Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 610: Arrangement of final affairs!

After Gao Sheng's heart was filled with nostalgia and sadness, the speed of aging seemed to increase several times in an instant!

Gao Sheng's originally relatively complete set of teeth fell out at an extremely fast speed. In just a few months, all of them were lost, and he could only eat soft food and liquid food.

Seeing Gao Sheng's extremely old appearance, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling's hearts were filled with sadness and reluctance. They already knew that their only remaining blood relative was approaching the end of his life!

As for Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan, although they did not use the power of cultivation to change their appearance to look as old as Gao Sheng, they are still extremely old, with stooped bodies, wrinkled faces, pale hair, and even no strength left.

Three months later, Gao Sheng suddenly became bedridden one day. Just three days later, he completely lost his breath and passed away!

For Gao Sheng, time will always freeze at this moment!

After Gao Sheng was buried ceremoniously, Gao Youwen handed over all the affairs of the medical clinic to his son, just to take care of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan more attentively.

In order to prevent his son from being overwhelmed, he also hired two assistants.

Gao Youwen checked the pulses of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan several times a day, with deep reluctance in his eyes. Now the only two of his elders left were the two in front of him.

Although there is no blood relationship at all, in the hearts of Gao Youwen and Lei Ling, Uncle Li and Aunt Li have already had the same status as their parents.

If these two people also leave, Gao Youwen will feel that he has become an orphan completely!

When he took the pulse at first, he could feel that Uncle Li and Aunt Li's pulses were gradually weakening!

Feeling this, Gao Youwen's heart was filled with sadness. He knew that his Uncle Li and Aunt Li were about to follow in the footsteps of their parents!

After checking his pulse, Gao Youwen was silent for a long time. He looked up at Li Xuanfeng and murmured softly: "Uncle Li, can you not leave us again?"

Hearing his words, Li Xuanfeng smiled and said: "Silly boy, there is no such thing as a feast that never ends."

After a pause, a profound meaning appeared in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, and he murmured softly: "Our meeting has already been a kind of fate. Now it is just the end of fate. There is no need to be sad. Maybe we will meet again in the next life."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the middle-aged Gao Youwen burst into tears instantly, but in the end he still held back his tears, knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

At this time, after a pulse diagnosis, Kochi Yao learned that his wife was pregnant, and the sadness in everyone's expressions was finally washed away.

They are about to add another generation.

Unfortunately, Gao Sheng and others did not see their great-grandson born and passed away.

After learning that Kochi Yao's wife was pregnant, Li Xuanfeng did not check her pulse. Instead, he raised his head and looked up at the starry sky, his eyes flashing with deep meaning, and murmured softly: "Where there is death, there is life!"

When he said these words, Li Xuanfeng's body suddenly exuded an extremely mysterious aura, which suddenly caused all the lights around him to dim significantly!

But this kind of anger

Breathing is not something ordinary people can feel at all, not even monks in the spiritual realm can sense it!

At this time, Gao Youwen and others in the medical center suddenly felt a hint of coldness in the air, thinking it was a sign that the weather was getting colder.

Only Shen Luoyan knew that Li Xuanfeng's power of artistic conception had improved again!

After Gao Sheng and others all passed away, Li Xuanfeng rarely left the Li Family Medical Center. Most of the time, he and Shen Luoyan sat on the stone chairs in the yard, watching the stars in the sky, or sleeping in the warmth. Feel the gentle spring breeze under the sun.

Gao Youwen and Lei Ling often followed Li Xuanfeng, their eyes full of worry, as if they were afraid that they would suddenly leave accidentally.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Li Xuanfeng felt helpless, but it was hard to persuade them.

Li Xuanfeng knew that because of the deaths of several other elderly people in the family, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling were even more reluctant to part with them. They just wanted to spend more time with them to avoid running out of time to spend time with them in the future!

One day, Li Xuanfeng called Gao Youwen into the room, solemnly handed him a jade pendant, and said in a solemn tone:

"You, Uncle Li, have no heirs, so I will pass on this jade pendant passed down from my parents to you. If I think highly of you, Uncle Li, I will pass this jade pendant on to my descendants as a family heirloom!"

Gao Youwen solemnly took the jade pendant and examined it carefully. He saw that the jade pendant was about the size of a baby's palm. It was green in color and had no flaws at all. An extremely delicate mountain peak was carved on both sides.

