Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 264 The Gate of the Royal Palace


"... anyway, let's go to the royal palace. Would that be all right, Mr. Delkia?

Dove returned from his emotional state, set out his future policy, and asked Delkia.

Delchia nodded and agreed, whilst lying flat on her side.

Dove turned to Gaius and said.

"... is that okay with you, too?

Gaius raised both his eyebrows up, shrugged his mouth, and replied with a little dissatisfaction.

"Oh, that's fine. In the first place, that's what I said."

With their consent, Dove stood up slowly.

"... let's go, Delkia, Gaius"

Dove nodded and both of them stood up.

And after they left the restaurant together, Dove paid at the hotel front and went out.

Then, in the soft morning sun, Gaius said with a bright face.

"Nice weather. It's going to be a great royal sightseeing day."

Gaius said lightly that Delkia had already forgotten the fight earlier.

Hmm, well, it's better than rain.

"Oh, it's dark and gloomy when it rains. And above all, just getting wet doesn't make me feel good."

I see. Let's go to the royal palace while looking at the city. "

Oh, let's do that.

They walked side by side, and Dove continued with warm eyes on his back.


This is the gate of the royal palace? It's not that expensive, is it?

Delkia looked up at the gate of the royal palace about three meters tall and said.

Then Gaius leaned his neck beside him.

"Huh? Is this what this is about?

Delkia blamed Gaius for looking at the gate with his eyebrows up.

"What's the matter?

Gaius answered with his neck tilted.

"... no, this gate feels even higher..."

Then Delchia tilted her neck.

You mean renovated? But when you visited here before, you were a child, weren't you? He would have been much shorter than he is now. So, if you look at it now, it means it feels low.

"Ah, I've been thinking about that, too... maybe not..."

Gaius looked up at the gate again and leaned his neck.

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