Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2,595 Hearing

"Alright! We're definitely chasing them." Wait, I'll find you. "

Gaius pushed forward as he flew at high speed.

"But that's right, if we don't ask each village, we might be changing directions again." Well, that's quite a hassle... no, it's better than passing by without doing so. We'll definitely follow him here. "

When Gaius made such a forceful decision, he quickly discovered a group of buildings.

"...... That's quick. But let's make sure we hear more than we've decided."

Gaius muttered and flew towards the village.

After that, I landed in an unnoticed manner, and immediately hung up and entered the village.

"It's so small... there were... people... there was..."

When Gaius found the middle-aged man before him, he rushed over.

"Excuse me! I'd like to ask you a question."

Huh? What is it?

Was there a group of about ten heavy equipment passing through this village about two days ago?

The man nodded immediately.

"Oh, you went through." The night before yesterday, right? "

Ah, at night?

Well, if you say it's in the evening, it's at night.

"I see. So the group wears a white robe..."

The man said again without hesitation.

"Yes, you all wore white robes."

"I see. So they headed north..."

"Yes, yes, we headed north."

Thank you very much.

Gaius bowed and left the village.

And then it disappeared from the man's sight, and immediately flew away.

"Okay, did you come through here the night before yesterday?" You've come a long way. "

Gaius nodded contentedly and flew further up the speed.

"... yeah? Is it a town?"

Gaius wanted a bigger township than before.

All right, I'll hear it over there.

Once Gaius had landed off the beaten path, he immediately took a large, crowded path to listen.

"It's a very big city." for the time being.... "

Gaius made his way to the large hotel on the main street.

He did not hesitate to enter and walked to the front.

“Excuse me, I need to ask you something.”

Gaius spoke to the front man.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

Gaius asked the usual questions.

Then the hotelman nodded with a smile.

"Yes, if you are a guest, you have stayed at our hotel."

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