Reincarnation Monarch

Episode one thousand seven hundred seventy-one, enlightenment.

"So they start meditating where spiritual unity is formed."

Astalot said back to me.

Elle had a strange look on his face again.

"Oh, is it meditation?

"Yes, that's how they get to see different things."

"Different things... you say?

"For example, enlightenment."

Elle's expression became Kyoton again.

"... what the hell kind of thing is that? ……

Then Astalotto opened his mouth and laughed.

"You don't know, do you?

Astalot said with the utmost pleasure.

Elle nodded greatly, with a Kyotong look.

"Oh, I don't know enough at all. I have no idea what I can get into that way."

"Right? But enlightenment is the unspeakable truth itself."

Elle turned out to be an utterly incomprehensible expression, with her mouth open and silent.

Astalot enjoyed the look on Elle's face as if he were even a strange street performer.

In doing so, Elle finally realized that the look on her face was ridiculous, blushing and closing her mouth once again and opening her mouth again to say something.

"Um... does that mean that's the answer?

Astalotto nodded as he pasted a pleasant grin on his cheek.

"Yes, that's the thing"

Elle inquired further with an inexplicable face.

"... so if I train too and get to know that enlightenment and the doings, I can understand what this black room means?

Then Astalotto said without putting in his hair.

"I can understand...... something like maybe?

"So you're not sure?

"Right. Because even after decades of training, some people don't seem to understand. I don't really recommend it."

Then Elle tilted her neck and gave her a troubled look.

"How many decades have you been… Then I will refrain, as Astarot said"

Then Astalotto opened his mouth again with pleasure and laughed.

"Right. I think that's a good idea."

When Astalot said so, he opened his mouth again and continued to laugh out loud.

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