Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Hundred and Nine Hundred: A Heartfelt Apology

Gaius was terrified of Delkia's murderous appearance.

"... well, I'm very sorry..."

But no matter how Gaius fell, Delkia's expression of anger remained unchanged.

For this reason Gaius was a shrinking thought.

Then again, the dove I saw broke in between the two.

"... Dear Delkia, I know that you will be aware that Gaius was not offended. Thank you for your generosity."

Then Delkia stared at Guillaume and Dove.

"Well, it's Dove. You say you can do whatever you want with no offense?

Dove replied in awe.

"... no, I never said that"

"Well, what did you mean by that?

Dove got stuck in words.

"… may it be… with generosity and forgiveness…"

Dove was at his best to say so.

Delkia shifted her gaze to Gaius again.

"So, what kind of apology are you going to put in for me?

Gaius was cramped with answers.

"... uh, well..."

Then I heard Delkia's toothpick.

Gaius shook up again and tried in a hurry to spin the answer.

"Well... I don't care what they say... quite so..."

Gaius said. ……

Then Delkia opened her eyes.


To Delchia's loud voice, Gaius completely crushed his liver.

"... su, excuse me..."

Gaius said so best.

Then Delkia hummed her nose.

"Enough is enough. It's not like time goes back where I said it any more. I forgive you for all this time! But do the same next time. I'm sorry about that!

Gaius drowned deeply at Delkia's sudden forgiveness.

"... Oh, thank you..."

Dove also rejoiced, saying thank you.

"... Dear Delchia, I thank you too. Thank you very much for your forgiveness."

Then Delkia snorted again.

"Don't exaggerate. But okay. By the way, you want to ask me something, but what are you talking about?

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