"I was thinking along the way, who is colluding with the Uchiha clan to plot against me. I have guessed a lot of people, but I just didn't think that this person would be you, Hyuga Kyou!"

When it came to the last word 'Hyuga Mirror', Hyuga Aoki's tone immediately became cold.

While watching Hyuga Aoki, Hyuga Kyou said plainly: "You encouraged the Uchiha clan to rebel, and it is only right and proper for me to arrest you as Hokage."

Through observation, he found that the tiredness on Hyuga Aoki's face was not disguised.

This shows that Itachi's previous 'Tsuki reading' did cause great damage to Hyuga Aoki's spiritual body, but judging from Hyuga Aoki's performance at the moment, Hyuga Aoki's spiritual body is obviously not weak enough to return to the deity immediately to warm up. to the point of.

Hearing Hyuga Kyou mention Hokage, Hyuga Aoki's eyes fell on the Hokage Royal God robe that Hyuga Kyo wore.

"Hmph, I've always been very accurate in seeing people, but I didn't expect that I'd miss your dog!" After a light snort, Hyuga Aoki continued, "You're hiding so deeply, not only using the The conflict between the village and the Uchiha clan has succeeded in ascending the throne, becoming the fifth generation of eyes, and secretly colluding with the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan who hides a kaleidoscope of writing round eyes."

As he spoke, Hyuga Aoki's expression distorted.

Breaking the shackles of the family's fate and becoming the Hokage of the village has always been the greatest desire hidden in his heart, and after obtaining the giant Tenseigan, he firmly believes that he will eventually achieve all this.

Unexpectedly, Hyuga Kyou, who is also a split family, actually took the first step to the position of Hokage by accident, which made him feel extremely indignant, as if Hyuga Kyou took something from him. .

What annoyed him even more was that Hyuga Kyou had successfully plotted against him.

Yes, it wasn't that Hyuga Aoki was annoyed that Hyuga Kyo wanted to plot against him, but that Hyuga Kyo, who was not worth mentioning in his eyes, managed to do it successfully.

This feeling of being offended by ants made his face a little bit unbearable.

After confirming the state of Hyuga Aoki at the moment, Hyuga Kyou stopped talking nonsense, but turned her attention to the giant Tenseigan on the side.

Similar to what he had imagined, this giant Tenseigan exudes a rich Tenseisen Chakra, with dazzling radiance like stars shining all over its body, and a dazzling star spot in the shape of a hexagram in its core area. It looks not only full of power, but also gives a feeling of incomparable holiness.

It's just that for some reason, Hyuga Kyou has an inexplicable feeling, that is, the state of the giant Tenseigan in front of her doesn't seem right.

Seeing Hyuga Kyou staring at the giant Tenseigan next to him, Hyuga Aoki smiled self-consciously: "Have you noticed? The reason why you colluded with Uchiha Itachi and plotted against me should be because you want to know how I got rid of the 'curse mark of the bird in the cage'. Bar?"

Hyuga Kyou ignored Hyuga Aoki, who was making up her mind, but raised her brows, carefully perceiving the state of the giant Tenseisen.

Noticing Hyuga Kyo's eyebrows, Hyuga Aoki thought he had guessed Hyuga Kyo's mind, and said with a joking expression: "Since you've come here, it's okay to tell you, it's the one who helped me break free from the 'caged bird'. The giant Tenseigan in front of you, in other words, it is the body of the 'Cage Bird's Curse Mark'!"

"Sure enough!"

Hyuga Kyou's face was relieved when she heard the words.

He had already made various speculations about the relationship between the 'Cage Bird's Curse Mark' and the giant Tenseisen, because apart from the giant Tenseisen, he really couldn't think of any other power that could support the clan to ignore the distance and be able to be separated from each other. Qianli launched the 'Cage Bird Curse Mark' to kill the members of the branch.

Because let alone the Hyuga clan who are not good at sealing, even the Maelstrom Clan, who specialize in sealing, does not have such an unreasonable sealing technique.

Hyuga Aoki's reaction made Hyuga Aoki feel that he had regained a little face, and he became more and more proud: "Do you think I don't know that someone is following me? Idiot, I deliberately led you to show up, I just want to see Who is plotting against me!"

Immediately afterwards, Hyuga Aoki smiled while stroking the giant Tenseisen beside him: "It is the supreme secret treasure of our Hyuga clan, the giant Tenseisen! Hahaha, you are shocked and confused!"

The more he talked about it, the more frantic his expression became.

Obviously, Hyuga Aoki fled all the way back to his hiding place, not only because his spiritual body had been severely damaged and needed to return to the deity to be nurtured, but also because he deliberately took advantage of this to lead snakes out of their holes.

In his opinion, as long as he gets close to the giant Tenseisen, he will be able to unleash 100% of the power of the giant Tenseisen. At that time, no matter who the black hand is hiding behind the scenes and plotting against him, he will have the confidence to kill him!

Because of this, he was so proud to tell everything to Hyuga Kyou, because Hyuga Kyou, the person who plotted against him and also knew his secret, was already regarded by him as a dead person.

Hyuga Kyou's expression was calm, and there was no wavering in her eyes.

"You are quite calm, but in front of this giant Tenseisen, your so-called Hokage is just a vulnerable ant." Hyuga Aoki said, while taking out the giant Tenseisen Chakra, grinning, said: "I hope you can keep your current expression in a while, but don't let me down!"

After receiving the chakra infusion on the giant Tenseigan, Hyuga Aoki's body instantly filled with a huge amount of chakra fluctuations.

Under his influence, the air in the hall seemed to have become denser, as if it had gained weight, and some of the gravel on the ground, under the action of the huge twisting force, actually floated up.

Standing in front of the radiant giant Tensei's eyes, Hyuga Aoki laughed wildly: "Hahaha, did you see it, this is my power, I am the savior of the Hyuga clan, the god who rules the ninja world! Kneel in front of me and cry Howl, repent, I may spare your life and say no..."

Suddenly, Hyuga Aoki's wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Hyuga Aoki opened his mouth wide, looked at Hyuga Kyou in astonishment, and looked at the splendid stars in the eye sockets of Hyuga Kyou, and said doubtfully, "You... your eyes!?"

Hyuga Kyou, who opened Tenseigan, ignored the crazy Hyuga Aoki, but instantly seized control of the giant Tenseisen in front of her, and cut off the connection between the giant Tenseisen and Hyuga Aoki.

In terms of authority, Hyuga Kyou, who has the same clan and eyes, is currently the highest authority in the entire ninja world. As long as he gets close to this giant Tenseigan of the Hinata clan, he can cross Hyuga Aoki. Directly grasp the giant Tenseigan.

At this time, Hyuga Kyou turned her gaze to Hyuga Aoki, who was on the side, and said lightly, "By the way, what were you talking about just now?"


The third is more, thank the leader [7:13 today] and all the students who gave rewards yesterday, thank you all! It's late October, please support students with monthly tickets!

The third is more, thank the leader [7:13 today] and all the students who gave rewards yesterday, thank you all! It's late October, please support students with monthly tickets!

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