in a secret prison.

Before Hyuga Kyou gave Uchiha Ryota an anesthetic, Uchiha Ryota woke up from the coma.

Instead of yelling as Hyuga Kyou expected, he calmly observed the surroundings, and then said coldly, "It's ironic, who would have thought that the so-called 'God Organization' turned out to be all ninjas in the village. ."

With her back against the rock wall, Hyuga Kyo folded her arms and smiled.

Ryota Uchiha stared at Hyuga Kyou and asked, "Is that Shisui just now?"

Hyuga Kyou was a little curious: "How did you notice it?"

"That guy with grass carp, spends more than half of the day fishing for grass carp by the pond in the land of cats. Even in our Uchiha clan, not many people can recognize it at a glance. With the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, You can recognize grass carp balls at a glance, hum, I can't think of anyone other than Zhishui..."

After a pause, Ryota Uchiha sneered again: "I didn't expect Shishui to finally choose to betray the family and join the village, but when the Uchiha family collapses, the village will let him go? Although I'm planted in him. In my hand, but I believe that it won't be long before he will come to the underworld to accompany me!"

Obviously, after realizing Shisui's identity, Uchiha Ryota, like Uchiha Hideki before, also mistakenly believed that the behind-the-scenes instigator of the "God Organization" was the top of the village.

Hyuga mirror smiled and said: "There is no need to stir up discord, he is not here."

Ryo Uchiha pouted and snorted softly.

Although what he said just now was his real thoughts, he did hide a bit of intention to sow discord, and wanted to use this to divide Zhishui's relationship with the village's top management.

Hyuga Kyou walked in front of Uchiha Ryota at this time: "You are Uchiha's elite, the senior commander of the police force, I have a few questions to ask you, I hope you can answer truthfully."

Uchiha Ryo glanced at Hyuga Kyou too contemptuously: "What do you want to know?"

Hyuga Kyou said flatly, "How much do you know about 'Izanagi'?"

After hearing the words 'Izanagi', Ryota Uchiha suddenly shrank his pupils and said in surprise, "How did you know about 'Izanagi'? Did that traitor Zhishui even tell the village all this?"

Soon, Ryota Uchiha shook his head again: "No, Shisui should not know the secret of 'Izanagi', his position is uncertain, the patriarch will not tell him the secret of 'Izanagi'!"

"It seems that you know a lot." After a pause, Hyuga Kyou said, "Tell me what you know, you should know that at this point, unnecessary struggle will only make you suffer more. That's it."

Uchiha Ryota smiled and said, "I advise you to give up. 'Izanagi' is a forbidden technique of our Uchiha clan. Without our Uchiha clan's bloodline, and without the wheel eye, it is impossible to learn it."

Hyuga Kyou didn't say a word, and retreated back to the rock wall.

In the original time and space, the only ones who were not of Uchiha's bloodline but mastered the secret technique of 'Izanagi' were Danzo, who had transplanted a large number of Sharinyan and first-generation cells.

However, the 'Izanagi' cast by Danzo could only last for one minute, while the 'Izanagi' cast by Obito, a Uchiha clan, could last at least five minutes.

Therefore, what Uchiha Ryota said just now is not wrong.

It is indeed difficult for the non-Uchiha clan to master the secret technique of 'Izanagi', even if it is reluctantly mastered, the effect displayed is vastly different from that of the orthodox Uchiha clan.

After a long silence, Hyuga Kyou asked, "Do you know this forbidden technique?"

"Of course I won't!" Uchiha Ryota answered bluntly, and then he laughed at himself: "In the clan's motto, 'Izanagi' is regarded as an ominous curse technique, a forbidden technique that is forbidden to learn. And our patriarch is accustomed to being imprisoned by rigid clan training, but I spent a lot of words to get him to agree to provide the clan people with the forbidden technique of 'Izanagi' on the eve of the rebellion."

Hyuga Kyo's eyes narrowed when she heard the words.

If Uchiha Fuyue really disclosed the forbidden technique of 'Izanagi' to the whole clan before the rebellion, then the fighting power of the entire Uchiha clan would have doubled immediately!

Hyuga Kyou thought about something else, and said casually, "Should I trust you?"

Uchiha Ryo snorted coldly: "Hey, believe it or not, it's up to you!"

Hyuga Kyou smiled and said, "That's right, if you really know 'Izanagi', I'm afraid this forbidden technique will spread to the entire Uchiha clan overnight!"

If radicals like Uchiha Ryota mastered 'Izanagi', he would definitely spread it out as soon as possible, forcing Fuyue, the patriarch, to speed up the progress of his rebellion. And the Uchiha family has not made any movement so far, which means that Fuyue still holds the forbidden technique of 'Izanagi' in his hands and has not leaked it to the outside world.

Uchiha Ryo said bitterly: "The patriarch always hopes to launch a rebellion at the best time, but the best time can never come by waiting!"

Hyuga Kyou is not interested in discussing Uchiha's rebellion with Uchiha Ryota, he said lightly: "You don't even know 'Izanagi', that 'Izanami' who specializes in restraining 'Izanagi', you Not even more, right?"

Uchiha Ryota frowned: "Izanami!?"

Seeing Ryota Uchiha's expression, Hyuga Kyou knew that he had never heard of 'Izanami'.

But this is also normal. Even 'Izanagi' has been sealed by the Uchiha clan as a forbidden art. Very little is known in the clan. The 'Izanami' who restrained 'Izanagi' is unknown. , which is reasonable.

Uchiha Ryota asked: "This 'Izanami' is also a forbidden technique of our Uchiha clan? Even I don't know, how did you know? Was Shisui leaked to you?"

Hyuga Kyou didn't answer.

Since Uchiha Ryota couldn't provide him with more information, he naturally had no interest in discussing related topics with Uchiha Ryota.

Knowing that Hyuga Kyou wouldn't say much, Ryota Uchiha did not continue to ask, but asked a question that had been held in his heart for a long time: "Where is my brother, is he alive or dead now?"

Hyuga mirror smiled and said: "Is this important, don't you think you can save him?"

Uchiha Ryota said, "Since it's not important, it's okay if you tell me?"

Hyuga Kyou pondered for a while, then clapped her hands.


After a while, a scream came from the cave next door.

Ryota Uchiha immediately heard the scream just now, it was the voice of his brother Hideki Uchiha, so he couldn't keep his composure any longer, and roared viciously: "I'm going to kill you all!"

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