Three months later, Gao Youwen sensed through his pulse that Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were extremely weak!

At this time, it was extremely difficult for the two of them to even get out of bed and walk on the ground. They even needed Lei Ling's support. They rarely walked to the yard and stayed in the room almost all day long.

Gao Youwen told Lei Ling that Uncle Li and Aunt Li's pulses were extremely weak, and there might be less than a month left!

Hearing Gao Youwen's words, Lei Ling's eyes suddenly welled up with tears. His heart was full of reluctance, and he murmured softly: "Is there no way to escape this day after all?"

From then on, when Gao Youwen and Lei Ling looked at Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan, there were already tears in their eyes, but they tried their best to hide them.

When getting along with Li Xuanfeng, Gao Youwen and Lei Ling still kept smiling because they didn't want Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan to feel the sadness in their hearts.

Li Xuanfeng saw all this, but did not mention it. He just shook his head and sighed in his heart.

Half a month later, one night, after Gao Youwen and others all fell asleep, Li Xuanfeng whispered to Shen Luoyan: "Sister, it's time."

Shen Luoyan was slightly startled after hearing this, and then sighed softly: "Time flies so fast, let's go back to the sect."

After saying that, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan got up from the bed and quickly came to the ground. They no longer felt weak or old at all!

Not only that, the aura on their bodies instantly became extremely majestic, even beyond the comparison of any mortals!

At this time, apart from their still old faces, they no longer looked old at all!

Li Xuanfeng smiled slightly, raised his hand and grabbed it gently. The two old faces seemed to be grabbed from the air and suddenly separated from their faces!

With their "old faces" gone, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan immediately completely returned to their appearance when they first came to Qingshan City!

Not only does he not look old at all, but he is even younger than Kochi Yao, an upright young man today!

If he saw the appearance of the two people, Gao Youwen would be stunned for a moment, and Gao Zhiyao would probably not recognize them at all, because he had never seen the young looks of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan.

Then Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and pointed at the bed, and spiritual distortion suddenly appeared on it. In the blink of an eye, two figures formed, it was Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan!

Li Xuanfeng waved the captured "old face" lightly, and it immediately covered the two figures on the bed!

The two figures on the bed suddenly turned into what they looked like just now, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan. The only difference was that the two figures had no aura at all!

This is the "corpse" made by Li Xuanfeng!

This is a false body formed by condensing spiritual power. People with advanced cultivation may be able to see it, but ordinary people can't see the slightest difference at all!

Li Xuanfeng is going to use the "corpse" he made to escape from his shell!

Seeing the two figures on the bed, Li Xuanfeng smiled slightly and said to Shen Luo

Yan said softly: "Senior sister, our bodies are already dead in Qingshan City."

Hearing his words, Shen Luoyan's expression was quite strange, and there was a hint of loss in his tone as he said, "Your corpse is very lifelike, but I always feel a little inexplicably lost in my heart."

Li Xuanfeng understood her thoughts and said with a smile: "It's time for us to leave. If we continue to live here, others will call us immortal."

After hearing this, Shen Luoyan burst into laughter. The disappointment in his expression was instantly washed away, and he cursed with a smile: "You are probably the first person to call yourself the Immortal."

Then Li Xuanfeng raised his hand again and immediately formed a layer of isolation force on his and Shen Luoyan's bodies, completely isolating their figures!

With Li Xuanfeng's current level of cultivation, if he wanted to isolate his figure so that others could not see him, let alone a mortal, even a monk in the spiritual realm would not be able to see him!

Early the next morning, Gao Youwen knocked on the door of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan's room, but after getting no response for a long time, his expression suddenly became extremely panicked, and he immediately knocked the door open!

After opening the door, he suddenly saw "Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan" still lying quietly on the bed. A large amount of tears suddenly poured out of his eyes uncontrollably!

Although he already had a guess in his mind, Gao Youwen still staggered forward and reached out to touch the cheeks of "Li Xuanfeng" and "Shen Luoyan", and suddenly felt that there was no warmth at all!

"Uncle Li! Aunt Li!" The tall man finally couldn't hold on any longer and instantly fell to his knees heavily on the ground, sobbing!

