Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Seventy Seventy, I'm sorry.

"What way is that?

Elle asked.

Astalot looked up a little and answered with his right hand over his face, rhythmically tapping his own cheek with his index finger.

"Do your studies."

"... Are you in training?... What kind of training is that?

Elle asked, bewildered by the unexpected answer.

Astalotto explained with a tonne of slapping his cheek even more rhythmically.

"Right - I guess I'm about to sit right down and get hit in the shoulder with a stick of wood or by a waterfall"

Astalot joked and said.

But Elle did not think Astalot's words were a joke, but said them with a true face.

"... that sounds... both painful..."

Astalot opened his mouth and laughed out.

"Right, hey, that would really hurt. Well, that's probably what it's all about."

"Because the main purpose is to hurt your body?

"No, I guess it's a means to the main purpose."

"Ha... So what's the main purpose?

"Spiritual unity"

In Astalot's answer, Elle also gave a Kyotong look.

"... Ah, is it spiritual unity..."

Then Astalot told him to tease Elle.

"You don't seem to trust me, do you?

Elle peeled off her eyes and defended herself by becoming a desperate phase.

"There is no annihilation! That's never the case!

When I saw Elle complaining with desperate eyes, Astalot blew out.

"Sorry about that. I was just kidding."

said Astalotto with a naughty look.

Elle sighed a ho relief.

"... was it your left... that would be fine..."

Elle has already become a tired old cat-like face.

Then Astarot also said with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry, El. I did something really bad. Looks like a little bit of a joke went by."

Then Elle said with some surprise to the gentle words from Astalot.

"Thank you for your warm attention"

Astalot answered still looking sorry.

"No, I'm really sorry. Hi, I've been having a bit of a mischievous time lately."

Elle shook her head wide aside.

"It's a hell of a thing. Don't worry about me anymore..."

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