Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 935 Naruto can't answer it (please ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Efficacy of Houttuynia cordata?!"

Staring at the first question on the test paper, Hyuga Kyou frowned slightly.

As a ninja who is proficient in making and using poison, he knows most of the poisonous herbs and herbs in the ninja world. No matter how bad it is, he has heard the name.

But this 'black-spotted Houttuynia cordata', he had no impression at all.

"It's definitely not ordinary poisonous weeds and medicinal herbs. Is it some kind of plant with special functions such as insect repellent, incense making, and feed?"

After thinking for a while, the puzzled Hyuga Kyo smiled and shook her head, moving her gaze to the next question.

There are countless strange animals and plants in the ninja world, and even the most knowledgeable people would not dare to say that they understand them all, not to mention that there are mysterious places such as the three holy places in the ninja world, so it is normal for Hyuga Kyou to not be able to answer this question. .

The second question is a complex ninja throwing calculation problem.

The target is behind a big tree, which belongs to the blind spot of vision. Ninjas need to collide with each other in the air through the ninja tools to change each other's flight trajectories to hit the target.

This is not a problem for many ninjas who are proficient in throwing ninja tools, but it is even simpler for Hitomitsu ninjas like Hyuga Kyou.

If you have trouble, please specify on the test paper that you must use neat formulas, carry out strict numerical calculation, and write down the whole process of numerical calculation.

But the problem is that this numerical formula has long been forgotten by Hyuga Kyou.

If you give him some supporting materials, he will be able to easily pick it up after years of doing scientific research, and even if he is given a suitable formula, he will be able to solve it, but now he has nothing at hand, for a while There is really no way to complete a neat formula calculation.

"Who made the question for him? Does Genin need to take this test?"

After cursing secretly, Hyuga Kyou looked at the third question again, and his face was already gloomy at this time.

The third question is about illusion, and Hyuga Kyou passed it directly.

The fourth question is a very rare and complicated weather question. Hyuga Kyou has seen this special weather once in the Land of Thunder, but only once.

And the question is about this special weather, what impact will it have on the various ninjutsu performed by the ninja?

"Ha ha..."

Hyuga Kyou, who was extremely angry and laughed, threw the pen directly.

At this time, several surrounding examiners all turned their attention to Hyuga Kyou, with very unfriendly eyes. Obviously, Hyuga Kyo's deeds of provoking Konoha ninjas had already spread in Konoha.

Xianglin also looked at Hyuga Kyou in surprise, her eyes were full of doubts, at this moment, she was still waiting for Hyuga Kyo, Hokage, to pass her the answer of the exam!

After responding embarrassedly to Xianglin's reassuring look, Hyuga Kyou looked at the test paper again.

Although the questions on the test paper are all related to ninjas, it is obvious that the person who asked the questions is deliberately trying to embarrass the candidates. This kind of question is not to mention the lower end, even the upper end is just as difficult to answer.

No, even Hokage can't answer it!

"This is not my problem, the rules are the rules. This exam tests the candidates' ability to cheat. There is absolutely no need for me to fight with these questions..."

As Hyuga Kyou explained to herself, she opened her eyes with the cover of the mask on her face.

Since it is a test of the candidates' ability to cheat, there must be candidates in the examination room who can answer the exam questions. As long as they find this person and copy his papers, they will pass the test.

But after scanning around, Hyuga Kyo found that the candidates around him were either scratching their ears or scratching their cheeks anxiously, or looking left and right with a guilty conscience, and none of them were answering the questions honestly.

"Hey, isn't it right? Where's the trust arranged by the village?"

After carefully scanning the entire examination room again, Hyuga Kyou discovered the two caregivers arranged by the village at a distance far away from her, and she suddenly became angry.

"Arrange me in the first row, and arrange the two supporters in the penultimate row, the second row, what is this, is it suppressing me?"

After secretly slandering, Hyuga Kyou calmed down and began to concentrate on picking up the papers.

Under the condition of complete concentration, the white eyes that are not bound by the 'caged bird' can have a 360° field of view, and the white eyes on the Leidun clone of Hyuga Kyou are not engraved with the 'caged bird', so even if the village targets Now, Hyuga Kyo, who is sitting in the first row, can still copy the papers without knowing it under the supervision of the digital examiners.

While copying it, Hyuga Kyou discovered that one of them had turned the 'black-spotted Houttuynia cordata' into a poison in the first question, and the weather description of the fourth question was completely different from what he had imagined.

"No! One of the two trusts is a fake, and he is writing the wrong answer on purpose!" After a pause, Hyuga Kyou scolded: "Which bastard changed the exam rules I set?"

off the field.

Asma smiled wickedly at Kakashi beside him: "I also specially arranged for a person to provide false answers in the exam room. If you don't identify carefully, I'm afraid many people will be recruited!"

Hong on the side shook his head: "You shouldn't have come up with this idea, right?"

Asma smiled and said, "That kid Shikamaru gave me the idea!"

Kakashi stared at the exam room not far away and asked, "Is it all set up?"

Asma nodded: "Don't worry, I have instructed, whether it is Yanyin's Deidara, Yunyin Daluyi, or that Wuyin's Qilin, I have already asked the invigilator examiner to test them. With extra 'care', as long as they show up, we can knock them out in the first game!"

Kakashi sighed: "I hope this arrangement will have some effect!"

If you can eliminate Deidara, Darui, and Kirin in the first written test, these are obviously not the reference ninjas of Genin. That would be a good thing for all the referenced Konoha Genin.

in the examination room.

While discriminating and copying, Hyuga Kyou quickly completed the exam paper, and smiled secretly: "Dignified Hokage, how could it be planted in a mere Chunin exam!"

After completing all the exam questions, he did not do any extra actions.

Although Xianglin was sitting farther away, she had reincarnation eyes. In her eyes, the distance was just like under her eyelids, so Hyuga Kyou had just finished writing, and she had already answered the question.

Only Shui Yue, who was sitting on the other side, scratched her cheeks and fidgeted.

Because at the beginning of the first test, everyone was told that even if only one person in the three-person team failed, all members would be eliminated, so looking at the test paper like a book from heaven, he was very worried that if it was because of his own reasons that the Qilin was implicated. Eliminated, which led to the shark muscle losing in the casino. He was afraid that he would be killed by Kirin himself...


The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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