal? Isn’t that why people are stupid and have too much money?

Sure enough, no patients entered the hospital for treatment in the following days, but people living nearby came into the hospital to buy medicine every day.

Many people gradually discovered the strangeness of this place. Today, the Li Family Medical Center seems less like a medical center and more like a drug store, which makes it convenient for people nearby and allows them to not have to walk long distances to buy medicines from the drug store.

Gao Sheng felt quite helpless about this, and once persuaded Li Xuanfeng to lower the diagnostic fee first, and then increase it after proving that his medical skills were excellent.

But Li Xuanfeng smiled and said nothing, and still did not change the diagnostic fee on the wooden sign at the door.

There were no patients coming, but Li Xuanfeng was happy to be quiet and read a lot of medical books every day.

Now, he has read 80% of the medical books in this entire bookshelf.

He has read a lot of medical books and has a deep understanding of medical knowledge. Naturally, he can read these medical books much faster than Shen Luoyan and Gao Sheng.

Because of this, the busiest people in the Li Family Medical Center today are not Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan, but Gao Sheng, the clerk.

After everyone nearby heard that the prices of medicinal materials were the same as those in the drug store, the medicinal materials in the medical center sold quickly. Soon after, Gao Sheng went to the market to select medicinal materials to buy, and Shen Luoyan also began to help him sell medicinal materials in the medical center. .

Li Xuanfeng didn't pay much attention to this matter. He still read medical books every day and cooked delicious food for his senior sister when he was interested.

The two of them went back and forth while cooking, which made many people who came to buy medicine envious.

In a quiet life, a month goes by in the blink of an eye.

During this month, excluding the three people who did not receive the diagnosis fee on the first day, only three people came to see Li Xuanfeng for medical treatment.

These three people have two things in common, that is, their illnesses are all difficult and complicated, and their family conditions are quite good.

If my family wasn't in good condition, I wouldn't be willing to spend two tons of diagnostic fees.

A doctor who doesn't know how to treat a patient is treating a patient.

Although these three people did not come to the Li Family Medical Center on the same day, the process of coming to see a doctor was quite similar.

The three of them had had their symptoms checked by doctors in Qingshan City, and even went to find doctors outside Qingshan City. However, the symptoms had recurred many times and had never been cured.

Now that they heard that a new doctor had arrived in Qingshan City, and that his martial arts skills were extremely good, they, like the skinny man suffering from typhoid fever before, decided to come and give it a try.

However, they also had their own considerations. They were worried that Li Xuanfeng was really a bad doctor as rumored. It would be bad if he not only failed to cure their illnesses, but also did some harm to them.

So the three of them kept sending people to pay attention to the three patients who had been treated by Li Xuanfeng. They finally felt relieved after the two who suffered from common typhoid fever and fractures were completely recovered without any discomfort.

Moreover, they already knew that although the skinny man suffering from typhoid fever had not recovered, he had achieved considerable relief. The three of them suddenly felt a lot of hope and finally decided to seek medical treatment from Li Xuanfeng.

Originally, the three of them had a lot of money and sent servants to the medical clinic to ask Li Xuanfeng to treat them at home, but they were rejected without hesitation.

Even if they offered to increase the money, Li Xuanfeng remained unmoved.

However, after getting to know Li Xuanfeng during this period, the three of them were not surprised by this matter.

The three of them were somewhat fortunate because they had known about Li Xuanfeng's reputation, so before sending their servants to the hospital, they had solemnly instructed them to be respectful and polite to the doctor.

It was precisely because of this that the servants they sent spoke with great respect and did not offend Li Xuanfeng.

After knowing that Li Xuanfeng would not come to see a doctor, the three of them quickly came to the medical center in person. They first apologized for their previous unreasonable request and then asked Li Xuanfeng to diagnose and treat him.

Li Xuanfeng did not pay attention to this matter, but treated other patients as he did, asking about their conditions before diagnosing their pulse.

By diagnosing the pulse, Li Xuanfeng discovered that the three of them were all weak and suffering from long-term illness, and this disease was not common, so no doctor had ever found a cure.

However, Li Xuanfeng found the treatment methods for two of them in the Five Elements Medical Book and gave them prescriptions.

For another person, although Li Xuanfeng did not find a prescription for treatment in many medical books, he still combined the medical books in Qingshan City and the Five Elements Medical Books to prepare a prescription, and told the person to always pay attention to his condition. If he felt strong discomfort, Come to the hospital to find him immediately.

