The way Hyuga Kyou got out of trouble made Uchiha Ryota feel a huge sense of crisis.

With rich combat experience, he can be said to be well-informed, but even if he searched his mind, he couldn't think of what kind of ninjutsu Hyuga Kyou used!

"Sure enough, as the patriarch said, this 'God Organization' is really weird..."

Uchiha Ryota's expression gradually became serious.

Although he is bloodthirsty and crazy, he is not stupid.

So, his intuition told him that it was time for life and death.

This kind of warning from intuition is a special talent that Uchiha Ryota acquired after awakening Sangou Yuxian, and he has never mentioned it to anyone.

It was this intuition that made him shine in the brutal Third Ninja World War, and with his impressive record, he became the most powerful figure in the Uchiha clan after the patriarch Fuyue.

And acted as the commander of the Uchiha clan's execution team specializing in dirty work.

You must know that no matter which wealthy ninja clan is responsible for the dirty work, it is one of the elites in the clan, because the weak can't do this kind of work at all.

If it weren't for the sudden emergence of Shishui, who awakened the kaleidoscope Sharinyan, then until now, Uchiha Ryota is still the well-deserved number two figure in the Uchiha family.

At this time, Hyuga Kyou walked towards Uchiha Ryota and deliberately angered him: "Compared to Uchiha Hideki, you are much more cunning!"

Uchiha Ryota was not irritated by Hyuga Kyo's casual remark, but took a deep look at Hyuga Kyou and Shisui, as if trying to remember their appearance, and then quickly formed a seal with both hands and shouted: " Spiritualism!"


In an instant, a puff of white smoke rose.

When the smoke dissipated, a tabby cat with a napkin tied around its neck, a fork in its left paw, a knife in its right paw, and a half fish head in its mouth appeared in front of everyone.

The tabby cat, who was chewing on the fish head, muttered indistinctly, "Tai Liang, didn't you agree long ago, I don't provide service during mealtimes!"

Uchiha Ryota didn't answer, but immediately made a seal, forcibly canceled the summon, and sent away the tabby cat.

Shishui was startled when he saw this, but he didn't bother to reveal his identity, and shouted: "Senior, that ninja cat just now is a 'Grass Fish Ball' who can use a hundred kinds of ninjutsu. He wants to escape from the reverse channel!"

No need to stop the water at all, Hyuga Kyou guessed Uchiha Ryota's intention, so when Uchiha Ryota sent away the tabby cat 'Grass Fish Balls', he resorted to 'Rotation Ruyi' to send Uchiha away. Bo Liang was too attracted to himself.


Uchiha Ryota, who was waiting for the "Grass Fish Balls" to channel himself in reverse, was suddenly pulled by a huge force, and his body involuntarily flew towards Hyuga Kyou.

At the same time, Hyuga Kyou jumped up, completed the seal in the air, and placed a palm print on the shoulder of Uchiha Ryota, who flew towards him, and shouted in a low voice: "Contract seal, seal!"

Before Uchiha Ryota came to his senses, Shishui, who was also pulled over by Hyuga Kyou with 'Rotation Ruyi', took the opportunity to perform an illusion on Uchiha Ryota.

The fight just now was only a flash of light and flint!

The whole process only lasted for a few breaths. When the three of them fell from the air at the same time, Uchiha Ryota was not only sealed by the "contract seal" of all contractual relations with the outside world, but also fell into an illusion duel with Shishui.

Uchiha Ryota's pupil power is by no means comparable to Uchiha Hideki.

In the family, he was quickly defeated by Zhishui, and a large part of the reason was that he despised Zhishui who was nearly ten years younger than him, but this time it was a life-and-death struggle, so even if it was Zhishui, it would be difficult to use illusions to kill him. Its instant uniform.

This is also why Hyuga Mirror started first, because according to the original battle plan, Hyuga Mirror was responsible for attracting Uchiha Ryota's attention and creating opportunities for Shisui's sneak attack.

The reason for this arrangement is that Shisui can only instantly restrain Uchiha Ryota in the case of a sneak attack.

If it is a head-to-head fight, the situation is difficult to predict.

In the original time and space, Itachi opened the Kaleidoscope Shaker, and if he wanted to instantly subdue Kakashi, who was not from the Uchiha tribe, he also needed to use his unique pupil technique 'Moon Reading'. And Shishui obviously won't use his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pupil technique "Bie Tianshen" to deal with Uchiha Ryota in this kind of battle.

Hyuga Kyou didn't hesitate at this time, and directly smashed Uchiha Ryota's neck with a palm, stunned him.

After Uchiha Ryota was stunned by Hyuga Kyou, Shisui staggered a few steps and withdrew from the illusion duel, saying, "Ryota's pupil power seems to be much stronger than before!"

Hyuga Kyou put the "Four Signs Seal" on the fainted Uchiha Ryota and said, "I almost let this guy escape!"

Hearing Hyuga Kyo mention it, Shishui also had lingering fears.

If Uchiha Ryota escaped this time and let him understand that the goal of the God Organization was him, then it would be very difficult to find an opportunity to attack him.

Moreover, no one can guarantee whether he saw something in the fight just now.

After completing the seal, Hyuga Kyou urged: "He will be handed over to me. You should leave here immediately and find a suitable opportunity to show your face elsewhere and clear your suspicions."

Shishui didn't say more, and with a flick of his body, he disappeared in place.

Hyuga Kyou slowly formed the seal and turned on Tenseisen Chakra mode. While using Tenseisen to carefully inspect the surroundings, he carried the unconscious Uchiha Ryota towards the secret prison.


Not long after Hyuga Kyou left, several figures came to the battlefield.

These people are not others, they are Asma, Dilu, and several members of Uchiha's clan who were with Uchiha Ryota before.

Of course, their purpose in chasing Ryota Uchiha is different. Several Uchiha clansmen are worried that Ryota Uchiha will be attacked by a god organization if he is alone, while Asma and Dilu are 'guarding' The identity of the twelve soldiers, came to find trouble for the innocent Uchiha Ryota.

Arriving in front of the twisted and broken iron cage left on the battlefield, a Uchiha clansman said with a gloomy face: "No, Ryo is likely to be in trouble!"

At this time, Asma and Dilu noticed the signal stick that fell on the ground in the battlefield and said, "Is this signal stick from your Uchiha clan?"

Another Uchiha clan walked over, just glanced at it a little, and nodded: "Well, this is the unique signal stick of our Uchiha clan, and it is probably left by Ryota!"

Asma said with a serious face: "If Uchiha Ryota can't even send out a signal for help, the other party is likely to be a member of the 'God Organization'!"

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