Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Hundred Nine Hundred and Two Decisions

Delchia's mouth was limitless and heavy.

But Gaius asked relentlessly and further.

"What the hell is he like?

Delkia then slowly shook her neck to the side.

"... I'm not sure"

Gaius was surprised and asked overlapping.

"I'm not sure. Because? Even Delkia, the finest demon?

Delkia slowly shook her neck vertically this time.

Gaius became a harrowing expression with a frown root.

"Then what if Satan or Lucifer? They're special among gods and demons, aren't they?

Delchia slowly opened her mouth after much thought.

"... what do you think? But if they do, they probably do."

Gaius thought with an even more rugged look on his face.

And all of a sudden, he told me to squeal.

"... I think I'll go see Satan..."

But Delkia didn't answer that.

Gaius repeated himself in silence and in his heart.

Leaning his neck over and over again, he thought.

And Gaius finally came to a firm conclusion.

"Okay! I knew I'd be coming to see Satan!

That's what Gaius said, he spoke to Delkia again.

"Thanks for letting me know. And... I'm really sorry about earlier."

Then Delkia snorted, hun.

"Enough is enough. Go where you want to go. You're always free."

"Oh, thank you. See you later!

Gaius raised his right hand and exchanged greetings, turning back his heel and walking out.

And now he left without looking back.

Delkia quietly dropped off Gaius' back, shifting her gaze to Dove, who was silently awaiting her life, to give her instructions.

"Dove, you can show him to Satan."

Dove bent over greatly just to get my will, and finally thanked him.

"... Yes, I did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll come as soon as I can."

Dove quickly returned his heel and left the room trying to chase Gaius early enough.

Delkia shrugged with a small voice as she silently dropped off her back again.

"... I have no choice. Am I supposed to move too..."

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