When Lei Ling, Gao Zhiyao and others heard Gao Youwen's cry, they ran over in panic. When they saw his appearance, they immediately knew that the only two old people left in the family had also left!

Lei Ling's eyes suddenly turned red, and he knelt down heavily beside Gao Youwen, tears welling up like a fountain!

At this time, in the room, where Gao Youwen and others could not see, there were two figures looking at the people who were crying with emotion.

The two figures are naturally Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan who have already gone into hiding.

Although they were extremely sad, Gao Youwen and others immediately went to prepare for the funeral. The "bodies" of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan were quickly put into coffins.

Upon hearing the news of Doctor Li's death, many ancient and sixty-year-olds in Qingshan City sighed with tears in their eyes: "I didn't expect that even Doctor Li has left."

This is the old man who saw Li Xuanfeng's grace decades ago. Many people from that time have turned into loess, and not many are still alive.

They knew that Doctor Li had changed Qingshan City after he came to Qingshan City, so they were full of respect in their hearts.

Doctor Li came to Qingshan City and treated countless people suffering from difficult and complicated diseases, gave countless people who had lost hope hope to continue living, and passed down his superb medical skills.

The appearance of Dr. Li has indirectly increased the life span of many people in Qingshan City, and has forced countless medical clinics to lower the prices of medicinal materials, which has reduced the amount of money that city residents need to spend on medical treatment.

Between Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luo

When Yan's "corpse" was buried, thousands of citizens from Qingshan City came to see him off with respect.

No one was there to guide them. Thousands of city residents came spontaneously and took Li Xuanfeng and Li Xuanfeng to the burial place.

Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan, who had already disappeared in Qingshan City at this time, couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that so many people would come to see them off.

This was already an extremely lively scene. Even if the lord of Mustache City passed away, there would be no way for such a large number of city residents to come and say goodbye.

The younger generation knew less about Li Xuanfeng. Seeing such a scene, they couldn't help but feel extremely surprised. They didn't expect that an old man could have such amazing charisma.

Since then, the Li Family Medical Center has completely lost members of their generation, including Li Xuanfeng and Gao Sheng, with Gao Youwen becoming the oldest old man.

Many years later, when Gao Youwen entered his sixtieth year and felt that he was about to die, he left the green mountain jade pendant left by Li Xuanfeng to Gao Zhiyao, told him that it was left by Uncle Li, and told him to take good care of it. Keep it and pass it on to future generations as a family heirloom.

After Gao Zhiyao gave birth to two more sons, the Gao family also began to flourish, and a few hundred years later it became a large medical family.

Because of hundreds of years of accumulation and superb medical skills, the Gao family has even become the largest family in Qingshan City!

However, the name Li Family Medical Center has been retained, and many houses were built where the medical center was located, becoming the ancestral home of the Gao family.

This piece of jade pendant from the green mountain peak has been preserved. Although the descendants of the Gao family do not know what it is used for, they still obey the orders of their ancestors and preserve and pass on the jade pendant with great care.

Hundreds of years later, due to a turmoil in the cultivation world, Qingshan City suffered an unparalleled disaster. A huge palm print of several hundred feet suddenly fell from the sky and fell within a few miles around the Li Family Medical Center!

With the extremely terrifying rumbling sound echoing in the sky, the land for several miles was instantly razed to the ground!

This incident instantly caused people nearby to panic and flee quickly, but there was no further danger.

When everyone calmed down and looked at the large ruins, they discovered that there was still a large house standing safely among the ruins!

This big house is the ancestral house of the Gao family where the Li family medical clinic is located!

And everyone in the ancestral home of the Gao family is safe and sound!

At this time, the people in the Gao family's ancestral home suddenly saw this emerald-green jade pendant floating in the air, emitting bright light and covering the entire Gao family's ancestral home!

Seeing the tragedy in the surrounding ruins, everyone in the Gao family's ancestral home suddenly knew that it was the light emitted by this jade pendant that protected them safe and sound!

Many members of the Gao family suddenly looked extremely happy, and immediately knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "Thank you, ancestors, for your blessing!"

In their opinion, this was the appearance of the jade pendant left by their ancestors, completely covering the entire ancestral home, allowing them to safely escape such a major disaster!

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