Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 974 Illusion of Will!

Time passed quickly, and Li Xuanfeng seemed to be immersed in the human world. He was still practicing quietly cross-legged in the wooden house. The spiritual aura on his body had become increasingly imperceptible.

If Shen Hua and others hadn't seen nothing unusual about Li Xuanfeng's five clones after they arrived, they would have even thought that Li Xuanfeng might have had an accident during his training.

Although Li Xuanfeng spread his spiritual consciousness to perceive the life and death of many monks and mortals, the original power was not so easy to comprehend.

The spiritual power absorbed by Li Xuanfeng's practice has affected a thousand-mile radius of Taoyuan Village. Many powerful people have come to check, but still nothing has been discovered.

Many monks had no choice but to stay away from this area, and even several small sects within it had to move their sects away.

Now the monks near this area are completely accustomed to the spiritual phenomena here, and are no longer willing to enter this place, which will seriously affect their cultivation speed.

Because monks rarely enter this area again, this place has become a very suitable place for mortals to live.

Without monks, their lives would become more stable, and they would not have to worry about accidentally offending the immortals and causing death.

Although there is an explicit order in Duling Star that prohibits monks from killing mortals, otherwise they will be hunted down by large sects.

But the overall status of monks is still much higher than that of mortals. If a mortal accidentally offends a monk, it is extremely common for a mortal to be beheaded.

As the news spread, many mortals even moved from far away to cities or villages within a thousand miles.

Invisibly, the number of mortals within a thousand miles suddenly increased slowly, doubling in a few years.

Shen Hua and others also gradually discovered the changes in this area, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. After reaching a certain level of cultivation, just practicing can bring about big changes in the surroundings.

While Li Xuanfeng's true form was meditating in seclusion, his five-path avatar was still living in Taoyuan Village.

In the past ten years, although Li Xuanfeng's five clones have not realized the origin, the five elements of spiritual power in their bodies have become more solid, and their control of spiritual power seems to have become more sophisticated.

Although the improvement in the cultivation of the five clones is very small, if they are all integrated into the body of the original body, Li Xuanfeng's combat power will be much higher than before.

Time flies, life and death rotate, and ten years have passed quickly again, and Li Xuanfeng's true form is still sitting quietly like a clay sculpture.

Nowadays, the aura on Li Xuanfeng's body is indiscernible, as if his whole person is completely integrated into the heaven and earth.

In these ten years, Li Xuanfeng has seen countless lives and deaths, most of which were mortals' lives and deaths, and some monks who died fighting each other.

A year ago, Li Xuanfeng had vaguely felt that he seemed to have understood a hint of the origin of life and death, but it seemed that there was still an extremely important point missing, which prevented him from successfully understanding it.

At this moment, Li Xuanfeng's eyelids trembled slightly, and he suddenly opened his eyes, with an extremely deep light flashing through his pupils.

Li Xuanfeng murmured to himself: "The direction is right, but what's missing?"

After ten years of enlightenment, Li Xuanfeng already understood that the direction of his enlightenment was correct, but it seemed that he had not grasped the most critical point, which made him never successfully understand the origin of life and death.

After pondering for a moment, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly and he said softly: "The clone returns to its original position!"

The five clones who were living leisurely in Taoyuan Village were slightly shocked. Then they simply packed up and turned around at the same time. Without hesitation, they rushed towards the wooden house where the original deity was.

After arriving at the main body, the five clones turned into streams of light and entered the main body without hesitation, and merged together instantly.

As the five clones merged into the body, Li Xuanfeng's originally extremely silent cultivation was like pouring oil into a pan.

Just like adding a spoonful of water, it will boil violently in an instant.

An extremely powerful aura suddenly emitted from Li Xuanfeng's body, which continued to rise, causing the spiritual vortex above Xuanling Sect to suddenly expand several times again.

Fortunately, Li Xuanfeng did not spread the power of cultivation beyond Taoyuan Village, nor did he extend the scope of absorbing spiritual power, otherwise it would have affected a wider range, enough to cover half of the psychic continent.

At the same time as Li Xuanfeng's cultivation skyrocketed, the power of his spiritual consciousness suddenly spread rapidly, spreading out of the Psychic Continent in an instant and rushing towards the nearby continent.

Even if the five clones are separated, ten thousand miles is not the limit of Li Xuanfeng's spiritual perception range.

But now with the addition of the five clones, Li Xuanfeng's power of consciousness is already the strongest under the third realm, enough to spread over a range of more than 300,000 miles.

This is enough to cover half of the Duling Star, covering several nearby continents.

Although there is still a big gap between the power of divine consciousness and the power of the third realm, that is because after breaking through the third realm, the power of divine consciousness has undergone a qualitative change.

When Li Xuanfeng's consciousness spread rapidly, the Duling Star Master in the central island suddenly opened his eyes.

As Li Xuanfeng's consciousness spread to half of the Duling Star, it had already enveloped the central island where the Lord of the Duling Star was located.

Although the Lord of Duling Star could not sense the power of Li Xuanfeng's consciousness, he was still in the early stage of Tianxuan Realm and was blessed by the formation of the Central Island, so he was aware of it.

However, he only had an extremely vague perception. Although he immediately used all his consciousness to perceive, he did not find anything.

