Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 975 The couple who came back from the dead!

Feeling that the bandits were approaching rapidly, the young man's expression suddenly became more anxious. He also used a whip to beat the horse hard, but his speed was still not comparable to that of the bandits' horses.

In just a moment, there was only a foot of distance between the leading bandit man and the young couple in front.

The big bandit man immediately accelerated again, shortening the distance to half a foot, and flicked the whip in his hand.

The whip instantly wrapped around the hind legs of the horse the young man and woman were riding. The big bandit man pulled hard, and the horse suddenly fell forward.

The face of the young man on the horse suddenly changed. He immediately hugged his wife and kicked hard. He jumped out before the horse fell down.

But they had lost their horses at this time and could not continue to escape.

More than a dozen bandits from behind immediately stepped forward to surround the two of them, laughing even more wildly.

"Hahaha, let's see where you can escape!"

The young man looked at his wife in his arms and said apologetically: "Xiaomei, I'm sorry for causing you to suffer with me."

The young woman named Xiaomei immediately shook her head and said, "Whether it's happiness or suffering, I'm willing to follow you."

Then Xiaomei glanced at the group of bandits and said in a deep voice in the young man's ear: "Since they are unwilling to let us go, then we will fight to the death!"

The young man nodded solemnly, his expression full of solemnity, and he had already tightened his grip on the long sword in his hand.

Seeing the expressions on the two men's faces, the leading bandit man understood what they were thinking, and immediately snorted coldly: "If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished with a drink!"

But when he opened his mouth, the young couple took the lead. The young man handed the long sword to his wife, and at the same time immediately attacked a bandit beside him, preparing to grab a long sword first.

The woman also had some skills. She did not hesitate at this time. She took the sword and drew it out immediately, and immediately stabbed a bandit.

Because the two men struck very quickly and chose the weaker bandit, the young man quickly knocked the bandit off his horse and snatched the long knife from his hand.

Seeing that this young man succeeded, the leader of the bandit suddenly looked gloomy and said in a cold voice: "Trash, this man will be killed without mercy, just keep the woman!"

After hearing the order, many bandits immediately dismounted and most of them attacked the young man. Only two of them were separated to catch the woman.

Although the young man had good skills, he was ultimately outnumbered and soon fell into a disadvantage. He already had two wounds on his body and could only barely hold on.

The young woman's skills were much worse. Although the two bandits only attacked in a playful manner, they were still unable to hurt them.

Seeing that the young man was at a disadvantage, the young woman's expression suddenly became extremely anxious, but she was unable to defeat the two bandits at all, so she had to get as close to the young man as possible during the fight, hoping to help him.

As Bu Tuo fought, the wounds on the young man's body increased more and more, and the situation became extremely dangerous.

At this time, two bandits slashed at the young man with knives at the same time, and he had no choice but to hold the sword across his chest to resist.

But at this moment, a bandit appeared behind the young man, stabbed him in the back with a grin.

When the young woman saw this, her expression suddenly changed. She immediately rushed out desperately and blocked the young man's back instantly!

The bandit who took action had no idea that this woman was so desperate for life and death. It was too late to stop, and the long knife immediately penetrated the woman!

"Xiaomei! No!" The young man had just turned his head and shouted miserably when he saw this scene.

The young man's eyes were about to burst, and he instantly raised his sword to slash at the bandit who took action, but the man was already on guard and immediately let go of his sword and jumped away.

As the bandit let go of the long knife, the young woman suddenly fell back weakly, and the young man immediately hugged her.

The young man's expression was full of anxiety, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiaomei,

Don't sleep, I'll take you to heal. "

At this time, the young woman's mouth was bleeding continuously, and the wound on her stomach dyed all the clothes around her red.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the young woman, the bandits couldn't help but feel sorry, and did not immediately continue to attack the young man.

The young woman raised her eyelids with difficulty and said softly: "'s great to meet you...but Xiaomei is so tired..."

The young man shook his head and cried: "Why are you so stupid? You must hold on."

As she spoke, the young woman's eyelids felt extremely heavy and she slowly closed her eyes. Her husband's voice seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

Seeing his wife's head falling to the side without any reaction, the young man's eyes instantly turned red. He gently placed her on the ground and shouted angrily: "I'll kill you!"

As he spoke, the young man raised his sword and slashed at the group of bandits. He was completely crazy.

The most important people to him have left, and he doesn't want to live anymore. Now he just wants to kill a few more bandits to avenge his wife.

The first thing the young man attacked was the bandit who had just killed his wife. He rushed forward with great ferocity, completely ignoring the several bandits who came to rescue him, and slashed at the bandit with his sword.

The bandit immediately evaded, but he had no weapon in his hand, and his speed was not as fast as the crazy young man.

The young man slashed out with his sword quickly, and a blood line suddenly appeared on the throat of the bandit who could not dodge, and scarlet blood suddenly spurted out.

"You..." The bandit wanted to speak, but the light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and his burly body collapsed.