This jade pendant is extremely crystal clear and integrated, as if it was formed by the natural condensation of heaven and earth. At first glance, it is an extremely valuable thing.

Gao Youwen had never seen this jade pendant, but when he thought that Li Xuanfeng said it was a family heirloom, his expression suddenly dawned. Very few people would take out family heirlooms for others to check.

After taking a look at the jade pendant, Gao Youwen solemnly promised: "Youwen will keep this jade pendant safe for Uncle Li and pass it on as a family heirloom."

When he said this, Gao Youwen's eyes couldn't help but filled with tears. He knew that Uncle Li was explaining the funeral arrangements!

Gao Youwen did not refuse to accept the jade pendant. He knew that Uncle Li had already regarded him as his descendant, so he left the funeral arrangements to him.

After hearing Gao Youwen's agreement, Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, then pointed to several large boxes in the room and said casually: "Uncle Li's money is all here, so I will leave it all to you."

This is all the silver that Li Xuanfeng earned after opening the clinic in Qingshan City, including the silver he took out from the storage bag when he first arrived in Qingshan City.

Gao Youwen nodded solemnly with tears in his eyes, and almost cried: "Uncle Li, Youwen knows, but you must take care of your health."

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, and then let Gao Youwen go on his own, without spending too much time taking care of this old man.

Gao Youwen nodded slightly, and although he turned and left, his heart was already lingering with an extremely strong sense of sadness!

Since Li Xuanfeng explained his affairs, Gao Youwen and others looked at Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan with a stronger sense of reluctance.


knew that Li Xuanfeng explained his affairs because he probably knew that he didn't have much time left!

One night, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered to Shen Luoyan beside his pillow: "Senior sister, let's go back to Xuanling Sect after a while."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Shen Luoyan instantly understood what he meant, and a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she still nodded gently.

Shen Luoyan originally followed Li Xuanfeng to Qingshan City, but because she had lived with everyone for decades, she couldn't help but feel reluctant.

As the child in Gao Zhiyao's wife's belly grew up, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan became more and more old.

Although they knew that a child was about to be born, Gao Youwen and Gao Zhiyao couldn't be happy at all when they saw the appearance of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan.

If they could let all the elderly in the family stay with them forever, Gao Youwen and Gao Zhiyao would rather not have the next generation born!

Gao Zhiyao also respected Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan very much. Even at this age, he still called Grandpa Li and Grandma Li very affectionately, and even often called them grandpa and grandma.

In Gao Zhiyao's opinion, Grandpa Li and Grandma Li were just like his biological grandparents, without any sense of alienation.

Unfortunately, no matter how reluctant Gao Youwen and Gao Zhiyao were, they knew that Dr. Li and Madam Li didn't have much time left!

Half a year later, Gao Zhiyao's child was born, a girl, who looked very cute and loved to laugh.

Seeing the girl's love of laughter, Gao Youwen and Gao Zhiyao loved her very much, and their eyes were full of doting.

Gao Youwen and Gao Zhiyao also brought the baby girl to Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan to hold her in person.

Although she saw that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan looked very old, the baby girl was not afraid at all, and she stretched out her little hand very kindly to touch their wrinkled old cheeks.

Seeing the cute appearance of the baby girl, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were also full of love, but they only held her for a while before returning her to Gao Youwen and them.

"Now they both look very old, and they don't have much strength to hold the baby girl for too long."

Just after the baby girl was born, Gao Youwen suddenly felt through the pulse that the speed of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan's pulse weakening seemed to have accelerated a bit!

Feeling this, Gao Youwen's brows were furrowed all day long, thinking hard about how to slow down the physical weakness of Li Xuanfeng and the others, but he really couldn't think of it!

At the beginning, Li Xuanfeng used the prescription for Gao Sheng and the other four, and Gao Youwen also learned it and used it on Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan.

At the beginning, Gao Youwen could still sense a slight effect through the pulse, but now he found that there was no effect at all!

He knew very well that he had no ability to stop the exhaustion of his life span, but he was full of reluctance in his heart. He didn't want to watch Uncle Li and Aunt Li leave so helplessly.

However, no matter how much reluctance and reluctance Gao Youwen had in his heart, there was no way to weaken the pulse of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan!

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