Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 851 It's You! (Ask for a monthly pass)

In the woods where insects and birds are singing, two figures, one behind the other with a slight distance, flashed past in the cold moonlight. Like two ghostly phantoms, incredibly fast.

The two figures in front of and behind are naturally Hyuga Aoki, who was running away in a hurry, and Hyuga Kyou who followed.

Perhaps the trauma to the soul caused by 'Yue Du' was too severe, and Hyuga Aoki didn't converge at the moment, and was running wildly regardless of chakra consumption.

The speed of his puppet is not slow at all. In addition, he continues to use the 'Rotation Ruyi' and the 'Blinking Technique'. His footsteps are just a little on the ground, and the whole person can jump out of the distance in an instant. meters away.

With just a few ups and downs in his breath, he can climb over a mountain and pass through a forest. The speed is even faster than the communication eagle specially bred by Konoha, reaching the pinnacle of the speed of a ninja on the ground.

If this were an ordinary person, he really wouldn't have the ability to track Hyuga Aoki at this speed.

However, Hyuga Kyou is obviously not an ordinary person, but even at the speed of Hyuga Kyou, it is very difficult to track without entering the 'Tensimura Chakra Mode'.

After all, behind Hyuga Kyou, there is not a giant Tenseigan supporting it, unlike Hyuga Aoki, who has a huge Tenseigan Chakra that can be squandered at will.

Fortunately, in this state, Hyuga Aoki was unable to restrain the chakra fluctuations on his body.

Therefore, at this time, the Tensei Chakra on Hyuga Aoki's body is like a torch in the night in the eyes of Hyuga Kyou, and you don't have to worry about losing it if it is conspicuous.


Hyuga mirror swayed and landed on the branch of a big tree.

Immediately afterwards, while panting lightly, he looked at Hyuga Aoki who was still fleeing in the distance, and spat lightly, "Cut, this guy can really run!"

According to the direction in which Hyuga Aoki fled, Hyuga Kyou can roughly judge that the hiding place of Hyuga Aoki should be in the land of grass or the land of rain.

After a little thought, Hyuga Kyou discovered that these two small countries were indeed good places to hide.

There is a grass ninja village in the country of grass, and it is also an ally of Konoha Ming, so there is order in the country, and the major ninja villages will restrain their actions.

The Land of Rain was the former lair of the Xiao organization. After the Xiao organization gave up, it was temporarily taken over by the Five Great Ninja Villages. Whether it is for the Xiao organization or the Five Great Ninja Villages, it belongs to the area of ​​'black under the lights'.

After taking a breath, Hyuga Kyou continued to catch up.

At this desperate speed, the two of them can leave the country of fire and enter the country of grass or the country of rain without waiting until dawn.

As for whether Hyuga Aoki was aware of her stalking, Hyuga Kyou didn't care much anymore.

Hyuga Kyou used Yang Mo this time. As long as Hyuga Aoki gets 'Yue Du' and his spiritual body is traumatized, he must immediately return to the deity's body to warm up. Even if Hyuga Aoki notices that someone is following behind him, he will not delay. It's time to entangle with the stalker behind him.


Suddenly, a light rain fell in the sky.

"It really is in the Land of Rain..."

Hyuga Kyou, who was tracking, secretly said a sentence.

As he expected, Hyuga Aoki's hiding place is either in the country of grass or in the country of rain, and the light rain falling in the sky at this moment undoubtedly means that he has stepped into 80% of the year. In the rainy country of rain.

Tracking in the rain is undoubtedly more difficult. Fortunately, it didn't take long for Hyuga Kyou to follow behind Hyuga Aoki to a remote and inconspicuous small cave.

"Is it here?"

After confirming from a distance that Hyuga Aoki hurriedly entered the cave, Hyuga Kyou pondered for a while, and followed with a flick of his body.

But just as he was about to step into the cave, there was a sudden burst of screeching winds, and then, one after another figure jumped out of the cave, swarming him at the entrance.

"A puppet..."

Hyuga Kyou glanced at these figures, and found that they were all like his three-generation Kazekage puppets. They belonged to the puppets activated by the high-intensity Tenseigan Chakra and possessed a little self-consciousness. Tool.

Moreover, on the bodies of these puppets, Hyuga Kyou also keenly discovered the mark of 'Red Sand Scorpion', showing that these puppets are all the works of the puppet master scorpion.

"No Entry!"

"No Entry!"

"No Entry!"

At this time, the puppets surrounding Hyuga Mirror issued a warning at the same time, and this sound of warning, reflected in the cave, produced layers of echoes.

If an ordinary ninja were surrounded by these puppets who could speak, I would have been terrified, but Hyuga Kyou was not surprised, only to see him pull out Kusanagi Maru from his waist with a 'clang', smile: " What if I want to go in?"




Twenty puppets opened their mouths at the same time, and the voices were layered on top of each other.

"Hey, it's really impersonal!" After a chuckle, Hyuga Kyou danced a sword flower: "Then why are you waiting, come and kill me!"


After saying that, Hyuga Kyou flashed and rushed towards the cave, and when she passed the two puppets in front, she used Kusanagi Maru to cut them into two pieces.

Without hesitation or fear, the remaining puppets immediately chased after them and fought fiercely with Hyuga Kyou in the narrow and dark cave.

clang clang...

The sharp, ear-piercing metal clashing sound reverberated in the hole, occasionally accompanied by the roar of one or two explosions. Obviously, these puppets supported by the giant Tenseigan could perform investigations like the puppet troops of Toto Otsutsuki. Carat energy ball.

The power of this chakra energy ball is only slightly inferior to the spiral pill, and it can be released remotely, so the threat is extremely high. Naruto, who had finished the fourth ninja war in the original time and space, suddenly encountered this kind of puppet army. , and it took a lot of hands and feet to solve it, and Naruto at that time was already the top powerhouse in the ninja world at the weak sixth level.

The sound of metal clashing and roaring extended all the way to the depths of the cave. Before long, these sounds gradually subsided, and there was only one gentle footstep in the entire cave.

Turning a corner, Hyuga Kyou inserted the Kusanagi Maru in her hand into the scabbard around her waist and stepped into the hall located in the deepest part of the cave.

In this artificially excavated hall, Hyuga Aoki stood quietly in front of an eyeball-shaped giant sphere emitting a dazzling light.

On his tired face, he was not surprised by the intruder. On the contrary, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said in a playful tone to Hyuga Kyou, who walked slowly into the hall, "So it's you!"


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I am very grateful to [7:13 today] book friends for their large rewards, and became the fourth alliance leader of this book, what a waste!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I am very grateful to [7:13 today] book friends for their large rewards, and became the fourth alliance leader of this book, what a waste!

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