Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2653: Previously on

"Now, Gaius, you can hang up there first."

King Gialla recommended sitting on a chair to look after Gaius' body.

Gaius did not disobey, he obeyed.

Well then, I'll let you do it.

Gaius sat down right next to King Ziala.

And king Ziara sat again in his chair, and the two were set against each other.

"Then I'll ask Gaius again." What does your lord want with this world? "

Gaius took a deep breath in.

Then, my eyes were full, and as I held my breath in my lungs, I suddenly exhaled.

Gaius breathed and slowly opened his mouth.

"I don't know. To be honest, I don't know."

"Oh, I don't know anymore..."

King Ziala narrowed his eyes and said, observing Gaius gently.

Gaius took his eyes directly in front of him and said more.

"Oh, at first I was going to unify this world... the Melissa continent."

"Why? Why did you aim to unify the Melissa Continent?" Is it because you've gained that extra power? "

Then Gaius hesitated.

But soon Gaius opened his mouth as he had decided.

"... Actually, I'm not from this era"

King Ziara's eyes glowed sharply.

"... oh, you're from another era?"

Gaius frowned at the king's reaction.

Aren't you surprised?

King Ziala smiled lightly, and said:

"I was somewhat surprised. But not as much as a bullshit."

"Oh, I'm surprised at that."

Then King Ziala laughed.

"Actually, I have seeds."


"Hmm. Someone said before that a timeless man like you would appear before me."

Gaius was amazed at this.

Huh! Really?

King Ziala nodded slowly.

“It's true. It's a long time ago.”

"It's like a prophecy..."

“Yeah, that's why I wasn't so surprised.”

"I see. So he said I came from a certain era?"

He said he came from a distant future.

I see. You're right.

Well, after all, you're from the future.

Well, do you know the prophet's name?

"I know... he called himself Rocuse"

When Gaius heard the name, he was as stunned as ever.

”Lokuzu... that's... the name of the man who was supposed to lead me”

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