Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 263 Deeply Emotional

Now, is it time to leave for the Royal Palace?

Gaius flattened the large dish and carefully wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Delchia had been stopped by Dove earlier and had already finished eating and included after-dinner tea in her mouth.

"You don't drink tea?

"Oh, that's okay. Where's Dove?"

They also forgot that they had been fighting a long time ago and had a normal conversation.

Though Dove sighed at it once, he gave up the usual and replied.

"... I don't mind either. If you're good, let's go. Dear Delkia, is that all right?

"Mm-hmm. Finally. I'm looking forward to it."

Delchia burst into a grin.

Looking at it, Dove had a bad feeling, but he didn't have anything to say about it and pushed through the silence.

Gaius said as if he knew Dove's mind.

"I have a bad feeling about that smile....."

Dove nodded in his heart that Gaius thought the same thing, but he still couldn't make a sound, and he was silent here.

Then, after all, if Delkia was unsatisfied, she raised her voice in protest.

"What the hell! You're complaining about my face!

Gaius shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't say that. There's nothing wrong with Delchia's face. I just don't have that smile..."

"So what is it? When, where and how I laugh is not my choice!

Gaius looked angry at Delchia.

"Well, that's right..."

"Fuck off! It's just a lie!

Delchia's anger was so intense that her voice stuck in the marble restaurant.

Gaius also had eyes around him, and whispered with his finger in his mouth.

"Delkia, you're making a little noise. That's what bothers me."

Then Delchia turned to the top of the Buddha, lying flat on her side, easily understood and recalcitrant.

Gaius shrugged his shoulders and saw Dove in trouble.

But Dove didn't get along with Gaius.

That was also because Delkia was being too generous, just because she was told it was a nuisance to her surroundings.

Until now, I would have raised my voice even louder without knowing anything about my surroundings, but even though I am infidel, I am very quiet.

Dove stared deeply at Delchia.

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