Just as the young man was killing the bandit, several bandits behind him had also been killed. Suddenly, two long knives were slashed on his shoulders, and another knife penetrated his back, causing him to instantly feel The power inside the body is flowing away rapidly with the blood.

"Xiaomei, I avenged you and came to find you..." The young man grinned, but blood couldn't stop flowing from his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the bandits showed no sympathy at all. They were even a little angry and the young man beheaded one of their companions.

They have become accustomed to killing people and do not feel any guilt.

Then the three bandits drew their swords, and more blood spurted out from the young man's body, instantly dyeing his robe red.

Due to the massive loss of strength in his body, the young man was already staggering and about to collapse. However, he struggled to take three steps toward his wife, and finally fell next to her.

Even if he dies, he must die with his beloved wife.

Seeing the young man fall, the leader of the bandits said with an annoyed tone: "Unlucky, I thought I had found some fun, but I didn't expect that these two people would rather die than surrender, and even lost a brother."

The other bandits were also extremely dissatisfied, and some even kicked the young man on the ground hard.

Then they prepared to leave, leaving the bodies of the young man and woman exposed in the wilderness.

But just as they were moving forward, the person at the back suddenly stuttered in a horrified tone: "Look, he... they..."

"What's going on? What's all the fuss about." The big bandit leader immediately turned around impatiently. He was already in a bad mood, but this man was still making such a fuss.

Everyone looked along the man's fingers, pointing to the two corpses on the ground.

They were originally impatient, but their eyes widened instantly, their expressions full of disbelief.

I saw that the wounds on the young man's shoulders were slowly healing, and he was completely back to normal in an instant.

Only the blood stains on his clothes and skin still proved that he had indeed been chopped.

Not only that, the wound on the young man's stomach is also healing rapidly.

The group of bandits immediately turned to look at the young woman beside the young man, and suddenly realized that her injuries were also in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the leader of the bandits was stunned and murmured: "What's going on? Is it haunted in broad daylight?"

Although he couldn't believe it, this bandit man was extremely decisive and immediately ordered: "In that case, chop them into pieces. I don't believe they can recover!"

As he spoke, he drew out his long knife and struck the young man on the ground first. The other bandits immediately drew their swords and followed suit.

But just when their long swords were about to touch the young man, they suddenly felt as if they were cutting against an extremely hard wall. Not only did they fail to cut down, but the shock caused pain to their palms.

Several people suddenly felt as if they had seen a ghost. One bandit immediately tried to chop down the young woman, but was still blocked and could not touch the two people at all.

Just when the bandits were frightened, the young man on the ground turned over and opened his eyes as if he had just woken up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the young man saw a group of knife-wielding bandits standing beside him. He was slightly startled at first, and then remembered the memory just now, and his expression suddenly became full of vigilance.

And he felt no pain at all on his body, as if he had not been injured at all.

The young man suddenly murmured in disbelief: "Didn't I get killed by them? Did time go back?"

This group of bandits were all dumbfounded, and they couldn't help but feel a strong sense of panic in their hearts.

They never expected that the wound of the person they just killed would not only heal on its own, but would also wake up now.

Back from the dead!

At this moment, the young man suddenly felt his wife beside him move and woke up.

When he saw his wife waking up, the young man was extremely surprised and hugged her tightly, with tears of excitement in his eyes.

At this time, his wife also felt extremely stunned. She didn't know how she came back to life again, but she was overtaken by the joy of seeing each other again.

Seeing that the two of them woke up and hugged each other safely, the leader of the bandits raised his hand and slashed out again.

However, even though the young couple had already sat up, the barrier still existed, blocking his attack again.

The look of the big bandit man suddenly became extremely ugly. After a moment of silence, he said in a deep voice: "If something strange happens, let's retreat!"

He had an extremely strong feeling of something bad in his heart. I'm afraid the legendary immortal might have taken action in this matter!

Could it be that the immortal saw that they had done too much evil and wanted to get rid of them?

The other bandits also nodded with shock and immediately raised their feet to leave the place quickly, but they instantly felt that their feet seemed to be as heavy as a thousand stones and they could not move at all!

The young man who was originally preparing to block the knife with his sword suddenly looked even more stunned when he saw that the bandits could not approach them at all. He also felt extremely strange when he saw that the bandits said they were retreating but did not move.

He saw that these bandits seemed to be struggling to lift their legs, but their legs seemed to be welded to the ground and they were unable to move at all.

At this moment, the young couple and the bandits suddenly heard a slightly hoarse voice.

"Give you a chance to kill these bandits!"

The young couple and the group of bandits trembled slightly after hearing this, and immediately turned their heads to look around, but did not see anyone.

The leader of the bandits suddenly changed his expression and immediately begged for mercy: "Immortal, please spare us!"

Now they have been completely imprisoned, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, unable to resist at all.

If this young man attacks them, they will surely die!

Hearing the bandit's plea for mercy, the young man's expression suddenly turned cold. He stood up with his sword and said coldly: "Just now, why didn't you think of sparing us!"

As he said that, the young man stabbed out with a sword, instantly piercing the bandit's chest!

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