After sensing for a long time without any discovery, the Lord of Duling Star had no choice but to shake his head and withdraw his consciousness, suspecting that it was his own illusion.

As half of the range of Duling Star was covered, Li Xuanfeng suddenly sensed more life and death scenes.

At this time, in Li Xuanfeng's perception, there were already more than one billion cultivators and mortals. It can be said that life and death are happening all the time.

Feeling this, Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly with a little satisfaction, closed his eyes and immersed himself in perception again.

The sun and the moon changed, time flew, and in the blink of an eye, another ten years had passed. At this time, Li Xuanfeng had been in seclusion for half a century.

In these years, although Shen Hua and others would come to Taoyuan Village once in a while, the interval had increased a lot.

Not long after Li Xuanfeng put away his five clones, Shen Hua and others knew that he had entered seclusion wholeheartedly.

They were worried that it would affect Li Xuanfeng's seclusion, so they began to rarely enter Taoyuan Village.

At this time in Xuanling Sect, Shen Hua and others stood at the edge of the square and looked in the direction of Taoyuan Village.

Zhu Lie shook his head and smiled, "I finally know why Junior Brother can surpass all of us and leave us far behind."

Shen Hua and the others looked at Zhu Lie with doubts. Just as Zhu Lie was about to speak, Chen Gen smiled and said, "Because he practices too crazily."

After hearing this, Zhu Lie glared at Chen Gen. He didn't expect that he was beaten to the punch by him.

After hearing Chen Gen's words, Shen Hua and the others nodded in agreement. Shen Hua shook his head and sighed, "Xuan Feng has been in seclusion for half a century."

They never thought that Li Xuanfeng's seclusion this time would last for half a century.

Although cultivators often go into seclusion for several years or ten years, it is rare to see people in seclusion for more than half a century. Most of them are old monsters who are about to die and are eager to break through their cultivation.

Zhu Lie couldn't help thinking that if he was asked to go into seclusion for half a century, he would probably be restless.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng's state was extremely mysterious. His mind seemed to have completely integrated into the world and become part of its will.

In the classics collected by the Five Elements Venerable, Li Xuanfeng had seen such records. There was an invisible will in the world, which was above the cultivators!

There are also records that this will is actually the power of the rules of heaven and earth. If someone wants to destroy the rules of heaven and earth, this will will appear and set things right!

Li Xuanfeng didn't know what the true will of heaven and earth was like, but at this time, his mind was indeed completely accustomed to monitoring the life and death scenes of half of Duling Star, making him feel as if he was above all living beings.

This is equivalent to an illusion of will!

This is an extremely wonderful feeling, but also an extremely dangerous situation!

If you really believe that you have become the will of heaven and earth, you may completely forget who you are and only know to monitor heaven and earth.

That will produce an illusion, completely integrating your consciousness into heaven and earth, and eventually gradually dissipating unconsciously, and never wake up again.

Shen Hua and others did not know Li Xuanfeng's current state, and would not wake him up, and they were also worried about disturbing his retreat.

And even if they knew about this, Li Xuanfeng's divine consciousness has now spread between heaven and earth, and it is not easy to awaken.

At this time, on the Shichen Continent, in a sparsely populated forest, a group of more than ten bandits were chasing two young men and women.

The young man and woman rode a horse together and galloped in front, and the bandits chased them closely, raising a lot of dust.

The bandits kept laughing with a playful laugh, and they had already regarded the young man and woman as prey that was about to be caught.

The young woman had a very beautiful face, and the bandits looked at her with greed.

The big man who led the bandits laughed and said, "Sister, have fun with the brothers, we promise to let you leave safely."

"Yes, don't worry, we will never break our promise!" The other bandits immediately laughed and echoed.

Hearing their words, the young woman's expression was full of grief and anger, and she wanted to kill these people with her eyes.

The young man's expression was full of anxiety. The bandits' horses were obviously stronger than theirs, and they would be caught up soon!

They hadn't been caught up yet, and the bandits just wanted to play cat and mouse and tease them. Otherwise, they would not be able to escape such a long distance.

The young man was full of anger. He and his newlywed wife were originally riding horses for a leisurely spring outing, but they didn't expect to suddenly encounter this group of bandits.

The young man knew that the bandits were cruel and ruthless. After being surrounded by them, he immediately agreed to hand over all his money, hoping that they would show mercy.

But he didn't expect that this group of bandits coveted his wife's beauty. After collecting the money, they continued to surround her with a lewd smile.

The young man immediately knew that something was wrong. Before the bandits had all approached, he immediately broke out of the siege with his fairly good skills and took his wife on horseback and galloped away.

But the bandits immediately mounted their horses and chased after them. They had already been on the run for an incense stick of time, and they simply could not shake off the vicious bandits.

At this moment, he was extremely hoping to meet a team of soldiers or chivalrous people to help them deal with the bandits, otherwise he would probably be doomed today.

If he was the only one attacked by the bandits, the young man would not be so frightened, but he still had the most important person in his arms, and he did not want her to die with him.

Feeling the young woman's resentful gaze, the leader of the bandits immediately continued to laugh and said, "I like this look, the more you struggle, the more excited I am!"

"Go!" He said as he whipped the horse's butt hard, and the horse, in pain, immediately sped up again.

The other bandits also sped up immediately, and the distance between them and the two people in front of them was rapidly shortened!

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