Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-Three: Measuring Distance


Gaius looked reflexively disgusted.

"Eh, you're not gonna tell me you're gonna check it all out, are you?

Satan finally got his expression down just a little.

"No, one place is fine to confirm. But I want to make sure it's the farthest you can feel right now."

Gaius bent his mouth to the letter to, with his unpleasant face.

"Eh, it's the furthest part - well, if there was a proper blue waterfall there, I'd be able to analogize it elsewhere..."

Then Satan said just fine.

"There's that too. But there's one more thing I need to make sure of."

"What? Another one."

Then Satan raised his mouth angle.

"That's what you'll find out if you go."

"Oh, my God. That, I hope you just told me."

But Satan was not absent.

"That's fun later. Better than that, don't think about laying around and getting it done in the near field, huh?

Did they poke Gaius at the star, blurred his shoulder, and turned away from his face and took off his swimming gaze?

For this reason Satan gave a push.

"Okay? Never go near the field, do you? Farthest away. Otherwise, the next training will be intense and demanding, right?

Gaius answered with his face turned away.

"Heh, I get it..."


"Uhh, it's far away, there's more..."

More than three hours had already passed since Gaius and his men began walking towards Blue Falls, which seemed to be the furthest away.

Gaius had already become a hefty, more foolish than he had been earlier.

"Not yet, we're still totally ahead of you - and then you can walk for hours..."

Then Satan, who had always kept silent, opened his mouth for the first time in a long time.

"You're the only one who can figure that out. Why don't you take your own measurements?

Gaius even looked like a pain in the ass.

"Huh? Me?

"Naturally. Who else is there?"

"Yes, but..."

"Just take a look at it."

Gaius nodded unacceptably.


Gaius concentrated his consciousness and measured his distance.

"... Shit. It's going to take ten hours..."

Gaius had a fed up look on his face and leaked a deep exhale.

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