Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,651 Cloudy Consciousness

Gaius was puzzled by the question of King Ziala.

"... no, I don't know... I..."

King Gialla has been a pain in the ass when he sees the bewilderment of Gaius.

Master, is something wrong?

Gaius's head seemed empty and he couldn't think of anything.

"... ah... ah..."

Gaius began to whisper one word with his dumb-eyed eyes.

Then Enneth approached Gaius from behind.

"What's the matter, Gaius?"

But Gaius bent down and broke his knee without reacting to Enneth rushing from behind.

Enneth was surprised and called out to Gaius, who was throbbing.

“What's the matter? Gaius! Can you hear me? Gaius!"

But Gaius didn't react to Enneth's voice just by staring into the distance.

For this reason, Enneth raised her face and shouted out loud.

"Somebody! Medic! Quick!"

In response to Enneth's request, the guards rushed out.

Enneth confirmed that and called Gaius again.

"Gaius! Are you okay?" Gaius! Answer me! Answer me! "

It was Enneth's desperate call, but Gaius' reaction did not stop.

And king Gialla looked on the state of it with interest, and looked upon it from above.

And after a while, I suddenly crushed it.

"... who the hell is he?"

"... yeah?... where are we?"

Gaius woke up and looked at the stranger's ceiling.

The medical officer noticed that Gaius had woken up.

Mr. Gaius, can you hear me?

Gaius replied as he slowly looked at the voice.

"... oh, I can hear you."

"Great, do you remember before you fell?"

"... have you fallen?... me?"

"Yes, you fell before His Majesty."

Gaius narrowed his eyes and awakened his memory.

"... oh, I remember. I was questioned by... King Ziala... so... I lost consciousness because of the confusion."

“Yes, I don't know why you suddenly lost consciousness, but it looks like you have memories, so I don't have any sequelae.”

Then Gaius let out a big breath and said.

"I'm sorry, but I want to see King Ziala." Can you arrange a visit? "

The medical officer nodded and said.

“No need to make arrangements. His Majesty has already told me that he would like to see you again as soon as you regain consciousness."

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