Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 155 Floating

"Gaius, as this is a different space created intentionally by someone, I think the question is how do we get out of here... is there any way?

No one has decided but Alberto, who is an adjunct to Nature and Gaius, summarised concisely the situation in which they are currently placed.

"Right. I think we should scout first. It looks like an endless meadow to see from here, but is it really endless? And this fake sky. But first, is this lawn real..."

When Gaius said so, he knelt on one knee and pulled a handful of lawns.

"... is this still a phony too"

As soon as Gaius said so, the grass taken away disappeared into the void as if it were a bubble.


Max was greatly surprised to see the lawn that had disappeared, and he rushed to imitate himself and pull the lawn .

Then again, like earlier, the lawn disappeared without sound.

"Seriously!... this world is empty, the lawn... you mean it's all fake!? Really, Gaius!?

"Oh, there's a guy who made this world itself... no, they... I guess"

Then Max screamed unexpectedly.

"For what!?

"I don't know yet... that's why I'm scouting to find out."

Then Alberto broke into two conversations.

"But who did the recon?

"I'll go. You can fly."

Everyone looked up to the words Gaius casually said.

"Can you fly through the sky!?

Alberto said as he turned his startling glance to Gaius.

Then Gaius said nothing in such a way as nothing.

"Oh, you can fly"

Then two sets of leaders, Jody, who had been silently watching the conversation until then, spoke for the first time in a long time.

"... a lot easier said than done, but I did hear that flight magic is pretty advanced. Are you sure you can fly?

Jody questioned Gaius so with a highly questionable eye.

Then Gaius laughed bitterly.

And Gaius floated quietly and slowly.

"Is this it? Jody."

Gaius stopped high enough for his feet to come around the heads of the seven standing in circles, looking down at them and saying so.

"... you, seriously..."

Neither did Max, who recognizes Gaius' best friend, know Gaius was such a magical user.

For this reason, Max was also the most surprising of these seven.

Then Alberto, calmly settled, realized there was.

"... Gaius! Have you chanted the spell now?

Everyone raised their voices in unison to this Alberto question.

And they all said that Gaius floated silently.

Max shouted in excitement among them.

"Gaius! You, I'm guessing you're not even saying you're an unchanging magic user!?

Then Gaius had another bitter laugh.

"Didn't I tell you that? I'm an unchanging magician."

Max opened his mouth wide with a groove just to say that it was this thing not to block his open mouth.

And he muttered in a pitiful voice.

"I didn't ask ~..."

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