Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand nine hundred forty-two, one hundred.

"Hmm... by people?

When Gaius gently knocked his neck down to the side, Satan shook it big or small.

"No, I have peered among many before. But none of them had more than one.

Gaius gave a slightly surprised look.

"... Could my total magic power be infinite have anything to do with that having more than one?

Satan answered with impatience.


"Right - if that's the source of magic, I'm sure it is."

Gaius said as he scraped and rubbed his own jaw.

Then Satan said, with a harsh look.

"How many others are there?

Gaius replied as he slowly knocked his neck down to the side.

"No, I honestly don't know. There are likely to be... three nearby? That's quite a distance. If we were to walk, we'd have plenty of hours."

Gaius said grinningly, blushing his shoulders.

But Satan did not go along with it, and did not break his grim expression.

"How far is it?

Gaius said with a blur or a shrug on his shoulder.

"Ugh, I don't know for sure... I'm blurry and I really don't know if it's the same as that blue waterfall..."

"I don't mind. How old are you feeling right now?

Gaius frowned and concentrated.

"... like a hundred?

Then Satan's eyes opened wide open.

"Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds?

Gaius said in a panic.

"No, so he said he didn't know if it was true. It's only sensory, and he's so far away, I'm honestly not sure."

But Satan kept staring at one point with his eyes wide open, as if he hadn't heard Gaius in half.

Gaius realized that Satan was not the only one, and felt very awkward.

"... uh, a hundred is a lot of out-of-the-box numbers, and I have no idea how many there actually are... are you listening?

Then Satan finally gazed at Gaius.

"... oh, I'm listening"

"Yes. That's great. So, what do we do?

Satan answered Gaius's question with the same harsh expression.

"… I want to confirm something"

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