Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,652 In King Ziara's quarters

"Oh, Gaius. How are you?"

Enneth called out to Gaius as he stepped into King Gialla's quarters.

Gaius interpreted lightly, slowly approaching King Ziala and responding to Enneth, who stood beside him.

"Oh, thank you."

Gaius smiled as Enneth stood beside King Gialla, gripping the princes on the other side.

"That's good." Looks like you have a good complexion. I'm relieved. "

Gaius shrugged his shoulders and moved closer, saying:

"You worried me. I'm sorry."

Gaius said to Enneth and Erace, who was beside him.

Then Enneth smiled and said, "No. I don't care." But my sister Erace couldn't help but say, "I'm not worried."

With a bitter smile, Gaius knocked his head down and lowered it.

And now the king of Ziara spoke to Gaius.

"What do you say? Can I talk to you?"

Gaius nodded deeply and loudly.

"Oh, I really want to talk to you."

And the king of Ziara nodded, and made a wave unto them that were restrained.

"Everybody back off. I want to talk to Gaius."

Then the princes expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty! How dare you two!" It's in danger. "

A thin younger brother, Callum, shouted out in a high-pitched voice.

Then the younger son, Rest, was in the same tune.

Yes, Your Majesty, Kalm promised!

But King Ziala waved again to his brethren in a troublesome manner.

"No problem. If Gaius is going to harm me, I will be escorted."


When Callum called out to the king again, his eldest son, Gates, clasped his hand and took control.

Callum shrugged and refrained.

Gates confirms it and slowly turns back to King Ziala and says in a calm voice.

"I understand, Your Majesty. Well then, let's refrain from it."

Gates said that and turned his heels back.

The rests, confused, followed their brother and slowly walked out.

Then said King Ziara to the Enneth sisters.

"So are you."

Enneth and the others bowed silently and deeply before leaving.

Only Gaius and King Ziala were left in the room.

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