Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2594: Break

Gaius continued to fly on a narrow road heading north at maximum speed.

Then, something like a village jumped into my eyes.

Gaius slowed down and landed on a gentle curve until he came to the village.

“Let's hear it first. Is anyone there?”

Gaius walked around looking around.

But it was a small village, and there was no one.

"Oh no, I don't think anybody's here."

Gaius walked through the houses, glancing through the windows at the female residents of one of the houses.

Ah! There it is!

Gaius quickly switched directions and headed for the house.

Um, I'm sorry!

Gaius called out, but the people through the window suddenly seemed confused by the visitors.

"Well, I'm not a suspicious person." I just wanted to ask you a few questions. "

But the inhabitants hid in embarrassment.

Gaius looked troubled and called out more loudly.

"Excuse me! I just need to talk to you, can you listen to me?"

But there was no response from the woman.

Gaius had no choice but to speak.

"Two days ago, a group of about ten heavy equipment could not pass here?" These suspicious people are wearing white robes..... "

Then the woman frightened herself through the window.

Gaius calmly called out so as not to intimidate the woman in a slow motion so that she could not retract her neck again.

"Ah... you saw it, didn't you?"

Then the woman nodded her head.

Gaius asked further in a slow tone.

Was it the faces of those people, but did it feel dark?

The woman nodded again.

Gaius was convinced.

You passed through here, didn't you?

At last, the woman opened her mouth to see if she was used to it.

"Um... I... drank water..."

"Water? Oh, did you tell me to sell it?"

"Yes... say that to the biggest house there"

The woman said, pointing to the large house opposite.

"I see. You took a little break here, didn't you?"

The woman nodded loudly.

"Yes... I think that was enough. But there was only one person who drank the water....."

Gaius made a smile.

"Thank you very much. That's all I wanted to ask. I apologize for asking all of a sudden.”

Gaius bowed politely and turned his heel and walked away.

Then, she confirmed that it had disappeared from the woman's sight, and fluttered up with a smile.

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