Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Hundred Nine Hundred One: The Supreme Being

Because it was so sudden forgiveness, Gaius tried to get back on his mind and ask questions, although he was still confused.

But I didn't know how to ask, and I hesitated.

Then Delkia raised one eyebrow cuddly and hurried Gaius.

"What? Say it quickly."

Gaius thought with a full spin on his head, even as he hesitated.

"Uh, well... I wondered if there was anything else on top of the gods like Lucifer and Illis and the demons like Satan and Delkia..."

Then Delchia's complexion changed as it should.

Gaius was convinced by the state of Delchia that there would still be a supreme being.

"After all, you're here, aren't you?

It was Gaius' overlapping question, but Delchia pierced silence and did not answer.

But that's what strengthened Gaius's certainty.

"I don't answer. No, maybe I shouldn't answer? Either way, I get it. Thanks."

When Gaius said so, he turned his heel back quickly.

And he tried to walk out of the room with Stasta without any hesitation.

Then on Gaius's back, Delkia spoke in a strong tone.


Gaius quickly turned around just waiting.

Delkia asked Gaius with a rare, low voice as he stared at him with a tight eye.

"What made you think that?

To Delkia's question, Gaius answered as he pondered.

"No, this didn't mean something decisive happened. But somehow, from all the conversations I've had with different people, I feel a little bit... right. I guess it's a pile up to now."

Delkia nodded slowly several times.

"... right"

Delchia said just one word that way, quietly lay her eyes down and shut up.

And silence lasted for a while.

It was Gaius who broke the silence.

Gaius inquired with a determined look.

"Tell me, Delkia. Is it really like reigning over gods and demons?

Delchia then nodded heavily and slowly after placing it between beats.

"... yes"

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