Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 936 Screening (seeking a monthly ticket!)

Just when Shuiyue and the six gods had no masters, a voice suddenly entered his heart, which made him suddenly startled, and his body trembled unconsciously!

In an instant, the eyes of the surrounding examiners focused on Shui Yue.

In the No. 1 examination room, Hyuga Kyo, Xianglin, and Shuiyue are the subjects that the examiners focus on 'care'!

Because the advisory elders group promised the examiners in the No. 1 examination room before the exam, as long as they can catch evidence of cheating by the three of Hyuga, Xianglin, and Shuiyue, they will be eliminated in the written test, and all the examiners in the No. 1 examination room will be eliminated. It is considered to have completed an S-level mission, not only can they receive the bonus of the S-level mission, but this mission will also be recorded in the resume, which will also help them in their future promotion.

Therefore, although the examiners seemed to be monitoring all the candidates on the surface, in fact, more than half of their attention was on Hyuga Kyou, Xianglin, and Shuiyue.

After smiling embarrassingly at the examiners, Shuiyue sat down in a proper manner, but her heart was turbulent!

The voice that had just entered his heart was not someone else's, but the voice of Xianglin, who had been dealing with the past few days, and from the actions of the examiners just now, it was obvious that the examiners and candidates in the examination room could not hear it. that sound.

"Damn it, did I just have hallucinations?"

Shuiyue was shocked and suspicious.

Suddenly, Xianglin's voice resounded in his heart again: "Shuiyue, listen carefully, I'm going to start reading the answer now!"


This time, Shuiyue's pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously wanted to look at Xianglin, but considering the examiners who were monitoring him, he suppressed this urge.

At this time, Xianglin began to pass the test answers to him.

Shuiyue was transcribing the answer that Xianglin passed on to him, while thinking in her heart: "What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

What Xiang Phon uses is not any kind of ninjutsu known to the ninja world, but a new ability created after she fuses her 'Kagura Heart Eye' with the pupil power of Samsara Eye. With no distractions, she can directly convey silent information to specific targets at close range through the 'Kagura Mind Eye'.

And this kind of information transmission, the general sensory ninjutsu is unable to detect.

Almost at the same time, all kinds of cheating were carried out in the four examination rooms.

There are those who silently use pupil techniques, some who quietly perform illusions, and some who use ninja tools, puppets, and even some candidates put their minds on the examiner.

For a time, various pupil techniques, illusion techniques, ninja tools, and puppets appeared in turn in the examination room.

In the fourth test room.

Looking at the exam paper in front of him, Naruto was completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, Hinata, who was sitting on his left, and Sakura, who was sitting on his right, pushed the test paper toward him at the same time, deliberately exposing the test paper to his field of vision.

Unlike other people, Sakura is a real scholar, so many of the questions on the test paper were made by her own ability, and she provided Naruto with the answers, just for fear that Naruto would drag her and Sasuke down.

Hinata's grades are not bad, plus there are red tips, she knew in advance that the test center for this test was cheating, so she found the support in their test room early, and successfully copied the answer.

As for providing the answer to Naruto who is not a team, he just wanted to help Naruto.

When he found out that Hinata and Sakura had exposed the test paper to his field of vision at the same time, Naruto was stunned for a moment, and was immediately overjoyed.

At this moment, an examiner suddenly pointed at a Kusanagi candidate in the examination room and said, "Stand up!"

Kusanagi, who was pointed at, immediately froze and sweated.

Several examiners gathered around, found a small piece of paper from the grass ninja's body, and said coldly: "According to the regulations of the test, the cheaters will be eliminated from the team, you and your teammates please leave the field as soon as possible!"

The current Kusanagi was caught, and the two teammates of that Kusanagi had to leave the examination room in dejection.

The appearance of the first knockout made the other candidates in the examination room even more nervous.

Naruto, who was going to take a peek at Hinata or Sakura's exam papers, also hesitated. He was afraid that he would be eliminated, but he was even more afraid that Hinata and Sakura would be implicated.

And at this point, the test takers in various villages also realized that they would not be able to answer these exam questions without cheating.

But not everyone has excellent cheating skills, and with the passage of time, those candidates who are not sure of perfect cheating have to choose to take the risk, so more and more candidates are eliminated by the examiners.

Seeing that one team after another team of candidates left the stage sadly because they were found cheating, Naruto was even more entangled, and Sasuke and Sakura who had completed most of the exam questions were more anxious than Naruto. If Naruto could not successfully complete the answer, then The three of them will also be eliminated in the first round of this test like the ninjas who left the field earlier.

Compared to the other candidates, Shuiyue couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

At this time, there were originally 48 candidates in the No. 1 examination room, and there were only 24 candidates left. Half of the candidates had been eliminated, and many of the remaining half had not completed their answers, but did not dare to answer the questions. Just acting rashly.

Hyuga Kyou is also observing the situation in the examination room.

From the sound of footsteps in the corridor, it was obvious that the situation in the other test rooms was similar to that of the No. 1 test room, and a large number of candidates were eliminated in the written test.

Among all the candidates who were eliminated, Konoha, who participated in the Chunin exam with the largest number, was eliminated less.

Hyuga Kyou smiled secretly: "They still have a set!"

Among the people participating in the Chunin Exam, Konoha was in a passive state and could not play any tricks, but the village's advisors and elders obviously would not suffer this loss in vain.

Since there is no room for operation on the reference staff, start with the examination process.

In fact, there is no need to do too much, just mention the Konoha candidates for reference a little before the exam, and then in the exam seat, let Konoha candidates and the 'Trusts' get closer, so that you can easily Easily eliminated other candidates from Shinobi Village.

"However, the village still takes it for granted. It is unrealistic to use this method to eliminate the real powerhouse..."

After observing for a while, Hyuga Kyou looked back.

This first round of the written test is indeed a screening, but the vast majority of those screened are actually the Genin who really came to take the Chunin exam, and the rest are almost all the elites of various ninja villages, and people like Hyuga Kyou. , Orochimaru is a useful character in this category.

For example, in the No. 1 examination room of Hyuga Kyo, Orochimaru, who pretended to be Kusanagi, had a leisurely look on his face, and he couldn't see any anxiety at all...


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

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