Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 153: Leader

After a while, the students gradually began to regain their composure.

That happened for a reason.

That is because naturally and for each class appeared those who were leaders; and when they sat the students separately by class, they persuaded them to calm down carefully, those who cried and panicked and kept yelling.

And the students completely regained their composure, and where they became quiet, the leaders of each class met together.

They sat four classes to form squares, and in the center of them, two of each class, a total of eight leaders gathered to begin the discussion.

And first, it was Gaius who put the whip on it.

"I think we're going to have to lead us all more than without the teachers"

We were all very pleased with this Gaius proposal.

"Let's start by introducing ourselves. I'm three sets of Gaius, this guy's the same three sets of Max."

Then a tough-faced boy student who was directly in front of Gaius said with a smile.

"Yeah, I know. No, I'm not the only one at this school who doesn't know Gaius Schneider. Whoa, you're late, I'm Alberto. A group of people. This guy is a set of Beckels as well. Nice to meet you all."

Beckel beside Alberto's greeting lowered his head with a peppery grin.

"Right. Well, I guess no one doesn't know Gaius Schneider. By the way, I'm two pairs of Jodies. This is my child's salkoh."

The red dot among the leaders, Sarkoh the 'component', complained of Jody's introduction.

"I can't believe you're a child, Jody. Can you say I'm your girlfriend?

Much to the quizzy rhetorical sarco, the feisty Jodie shook his neck to the side, humming his nose.

But Max put tea in it.

"The two pairs are an unusual combination - or lovers?"

Then earlier Jody, who had decided to ignore it just by snapping his nose, couldn't help but scold his voice.

"You've decided otherwise! Don't listen to Sarkoh!

"Isn't that awful, Jody? I can't take you with me at all."

To Sarkoh's rhetoric. Apparently it was now entirely up to his head. Jody stepped strongly on Sarkoh's right foot as he bent his left foot wide and swung it up, swinging it down with the momentum as it stood.

Sarkoh then gave a full face of trance and prolonged exhalation of joy.

"... you're such a hobbyist..."

Max shrugged so with a shuddering face.

Then a pair of albertos coughed one up and tried to change the air.

"Uh, you end up with four pairs. Introduce Yourself Regards"

To Alberto's urging, the balance advanced a step forward.

"It's the balance that I've become this time the leader of four groups. And this person... what do you say your name is?

The balance came forward as refreshing, but I didn't know the name of my support role classmate.

But he started introducing himself without even looking particularly unexpected.

"Oh, thank you, it's four sets of serans. I don't know... my balance has become a leader because of my accomplishments, so I took the form of an adjunct. Greetings."

Then Max put the penetration in.

"How the hell does a balance lead to that?

Then Balance roughed his voice against Max's penetration.

"Oh, my goodness! My goodness!"

But Gaius calmed it down.

"Wait. Balance. And Max. That's Max's fault. You saw the balancing response earlier. He tried to coach his class calmly first. Hey, Selan, I guess that's why you recognized the balance between the leader and the four groups, huh?

Thereafter, Selan nodded greatly.

"Oh, Gaius is right. We were surprised, too. I didn't think Balance was the kind of guy who could deal calmly with such an outrageous situation. Well, that means I've reviewed it."

"I mean! You got it, Max!

Balance approached Max with a face like he had taken a ghost's neck.

Then Selan controlled it with a bitter smile.

"Whoa, balance. There's no such thing as a compliment. The four of us recognized you as our leader, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, does it? If you don't behave as you deserve, you'll be in trouble."

Then the balance unexpectedly followed Seran's words honestly.

"Um, you're certainly right about Selan. Leaders need an attitude worthy of a leader, majesty. I'll pull this off."

Gaius felt ridiculous and smudged by the change in balance.

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