Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 154: The Color of the Sky

"By the way, each set of leaders has been decided, but the overall leader has yet to be decided. I don't think we're going to talk about dealing with this anomaly in groups. So I want to decide on the overall leader. What do you think?

A pair of albertos suggested with a Rin voice worthy of a stern face.

"No objection. I recommend Gaius."

Two pairs of Jodies said in a bluff.

Then the proponent, Alberto, immediately agreed to it.

"Yeah. I agree. I wonder if anyone would be uncomfortable with Gaius becoming a leader?

Then Gaius of the day tried to make a point.

"No, just give me a minute. I..."

But the balance broke into it.

"Come on, Gaius. Everyone recognized you as a leader just now. Take on the leader quietly. You fool."

I put a penetration into this statement of balance in a way that Max was surprised.

"Heh! This is amazing. Balance, you finally figured out how awesome Gaius is, didn't you?

Balance then curled his long broad tongue with a quick mouth and stood.

"Come on, Max. I don't admit anything about Gaius, but he just says it's more reasonable for Gaius to be a leader than everyone else admits. Besides, if Gaius had given permission to the leader all the time to use magic, it would also be possible to think that things would have been dealt with too late. But if Gaius is the leader, he can handle emergencies without asking permission from anyone. So I just think it would be most appropriate for Gaius to be the leader in this anomaly. What do you think, you got it! You fool!

"... no, that means you recognized Gaius' awesomeness..."

Max, barely pressured by the temper of balance, whispered with his mouth hanging.

"Well, that's about it. So we all have no objection that Gaius is the leader? And Gaius, okay?

Gaius also had to shake his neck vertically at Alberto's skillful urging.

"Oh, if that's the case, I'll let you be the leader."

"Good. So, shall we decide on our future policy?... but I can't even think of what the hell to start with..."

Alberto said so, looking around.

But even there was a meadow running down to the end of the horizon.

Gaius also looked all the way around the meadow as far as he could see, then looked up and said.

"... apparently this is a different space"

"Different spaces!? What the fuck is that!?

To Max's surprise reaction, Gaius calmly continued his words.

"Look at the sky. It looks like a clear blue sky at first sight, but this sky... is a phony."

"Fake!? This sky?... is that true?

Max's natural doubts, and Gaius calmly returned them.

"Oh. Look closely. The top part of the sky and the color of the blue sky near the horizon are exactly the same. This can't be happening."

Gaius said, holding it with his right hand and pointing in turn to the top of the sky and the horizon.

Then he affirmed Gaius' words while Alberto looked difficult.

"I see. Right. Compared to the color of the sky at the top of the sky, the color of the sky near the horizon is supposed to be white due to the influence of water vapor and dust, but when you look at it, it is actually blue and empty, just like at the top of the sky. This is crazy."

"Oh, you're right. I mean, we were captured in different spaces created by someone…"

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