Because this prescription was just something he came up with using his own medical knowledge, he couldn't guarantee that it would be effective.

The three of them immediately took the prescription gratefully and grabbed the medicinal ingredients in the medical center before leaving.

Although they didn't know whether the prescription was effective, they saw the confidence in Li Xuanfeng's expression, which made their confidence increase several times.

When paying wages at the end of the month, Li Xuanfeng wanted to increase Gao Sheng's wages to five taels on the grounds that Gao Sheng had brought a lot of business to the medical clinic, but Gao Sheng was unwilling to accept it.

Because he knew that although the medical clinic sold a lot of medicinal materials, there was not much profit due to the same price as the drug store, and Li Xuanfeng had already accounted for more than half of the wages he paid him.

After Li Xuanfeng's repeated persuasion, Gao Sheng finally agreed to accept thirty taels of wages, but he did not forget to invite Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan to his home.

Invite Li Xuan

It was Gao Sheng's wife's idea that Feng and Feng went to their home to entertain them. In her words, being able to meet such a good boss like Dr. Li was a blessing that their family had cultivated for three generations. This favor must be thanked, and they must be thanked properly. Ichiban.

After hearing Gao Sheng say that they had to entertain them before agreeing to accept the salary of three taels of silver, Li Xuanfeng had no choice but to agree to the matter.

After setting the date, Gao Sheng's wife made extremely careful preparations in advance, spending a lot of money and energy.

On this day, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan walked out of the hospital hand in hand. Under the guidance of Gao Sheng, they arrived at Gao Sheng's home. Gao Sheng's wife immediately greeted them with a smile.

After inviting Li Xuanfeng and the two to sit down, Gao Sheng's wife brought out the high-quality tea that had been brewed, as well as some delicious snacks, and asked Gao Sheng to accompany him to enjoy the tea.

Then she continued to work in the kitchen, preparing dishes for Li Xuanfeng and the two of them.

Because she had prepared a lot in advance, it didn't take long for Gao Sheng's wife to prepare a table full of delicacies, instantly filling the whole room with a rich aroma.

The tea snacks and dishes used to entertain Li Xuanfeng and the two were all bought and prepared by Gao Sheng's wife the day before. In order to make some ingredients fresher, she even got up early in the morning to buy them.

These are all things that Gao Sheng would normally be reluctant to eat at home, but this time they were all put on the table.

Gao Sheng's son was only two or three years old. When he saw the delicious food on the table, his eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately reached out to grab it, but his mother clapped her hands to stop him.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuanfeng immediately stopped and comforted the child. He also removed a chicken leg and handed it to him. He smiled and said to Gao Sheng and his wife:

"You don't have to be so formal. Just feel free to do whatever you want, otherwise we won't even dare to come to your home."

After hearing this, Gao Sheng burst out laughing and said that it made sense, and they started to eat.

Shen Luoyan seemed to have completely integrated into the life of the mortal world. At this time, he was chatting with Gao Sheng's wife about household matters, and from time to time they also discussed their cooking experience, with knowing smiles on their faces.

Gao Sheng also took out the fine wine from his collection and drank it happily with Li Xuanfeng.

This wine was brewed by Gao Sheng's family a few years ago, and Gao Sheng has been reluctant to take it out to drink.

Finally, having had enough wine and food, Li Xuanfeng clasped his hands and left, returning to the medical center to rest.

After this reception, Gao Sheng's wife already knew that Li Xuanfeng and Li Xuanfeng didn't have any airs about them. In their words and deeds, they didn't seem to treat Gao Sheng as a buddy, but more like friends.

After realizing this, Gao Sheng's wife finally felt relieved, knowing that her family was really lucky to have such a good owner.

When a month passed, a relatively skinny man entered the Li Family Medical Center. It was the middle-aged man who had been suffering from typhoid fever.

At this time, he was smiling all over his face, his complexion was countless times better than a month ago, and he didn't even cough at all.

The typhoid fever that had plagued him for half a year has completely recovered.

Although he has fully recovered, his body is still relatively weak due to having been suffering from typhoid fever for too long, and he needs some recuperation before he can fully recover.

After entering the hospital, the man who was still relatively skinny immediately came to Li Xuanfeng, cupped his fists and bowed deeply, saying: "Thank you Doctor Li for your diagnosis and treatment. After taking it according to your prescription for a month, the typhoid fever in my body has been completely eliminated. "

At this time, the man's tone was extremely respectful, and it also contained a strong sense of gratitude. He already regarded this matter as a great favor.

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